Is it gay to be anti-gay?

For whatever reason it seems like most exclusively homosexual people are men (Lesbians seem less common), so this means being pro-LGBT is beneficial for heterosexual men because it means less competition. If you are an anti-gay heterosexual you are basically indirectly cucking yourself.
>inb4 I don't want my son to turn out gay
That's why you have more than one kid so you hedge your bets

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Why are mutts so dumb?

>is it gay to be anti gay?

What's so dumb about it? Unless you're a christcuck there is no reason to be anti-gay. Gays literally reduce competition for you, and if there is a gay agenda then that means the government is helping heterosexual men by reducing competition.

The amount of jewing here is astonishing.

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Yeah. There are people here that unironically believe a kike on a stick who preached slave morality is their lord and savior.

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And you belive that? Most goverments don't care about straights. They care only how to gain more approval from society and that's it.

Nah I don't believe there's a gay agenda, I'm saying if a gay agenda hypothetically did exist, it would be beneficial for heterosexuals because it would mean reduced competition.

gays are an abomination form a biology standpoint and religious standpoint so yes

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Yes it's gay to be anti-gay? Well good, there ought to be more gays out there so heterosexuals get more of the women and gays don't reproduce.

>Citing religion as the basis of any sort of valid argument
Hahahahahhaha shut the fuck up. I'll suck dick all I want, faggot.

Antisemitism + fag flag
Meme war. Spin to win.

>(Lesbians seem less common)
Yes, because lesbians need money too, that's why most are "bisexual"

As if lying about being a Jew would help my argument, or saying I'm a Christian for that matter.

Yes women take advantage of their reproductive organs but that's good for heterosexuals, if there are consistently more gays than lesbians that means LGBT is good for straight men.

Fuck off poofta.Why should disease ridden genetic defects be tolerated?

Why do you want disease ridden genetically defective people to fuck women and reproduce? Why do you want more heterosexuals to compete for women and indirectly cuck you? Are there enough kangaroos down there that women aren't a problem?

Active homosexuality is part of the ancient mediterranean customs. If you are against gay sex you're willingly destroying the culture of an Empire and deserve to be put in a gas chamber. Hitler would have hated you.

yeah it kinda sucks, but not half as much as being pro-gay so what can you do?

Actually true but I don't think the military homosexuality of the Roman empire is something Yas Forums is ready to confront, too many christcucks still. Ironically the same empire which made Christianity relevant was also the one that practiced social sodomy.

How so, all you have to do is be ok with gays shagging each other and you're pro-gay. Being anti-gay requires you to want to be indirectly cucked by increasing competition.

You wanna win or screech alone in a dark corner? People who play the game control the world. That's just how things are. Truth and individuals, those don't matter. It's all about the show.

god loves you user have you heard of your lord and savior jesus christ?

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Competition is a good thing, and the birth rates of male:female are pretty much even, so there's always someone for you if you're straight

Yeah but less men means more women and more women means more options. Humans are not a monogamous species, we are evolved from chimps and chimps are polygamous, note that humans were polygamous before marriage existed because after all women can share a man, men can't share a woman.

Nah, being pro gay nowadays means being leftist, supporting public indecency, and not judging slutty guys that have sex with a different person every week.
I'm anti gay culture and also actually gay so maybe.

Haha yes he loves you so much he's gonna bring more niggers to your country to replace you!! Two guys having a shag are definitely the problem not the guilt-ridden christcucks who import niggers in droves and worship a rabbi!!

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>being leftist
What does economic leftism have to do with homosexuality? This is entirely an issue of libertarian vs authoritarian, with anti-gay being the authoritarian position which is also less beneficial for heterosexuals.

I've found that the people who are most vocal about hating faggots are normally faggots themselves... why else would someone obsess over who I'm fucking?

I meant socially left aka liberal, m'bad.
I agree with you if we are talking just about homosexuality, but that's not what modern gay culture is.
If we separate homosexuality from its culture and ignore the way it impacts the rest of society then yea, hating the existence of men that kiss and fuck each other is probably a good sign that you are repressing the gay yourself or that you just find it fun to hate things.

If gays want to be flamboyant weirdos that's up to them, it doesn't affect me except for being sort of gross. It's natural that if men are the more sexually active gender that men with the same sexual attractions as women would be extremely flamboyant.

Cuz they don't want to be lumped with the basedboy freaks who wear skirts and speak with a lisp

This thread sucks OP is a massive faggot