You are still lifting for your waifu, right, Yas Forums? pic related is my quarantine home gym. bench, rack, barbell...

you are still lifting for your waifu, right, Yas Forums? pic related is my quarantine home gym. bench, rack, barbell, dumbbells uguu~~

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No Japanese man can lift 40kg

lift for yourself and the white race, not just a singular woman.

Lifting is for homos.

what's 20kg's in first world numerics?

Nice man, keep up the good work.

Bar usually weighs 20kg + the small weights on top of that. I'd say it's around 70-80kg maybe.

conjugate method 4x a week
stay strong because a storm is coming

if it's just 40kg (+10 from bar) then you might as well lift it from the ground.
it's less dangerous for your floor.

i'm huwhites and I squat 150kg and diddly 190kg both for reps. the weight in the pic was all the weight the sports store had left. I bought them out, it's only 60kg of plates :(

Is that VPN?

The manlet English teacher, every time

5'10'' KANG of manlettes :^)

How is it like living in Japan while being huwhite?

fuckin great especially since I can speak a bit of the nip since my way is a nip herself and taught me over the years

>my way
mai waifu*

I've been exercising everyday since the lockdown, I went down a pants size

bro that shits gonna fall off I know you're not japanese because you would've been smart enough to not leave a bar on a flat unstable surface

Why tf would you have a nip gf in Japan while you could meet different girls on a regular basis

>bro that shits gonna fall off
the cardboard prevents that. it is actually quite resistant to rolling. seethe and cope more :^)

wife. and the answer is because I don't want to raise my kids in muttmeristan

I bought my home gym before prices sky rocketed so I'm good

be careful of your window

i heard they are kinda racist to other ethnicities.
that true?

>that true?
yes, and it's fucking great

this. Just press this shit and squat. I do that with 70 kilos.
>inb4 no legs

i mean other as in including white in this case.
still great?
you ever experienced it?


>still great?

>you ever experienced it?
nope, but if i ever do i won't cry like a nigger about it.

That's a good point
And how do you life with yourself knowing that your kids won't be white?

lmao, but i don't leave it like this while not lifting. we don't really get earthquakes here anyway

>And how do you life with yourself knowing that your kids won't be white?
japs and huwhites are the only human races on earth, so I don't give a shit

45 pounds

Have yet to see an English teacher that doesn't live in squalor like pic related.

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He was half kike though, unless you think that's the same thing white?

I deleted the image, because i know it does not matter what i say, you've been riced and brainwashed anyway

lmao I live in a very nice house, boi. I am in my attached shop area

nope, I am not a kike and the wife is not a chink nor a shitskin jungle asian or gook. all the fucked up hapas are those mixes. seethe and cope more :^)

Whatever huehue. There are no whites in Brazil, so idk what you're even on about.

lmao you are so mad :^)

>you are still lifting for your waifu, right, Yas Forums?
Yes, more than you obese English teacher

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Fair enough

Honestly this though, calisthenics chad reporting in.

Did they study niggers or what? That would only explain everything because none of that fits some people I know regarding their views/beliefs

one plate is dyel af that's literally what you start off with.

The cinder blocks should be stacked with the holes together or they will crack and crumble.

Every Jap flag is some white faggot trying to show off how “great” his life is in nipland. Nobody cares about you or your fugly slant-eyed wife. Please integrate fully into Jap culture by working 80 hours a week and throwing yourself through your office window.

that's all the weight the store had. i live in japan, there are not a lot of weights for sale here. i went to every store in my city