The Isle Of Man - Home for the Alternative Right In Britain?

Firstly I'd like to thank those who engaged with my 1st thread. It was a lot of fun. It can be found here:

Please read through it. It was an interesting exchange and It contains answers to a few criticisms I'd rather not repeat here.

>Who is this for?

This is for the individual for whom the daily /NSG/ + /SIG/ threads provide a valuable forum for self-improvement. I advocate that those of a national socialistic mindset progress further into their journey and consider immigrating to the Isle of Man. This would be for the betterment of themselves, their family and their race. I also strongly advise people do their own research on the Isle of Man and its history. Those of us who value White Identity could make a home here. We need only try.

>Moving forward

I'm thinking of making an Isle of Man general thread; formatted in a similar way to the /NSG/ + /SIG/ threads. The goal being an easily digestible read; laying out the goals and motivations of this proposal. This would also include resources on immigrating to the Isle of Man, job opportunities, tax information, housing advice, community related info, travel and holiday advice, etc.

For now I'm going to repost this semi-regularly to gather a variety of feedback. I'm interested in seeing what people think and I'd like as many eyes on these threads as possible.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Here is a list of resources for anyone interested in knowing more about the Island:

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I don't like the idea very much.
It's leaving all our people alone to die.

As if there's anything wrong with that

>It's leaving all our people alone to die.
No not at all. As I said in the previous thread; this would only be one piece of a larger puzzle. I'm also not advocating that every National Socialist leaning individual uproot and immigrate. Just those with the desire to move to greener pastures for the sake of their own well-being and the well-being of their families and their race.

Those who don't wish to immigrate should continue the fight in their home countries. My proposal is only one of many options.

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This is a better idea

tell me 5 interesting things about the Isle of Man that you'd only understand if you grew up there

I'm South East English


>No you're genetically replacing the islands native inhabitants
Fuck off, kike

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I hate the Isle of Man. They always fucking revolt. Bastards. I give some courtier the whole county, everything is fine for a while, then his opinion of me drops to below zero for some reason and he goes into revolt. The cunt. So I raise my levies, send a big ass army up there, beat his useless army, wait for fucking ages to siege his holdings down, finally at 100% he surrenders. Take his titles away. Imprison the arsehole for life, seduce his wife, give the county to some other content trait dude who seems alright, AND THEN THE SAME FUCKING THING HAPPENS ALL OVER AGAIN! Fuck CK2.

Well, David Icke lives there, and he's based. Fuck it, i'm packing my bags.

What would your response be to someone who doesn't want to abandon the lands their ancestors have lived in for well over 500 yrs (by a verifiable tree), yet this land is being slowly urbanised and the people are changing.

I love this end, but is it time to move on? What end are you from yourself? Have you thought about this? Would you think of reclaiming once established on the isle?

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No. David Icke lives in the Isle of Wight. Completely different.

Thats an impossible standard; because I didn't grow up there. However; I can name a couple things I find interesting about the Isle of Man.

>1. Manx Gaelic and its history as a formally dead language. Thanks to the efforts of Ned Maddrell; Manx Gaelic has seen a large revival in the last couple decades. Schools like the Bunscoill Ghaelgagh have begun appearing. They teach all their lessons in Manx Gaelic and it reinforces a large cultural and national identity that is unique from mainland Britain.

>2. Its mythology. The Manx mythology is very Celtic in its origin. With strong influence from the historical viking settlers that conquered the Island. Old ruins of ancient Viking and Celtic structure dot the Island landscape.

>3. Its lacks ((their)) influence. Its a majority white population that seems to have gone under the radar regarding the demographic replacement that is currently taking place throughout the white diaspora. The Isle of Man is what the British Isle would look like if demographic replacement had never occurred.

>4. Due to this lack of subversion the Island has a much higher standard of life compared to anywhere else in the British Isles. This is very obviously a result of the Islands demographics; its WHITE MAJORITY demographics to be precise.

>5. There's a strong environmentalist presence on the Isle of Man. This is due in no small part to the designation of the entire Island as a UNESCO Biosphere. Its floral, fauna and whatever else are protected under law. And because of the island small size; you're never too far from the Islands natural glens, beaches, rivers, hills and mountains.

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the IoM refuses to accept any rapefugees and is always open to white immigration. you could probably enter the island with prior clearance even if you're a non-resident, as long as you're not a raghead

I would consider my proposal for NatSoc Immigration to the Isle of Man to be a stepping stone. The left are able to accomplish and subvert all that they have because they think in the long term.

To answer your question directly I appreciate and respect the principled position of staying put and fighting the good fight. What I'm advocating for is all of this; with the addition that those of us who can; do not allow this Island to be subverted and twisted into a multi-culti shithole. This Isle of Man could be /ours/.

>Would you think of reclaiming once established on the isle?

Aye. I would. It would be an involved process however. It would involved passive action on the part of the newly arrived NatSoc. This means bringing your politics with you; just as you would your skills and talents, your loved ones, and the love of your people. From here could come a place to strategise, and plan. Organisations such as Patriotic Alternative and others could have headquarters here. This could be a launching pad for taking back /our/ British Isles.

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Don't you guys have your own passports of something weird?

Oh it's you again. Please stop.

>IoM refuses to accept any rapefugees

Yes. Yes it does. Its seems to me that the politicians of the Island know full well the impact these "refugees" can have on a clean, safe, white nation. Of course; they would never outwardly say so.

In fact I've heard rumours that many MHK's are aware of these issues. Many of them looking at the Muslim Rape Gang pandemic across the UK as a warning and something to be avoided.

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>Its seems to me that the politicians of the >Island know full well the impact these "refugees" can have on a clean, safe, white nation.

Stop treating 'white people' as a homogenous identity. We should celebrate the diversity of indigenous ethnicities in Europe not tun them all in to one bland 'white' soup.

Aye. I believe we've danced this dance before; Swede.

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Fuck you nigger.

Assuming Britain isn't a soup of the same late neolithic stock formed into sub-ethnic clusters anyway

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Why don't y'all just move to Greenland instead?

Do you not agree that White nations share distinct commonalities? While its true there are important ethno-cultural differences; Europeans as a people share a common history and right now we share a common enemy.

((They)) do not see us as different peoples. We are all fighting the same fight here. We don't have the luxury of holding our ancient grudges anymore. We need to get serious about this.

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Because IoM is somewhat warmer.

Sounds like an interesting plan, but would need concept for economic sustainability for 21st century tech level.

Perhaps trade with breakaway civilization ?

Isle of Man? Buncha faggots if you ask me.

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Why should anyone waste their time, resources and effort to help those that refuse to see the truth?

could find out things like
* cost of living
* job availability
* average salary
* housing prices
* visa / citizenship requirements
and put them in op

I don't agree user. The unfortunate truth is that most people don't know whats good for them. Its simply the way of the world.

As Leonardo Da Vinci said:

>There are three classes of people:
- those who see
- those who see when they are shown
- those who do not see.

If we abandon those who do not see until they are shown; we have very little chance of winning.

A little white pill:

Most people know nothing of a 3rd position in politics. If they did; how many more would our side have? There is a very good reason the elites omit the actual tenets of National Socialism in our schools.

In short - The truth has the power to set our people free.

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Leave the Manx people alone you greedy fucking Angloid, any remnant of Celtic culture you see and your Anglo blood can't help but seek to destroy it

Okay, so what your telling me is that you would rather have brown soup? seasoned with never-ending crime and a dollop of systematic rape?
btfo swede cuck, people like you is the reason Sweden will cease to exist with in my lifetime

Celts are sub human though. I disagree with colonizing the Isle of Man for practical reasons, but celts are fair skinned niggers


You may choose to identity as white, but you cant force others to abandon their own ethnicities