Joe Biden running mate prediction thread

Top three I think are most likely are
>Amy Klobuchar
>Kristen Gillibrand
>Kamala Harris

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The governor of MI is another front runner

Probably Wayne Lambright

The future is bright Lambright 2020.

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Lmao. Doesn't really matter given that all of those are shit running mates who will condemn this fag race traitor to a humiliating defeat, but I hope it's Klobuchar just so I can see her disgusting kike ass get stomped in front of her children by Mike Pence.

stacy abrams

I think that bitch ruined it with how she reacted to coronavirus.

Barack Obama

Sniff all survivors.

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Hillary for sure.

The Dems want influence in the mid west and Michigan is being set up to get stolen.

Take that back right now.

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Out of interest - I know Yank presidents can’t serve more than two terms but hypothetically speaking would Obama be able to be Biden’s Vice?

And, if Biden then died, would that be a gateway for Obama to serve a third term?

Stacey Abrams is my top pick, but my question is - is there actually any male candidates? Or even a....WHITE MALE?

He won't be the nominee. The DNC is trying to remove him as we speaks. A random tape surfaces of a 30yr old cable show when a caller talked about this incident. CNN pulled the episode bringing more attention to it. Learn their tricks. It will happen soon to stop the headlines about Flynn and the corrupt investigations to remove an United States president. If I'm wrong he's picking the governor of Kansas.

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I think she looks like an owl to be honest.

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Biden already said he would pick a woman. Stacy is trying to guilt trip him into picking her or another nigger woman.
Any Americans explain the significance of this image?

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Obama could serve has Vice President. If biden dies or has to resign then the speaker of the house would take over. So obama would be very unlikely. And no obongo can't serve as president again no matter what.

I hope it's her

Looks to me to be a political action committee or something. Doesn't mean she's involved in it or even endorses it. Also doesn't mean she'll get in.

For the time being ill think he'll stay in. The media will cover for him. If it gets really bad to were he has to be replaced I'm still thing he vp will be a woman.

A strange thing I see with this is the dude running it appears to be from Illinois but the bank the money goes to is in Albama.

These digits say Kamaltoe

The GOPs wet dream. So many pics of his benis moving thru his clothes.
Was disbarred. And we might get an answer to why she so happened to be on a boat drinking wine as Notre Dame burned

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Obama has endorsed Warren twice, including that video they did together. She is also close to Biden and a total corporate shill that skims off the less informed progressive voters with her puritanicalism. If Biden gets booted it'll be Hillary&Warren, if not Biden&Warren. NYT did a piece on Biden and they're starting to jump ship. I just don't see Biden surviving this, he should be arrested for sexual assault/ 'digitalrape', nevermind be removed from the race. Why hasn't he been arrested yet?

I found the guy behind it

it's going to be whoever they want to actually be president, so that narrows the chances

this dude is blatantly only there to inject his unelected VP

>why hasn't he been arrested yet?
Elites don't tend to get arrested unless they really fuck up.

That image is that real, the glass reflection??

michelle obama

vp picks are always for diversity. a black woman pulls in progressives, african americans, women, and gives nostalgia of obama.

include me in screencap when this is announced.

>pretending it's not Hillary
you fags are so retarded, we called this months ago

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IDK I think they are using actors and Deep fakes for him. I was thinking they would probably pick an outsider. Bernie Bros don't vote for Biden and Biden Ridders won't for Bernie. Probably an old movie actor. And not Paul Hogan as I think that's who they hired to do the deep fakes

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