Anyone Else Kinda Blue-Pilled On Race?

Sure, 13/50, IQ differences, blah blah blah, but I can’t help but still be blue-pilled. I have good friends of all races and they’re bro-tier. I’m against miscegenation, but I still like women of various races. Sure, the averages between groups are different, but at the end of the day, I’d much rather be there for my Asian bro or Black bro or White bro or Mutt bro over some low IQ person who just happens to be “my kind”. Don’t get me wrong. I love my people. But God, family, and friends are the ultimate priorities. I want the best for my family and friends regardless of race. I’m not necessarily friends with you just because we share the same/similar racial/ethnic makeup. Why should I feel more kinship for someone who I can’t get along with who’s of my race compared to a good friend since my childhood who happens to be a different race? Family and friends over everyone else - even if that comes to the detriment of others who are of my race. Maybe it’s bluepilled, but whatever. At the very least, we should agree that ethnonationalism is beyond dumb.

t. non-white btw

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Non-white here also. I dont know why its so hard for whites to treat others based on how well they are compatible to you rather than skin color.

this is OP

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Same, I don't care, just be intelligent and
friendly, I'm at peace, just don't hurt or torture and I'll be
Friendly, But I've seen some despicable things from all races

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Oh, look, another race thread by a burger. A sensible burger, somewhat.

I don't hold people's race against them, but I still want to live in a place where there are more whites and I won't date outside my race.

A separate place

For every race

>paypal me

>Outliers disprove the average
user I..
>t. non-white btw
I'm not surprised

White amerikkkans killed millions of indians in home and millions of people overseas

Problem is you do not get to see the effects of your mistakes because it takes multiple generations to kick in.
The redpill: multiculturalism always is an ethnic race.

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The people who keep posting stuff like this are low-standards transplanted third worlders. They don't know any better and don't understand how much better the country used to function -- they just understand it's better than where they came from. East Asia is your redpill on race. America is a fucking dump and it's your fault, brownie.

Simp spic lover.

didn't read

I have lots of Mexican friends and even an Indian friend but it is because my city is like 25% white and ultimately I will move to somewhere whiter eventually

daily reminder not to take everything on Yas Forums literally

a lot of newfags think everyone here is 100% white

A good rule for life is not to be a cunt to someone who isn't being a cunt to you.

If you see a group of cunts that seems like they would do something cunty or are already acting like cunts, it's perfectly fine to be a cunt in defense.

>anything BUT bluepilled
Lmao, get lost niggerspic

Christ the shills are awful. I’m not bored with pol, just hate reddit more.

No, we can tell you're a nigger.

Her entire face is practically red from that blush. Stop trying, Yas Forums has a queen

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It isn't, you pot stirring faggot. That's all whites have been for the past half century or thereabouts. We've more or less opened the flood gates for you ungrateful mud people to come into our countries and stick your noses in the trough of our public welfare. HURR WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR WHITES TO JUST BE BROS? I don't know how a yank flag living in the country that you do where whites are being rapidly bred out because they're simply too nice has the audacity to say such a thing, fuck you nigger.

I’d rather be dumb and good looking than some ugly shitskin

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You need BBC.

This. Fuck ameriKKKa

this feels like a slide thread, but your family and your friends most often tend to be people of your culture, and are thus most often people of your race. for example, black people in chicago aren't my people, they don't share my culture, they don't share my heritage, they very obviously don't belong and there's a biological reason that defines why they don't. it's not like i dislike anyone of any other race, and i myself have friends that aren't white and vibe with nonwhites pretty easily, but on the macro scale, i'd prefer to live in a nation with people who look like me, and have kids and grandkids that will look like me.

Great, I hope you visit Honduras one day, or even better, stay to live in here, I think the real redpill is that to make the World a better place, to help the non priviledged people, you need to accept that they are retarded and that they have poor decision making and awful habits, is like an alcohol rehab, you need to accept that you are a degenerate durnkman in order to change that

What were your parents like? Did they kinda help explain about the niggers and degenerates at a young age? I've noticed that people who's parents did explain this to them MOST of the time they never notice it and buy right into "there's only one race, the human race" bull shit.

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>At the very least, we should agree that ethnonationalism is beyond dumb.

No. I'm sure you're an alright dude, but it seems that you come as a package deal and the rest just isn't worth the hassle.

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>But I've seen some despicable things from all races

Irrelevant and even if we were the most savage and lacking in civility people in the world neither I nor you should be advocating for our own colonisation by foreigners or our own dispossession and extinction, fucking shill. Economic arguments, quality of life arguments or moral arguments are moot. THESE ARE OUR HOMELANDS. This is about blood, soil, posterity and a people's right to exist. By every metric Japanese society is better than ours, does that mean the UK should become a Japanese proxy state? Guess how I know you're a chink.

It's ok to use the mudraces for fetishes: fisting, golden showers, Greek, scatplay but for vanilla procreation only aryan women. As for guy friends useless unless you're making money off them.

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brutal reality pill

>Family and friends over everyone else
it's family over friends, Chaim, but nice try. thought no one would notice didn't you

White Americans initially settled the land peacefully before being raped and pillaged by indios and featherniggers. Too bad. Despite that, there are more natives alive today than there were at the time of colonisation and furthermore the tragedy of the American Indian is a lesson we should all be learning from. They actually did the right thing in attacking outsiders, the only thing they did wrong was lose.

Agree bro, but let's be honest you'd love to shit on her tits after an arduous blowy.

You can, and should try to open up to other races/cultures. But never let your guard down, tribalism will always be a thing and you never know when it'll hit you.

I treat everyone equal. I hold doors open for niggers and whites. But stereotypes don't just come out thin air they come from decades of being a degenerate

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No, not really. It's hard to pretend to believe the leftist narrative "we are all the same!" when you live daily life in reality-ville. Blacks are much more aggressive and low born compared to whites, period. Not all blacks of course. I'm talking the average joe. Its obvious just spending time observing people.

All the social justice warrior preaching in the world can't change reality.

>reading comprehension

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Nigger spotted

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You must be 1 of the 20000

kill yourself then.

>>Outliers disprove the average
I never said that. I acknowledged the real average differences in groups in the OP. But, Yas Forums seems to forget too easily to that people are more than just a part of a collective group - they are individuals as well. Racial majoritarianism is perfectly sensible but anything more falls into ridiculous territory.

Exactly. The thing is, sure, maybe one group on average engages in more violent behavior or something else that is different compared to the average within your group, but when you get to know an individual, all that matters is the individual at that point and not their race. Group averages are only helpful for those you know nothing else about.

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>I know a cool black guy
>this justifies mass immigration and slow genocide of whites

I never said that or even implied it. I’m against mass immigration and racial genocide.

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>1 post by this ID