Imagine killing millions of children in gas chambers for no reason and then pretending it never happened and you're a normal country akin to France and Canada.
Imagine killing millions of children in gas chambers for no reason and then pretending it never happened and you're a...
>destroyers of Europe
What is the final solution for the G*rman question?
Yea.. imagine..
Imagine killing 20 gorillion of your own people and bitching around about Germany.
>be Russia
>have room to talk shit about killing millions
pyccким тaким жe oбpaзoм вы пpитвopяeтecь?
Fuck you faggots, you send 5 million civilians of german heritage to march to their deaths, besides that was just propaganda done by the kikes and their biggest allies, the commies.
Fuck of shlomo
Germbros are ok and were drawn into the D&C bullshit
like the one story where the woman died giving birth while being gassed. that one was even better than the girl passing out while in line to get gassed so she went to the hospital instead of getting gassed to death.
If the holocaust were true that would make the Germans the most heroic nation on earth
>pretending it never happened
hey retard i want you to literally look up how much shit germany has done to try and make up for its diabolical history.
The worlds been imagining it for 80 years
russians crushed children with tanks, that's so much better right?
Im from Canada and I'm currently living in Germany. What are you on about? Ever since I moved here a year ago I haven't seen anything other then Holocaust memorials. Everyone here that I've met is anti-nazi and mourns the holocaust.
Those Germans are the wurst!
masturbation murder machine s will never again be constructed oy vey
it's just the good old jewish-taught soviet tradition of whining each year about muh german monsters and us innocent (((ruskies))) this time of the year
Get glassed kike.
>in all fields
Anne frank ist eine lüge please look up when she died. and how long the copyright on fairy stories book lasts.
Russians being philosemites as usual. Read a book and delete your stupid kike thread.
Imagine believing soviet propaganda
I'm just happy he called us normal eh
the germans have always played the eternal victim, always the poor dindu nuffin.
but they're all jews so there's no surprise here.
imagining victimhood and demanding things that never belonged to them.
eternal losers.
>imagine committing atrocities whenever you take a step but everybody around seems to not care and some even pay you money so you keep going
It was bound to happen at some point. If it wasn't Germany it would be Spain or some shit.
Cry harder Sl*vboi
>normal country
Pick one