I thought he was based? No more trump bux? No more stimulus? Gay

I thought he was based? No more trump bux? No more stimulus? Gay

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i want more stimulus


get a job, loser

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It’s a safety net to catch you when you fall, not a hammock for you to lie in forever. Be glad you got the first check in the first place.

shut the fuck up we're still on the ground dumb nigger

but i didn'
t>die for me goyim, i give trillion to banks, wall-street, millions to "small"business.
>market are up even though are gdp is negative and you are out a job faggot, NO STMILUS FOR U!!!!.

Stimulus was a plan to shut the populace quiet when the gov was bankrolling the corporations.
Now that the corporations are refilled, why giving more checks?

Because we won't stay quiet lol

back to work in the aids air goy LOL
I won't kill your kids and fuck your wife when you're dead in my new house btw

>Hur hur hur title makes it sound like Trump doesn't give a fuck
>Trump says pathetic, take that liberals

At least like, look at the article and the video. Trump saying he doesn't want to give money to fix economic problems already in states, but if it's COVID related, it's possible.

The person who said pathetic was Sanders in response to this.

Oh so we're gonna get more?

Possibly, likely won't be push through unless all these states opening up early backfire (they will) and we are in quarantine 2: electric boogaloo

Yeah... I don't know why we're "Opening" back up before its peaked, it's like we wanna see people die.

I'd honestly rather the next stimulus go to only tax filers that met a certain minimum income. Giving money to NEETs is disgusting. Actual taxpaying illegal immigrants even deserve it more than them.

But why? You seem jealous. My family paid into the system and their parents did for years.

>My family paid into the system and their parents did for years.

And you paid...?

I'm not saying the members of your family that actually paid in deserve nothing, mind you.

If you wanted more checks, you should have impsoed a cap on the amount of money the gov would give to corporations.
If the sum were low enough the gov would be forced to issue more bankrolls and so more stimulus plans

Fuck off sociopath

I mean, if they're working min wage jobs, would you consider that enough? What about 20 hrs/wk min wage? I can maybe agree people who refuse to work and refuse to go on unemployment don't deserve it, but tax filers who make min wage and maybe weren't working for half a year (consider medical issues or something similar) don't deserve to be scammed out of it. Setting a floor requirement is much more dangerous and harmful than a ceiling.

My income was barely above the cutoff (which I'm still pissed about), so I don't really have any stake in this.
At the same time, I feel like the problem is applying the same policy to all states... people living in rural Alaska where they will never have a single case are in a completely different situation than some nigger in NYC.
But, at the same time, it's not like they could give money simply by state and/or county.
So I have no idea what they best answer is, but DJT simultaneously solidified his re-election while also putting himself in an unwinabble situation.

Common dreams is a far left shitposting site

>implying neets are not dependents.

I got my corona stimulus and i'm on SSI cope i live alone

I still didn't get mine.

Solidified his re-election?
Maybe solidified votes from ignorant people who see money and think it came directly from Trump's pocket. How generous.

Majority of people recognize it was senate that pushed for this, and that the money isn't Trumps.

Not to mention that Trump's comments as of late have turned away a huge chunk of his prior voters. Voted for him in 16, mostly for meme and fuck Hillary. After his "sarcastic" disinfectant comment, I'm committed to vote for incoherent Joe.

because he's gonna open shit back up because the fuckin virus is fake and gay. he took over the stimulus money using old war on terror emergency powers (using the deep state's own bullshit against them) but he wouldn't be able to do that again, they would include something disallowing it. im not even into that q bullshit but this is 100% what's happening. governors are getting sued in federal court now, lockdown is over

>coronas a nothing burger
Dude you're crazy

I don't understand, how many layers of tin foil do you have to wear think like this?

I like my trump bux but if i had to choose i’d rather see everything go back to normal so all these disgusting fucking wagie normalfags shitting up the board every day because they’re out of work would fuck off.

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think for yourself, question authority

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>Being this delusional
You faggot libs are reaching levels of cope that I didn't think were possible.
So excited for all of you who will rope yourselves after he wins against your child sniffing, dementia ridden, rapist of a candidate.

Man, white people fucking HATE helping other whites or when whites get a single handouts from a corrupt system dead set on destroying them. It makes you so god damn angry that one of your people who isn’t in doing so good in life gets a little help to make his life less shit for just a few weeks. You would love to remain giving the majority of our social services to fucking niggers and spics and other subhumans while whites get fucking nothing you cunt fuck you. This system doesn’t give a fuck about you or the white race, if you had an IQ over 80, you would be encouraging us to bleed it dry right now.

Checkin those digits but Hillary and Biden rape kids with the people who did 9/11, wake up

>I thought he was based? No more trump bux? No more stimulus? Gay
God is not pleased with his greed.

I fear the second peak may be worse than the first, let us pray God has mercy on us all. This plague was meant to teach the rich elites that if they worship money over God, God will take away what they worship.


>6 months of unemployment.

go work for my gibs, loser

Take your Seroquel.
Unless you consider the Chinese to be your God, in which case sure maybe you're right... it could really be a bioweapon.

You both are niggers; both candidates suck balls. Hurr durr, my ignorant faggot is better than your ignorant faggot.

>Ah yes, line on graph doesn't match others, must be conspiracy!

Alright so let's go through this point by point. First, this data is plotted quite horrendously in Excel. Unless you plotted this yourself with data you personally went through, it could easily be falsified. Secondly, The difference between an expected value and the reported value is what, maybe 500 a week? 600? So taken from 3rd week of March to now, that's maybe 2k. That doesn't account for the 60k in the US right now? Third, get this, it might be crazy, but the flu and COVID can cause pneumonia. So since spread faster than flu, and more deadly, these "pneumonia" deaths are actually.. hmm... COVID deaths? Learn to interpret data before you think a random graph will support your argument.

Fuck off. You're the type of cunt who thinks they're intellectually/morally superior just because you're fighting what you and your high school friends consider """they system""".
It's like the stereotypical internet Atheist and a virtue signaling Twitter nigger had a kid, holy shit.

I hate Biden and def think he's a sexual predator. But I'd rather have him in office than Trump. It's gonna kill me to vote for him, but I can't support a president who nonchalantly voices the idea of injecting disinfectant.

Hopefully it doesn’t just metaphorically kill you haha

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QE results in July 1st will be the worst in recorded history. I'm sure we'll be hearing about UBI before the year is over. There's a serious possibility of an even worse second wave by October.

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>sexual predator

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>Man, white people fucking HATE helping other whites or when whites get

White-men are all enemies of eachother and of all other men on earth. Their sole goal is to placate, protect, and WERK for "MUUHH WHOIIITE WUUUUHHHHHMMAN". Why do you think they banned marrying little girls the world over?

White-men, each, want to be the last man on earth, so he can "git all duh wuuuhmans" "but not the girls, KILL PEDOS, DAY OF THE ROPE, MUHHHLLLLSTONE"

White men are your enemy.
They always will be.
They are golems of "MUH WHOUTE WUUHHMAN" and whomever else is their master.

They are stupid, but violent if they can get away with it (but meek when under the eye of enforcement).

They are whites. Dumbass men, whore women, no cute young girls allowed.
Remember: white men are both retards and heretics.
>>>>>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>>>>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

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Yeah it’s back to work time you fucking commie scumbag POS. You’re not getting your wish of sucking gov cock for a living. You pathetic fucking cunts are self entitled fucks and the laziest fuck stick cocksuckers that have ever walked the earth.

>You faggot libs are reaching levels of cope that I didn't think were possible.
>So excited for all of you who will rope yourselves after he wins against your child sniffing, dementia ridden, rapist of a candidate.

Why aren't you pro pro-childbride candidate. It seems that Biden would make anime real if he could. Which is a good thing, stupid white fucking woman worshiping moron. (you're also a heretic)

>>>>>>The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young girl (latin vulgate))
>>>>>>Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born.

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