British army has 20,000 shitposters

Head of the British Army, General Sir Nick Carter
>We’ve been involved with the Cabinet Office Rapid Response Unit, with our 77th Brigade helping to quash rumours from misinformation, but also to counter disinformation. Between three and four thousand of our people have been involved, with around twenty thousand available the whole time at high readiness.

>Video of General Sir Nick Carter @17:00mins says it 17:11

Meanwhile British people are losing their jobs and their families are going hungry.
Even before the Gayrona Plandemic British working classes were forgotten and under severe hardship.
This seems like an trite waste of hard-working tax payer's money.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when we deceive.

>Truth stands alone, is eternal and emerges from under great pressure - like a diamond glimmering in the rough.
― user

>Ten thousand words exchanged between me and thee, pierced by a solitary truth you see.
― user

>True hope is swift, and flies with swallow's wings.
― William Shakespeare

>In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
― George Orwell

In a thousand years from now, if they by degrees they progress with truth as their lamps and their minds pricked by moral probity; I say unto you, they will be picking through the pieces wrote here by 'society's cast offs'' - the poor, meek, destitute in spirit, and broken - not from any government decree.

Attached: 77-Brigade-spying-on-people.jpg (800x531, 43.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The works of God continue,
And worlds and lives abound;
Improvement and progression
Have one eternal round.
There is no end to matter;
There is no end to space;
There is no end to spirit;
There is no end to race.

There is no end to virtue;
There is no end to might;
There is no end to wisdom;
There is no end to light.
There is no end to union;
There is no end to youth;
There is no end to priesthood;
There is no end to truth.

There is no end to glory;
There is no end to love;
There is no end to being;
There is no death above.
There is no end to glory;
There is no end to love;
There is no end to being;
There is no death above.

Attached: Alfred.jpg (768x1024, 92.68K)

most of them are niggers

No shit. Don't you ever read britposts?

Yes - it's all the same.


And I'm tired of it.

Attached: 4548484ed.jpg (638x480, 46.21K)

>This seems like an trite waste of hard-working tax payer's money.

What isn't?
4000 bed new hospital that had 19 patients , shutting down everything to fight 'dat killer voirus' getting us into even more debt to create more austerity and authoritarianism..

Attached: IMG_3451.jpg (741x696, 111.66K)

>>This seems like an trite waste of hard-working tax payer's money.

*an awfully trite - should have said.


Are great tyrannical bedfellows, the Stasi would be proud of the digital panopticon they've built.

>brit bots

We have 40,000.

>That many a true word hath been spoke in jest.
- Chaucer (1390)

>Jesters do oft prove prophets.
- King Lear (Shakespeare)

NB* Added to the list of banned material by the Ministry of Propaganda enforced by 77th Brigade.

>brit bots.
Are you saying they're mostlyBrit bots here?

No shit. 90% of Bong posters are GCHQ and MoD Online Shill Division Dickheads.


Why? I don't remember the Founding Fathers, who wanted to imbue man with rights to make him free ever envisioned a day when it would the neccesary to maintain a lie with a 'thousand-monkeys-on-type-writers'.

Imagine being paid to tripfag on brit/pol/ all day. Does GCHQ even know that their monkeys are just talking to each other?

if they knew about the turncoat bronies they'd really shit a brick.

They should be educators and prognosticators of hope and promulgating wisdom, ennobling their fellow citizens*; not brow beating them under the disruptive and marginalising disparaging labels and wrapping their heads around antagonistic lies.

(*citizen - we are all but consumer taxpaying serfs, citizen implies we in the UK have natural rights, we have none in reality)

> turncoat bronies they'd really shit a brick

I imagine they are incredibly 'politically correct' which is designed to seek a perfect marriage with the Chi-Coms.

agencies tried recruiting from chan/defcon a long time ago, first to flip were all tran/fag/bronies. go figure you cant trust the mentally ill.

Are we gonna sit back and just take it!

Yes most likely we are.
No revolution, not even a fuckyou V sign, we police and herd each other into the 'new normal'.

>he doesn't know the USA was formally dissolved in 1871


We're all god's children / creation - whatever god/ nature/ universe is.
But it's not liberating for adults to be immersed in childish ventures, or a life consumed by hedonism.
The spirit should conquer the flesh, lest we regress to an onanistic throbbing orgy sloping back off to the primordial waters.

The CIA promotes the globohomo, but I don't know why?
Never have institutions been so self-serving and damning to the 'glory of man' as they are now.

I've seen that claim, but I've never look into the legal basis of it and with it, it sounds hyperbolic.

>USA inc

But I am fully aware of Corporatism, not of business enterprise, but of nations being nothing but corporate entities masquerading as countries.

Why is this not treason?

>Congress passed the Organic Act of 1871, which revoked the individual charters of the cities of Washington and Georgetown and combined them with Washington County to create a unified territorial government for the entire District of Columbia.[6] The new government consisted of an appointed governor and 11-member council, a locally elected 22-member assembly, and a board of public works charged with modernizing the city.[7] The Seal of the District of Columbia features the date 1871, recognizing the year the District's government was incorporated.[8]

>The Act did not establish a new city or city government within the District. Regarding a city , it stated that "the District of Columbia be, and is hereby, declared to be the successor of said corporations (Washington and Georgetown)". In the present day, the name "Washington" is commonly used to refer to the entire District, but there is no longer an official entity in the District by that name.

It's masonic. Government = 1 governor, 11 + 22 council members -- 33? Where have you seen that number before? Scottish and York?

The people in position that should know, I wonder if they realise the state-of-affairs and where this will end? You don't have to be a lifelong oxbridge political science BA to Millbank professional, to see it all. I was reading Steve Baker MP in the hansard the other day and for a moment he seems to understand that the 'shut down' was an affront to liberty - better others take precautions upon themselves; but then he stops himself short of grabbing the nettle - what the fuck do they have on him?

Treason against who?

Ordo ab chao

The entire objective of this "Covid crisis" is to perform "alchemy" by creating controlled chaos (virus) and then providing a solution (take your rights and make you forfeit your bodily autonomy). Doesn't anyone else see this?

UK, EU and their peoples

Nah this is much more likely to end with heads on pikes for sleeping on the watch which is a capital offense

Well to be honest, I couldn't tell you much about UK laws on treason, so that question is best left to some lawyer or similar who can attest to those points. That would really only apply if it doesn't fall into one of the many numerous and vague loopholes so nebulously defined in any reasonably designed authoritarian surveillance fishbowl, and also requires a sympathetic judiciary, which one would not be likely to find. It's certainly above board for them to engage upon this behavior with anyone else, and it's probably above board solely under the grounds that they can't prove anybody is or isn't using a proxy, even though they could they just choose not to.