Statistics show that communism improved the quality of life in Russia

>Statistics show that communism improved the quality of life in Russia
Wtf Yas Forums you lied to me

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>literal commie propaganda
shut the fuck up pinko fag. all fields

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It was better than feudalism, but not better than capitalism

The life expectancy in Russia needed 20 years to recover to the level of 1990 after the fall of the USSR.

>I can deny facts because they are “propaganda”
>I say something, that makes it true

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They fell for the propaganda

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Right after the revolution socialism was a huge stimulus to the Russian economy but corruption and infighting lead to stains rise to power - once the money ran out the user collapsed on itself - the problems with socialism is it works for the first generation - then breaks apart as time goes on as people are ambitious they want the most money with the least amount of work - it works at first then people will be people taking advantage of the system and bringing it to it's knees

Was it really a capitalistic system if it resulted in the oligarchs controlling of all the countries capital and resources as well as making every political decision

Russia never developed into capitalism like the other nations of the world. They were still semi-feudalistic up until the point the czar was overthrown. They went straight from feudalism to socialism, which is why Stalin had to initiate forced industrialization (which capitalism would have done naturally) . Nevertheless, it worked, and it went from an agrarian farming country to an industrial superpower.

Slavery also improved the lives of African Americans.
Prior to slavery, Black people had almost 0 production. But after they were enslaved, cotton production grew exponentially.
Prior to slavery, blacks had no working tools or work clothing. This was all given to them for free.
Prior to slavery, blacks had to struggle to feed their families. In slavery, Blacks were provided all the food they needed, and never had to worry about it.
Clearly slavery improved the lives of African Americans.

>commie propaganda about industry growing and schools opening

>shut the fuck up pinko fag. all fields

calm down mah dude

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>Waiting 13 years to maybe get a 2-door sub compact powered by a lawn mower but only if you sucked your boss, whoops, I mean "party boss"s dick enough

You could've been in America and just half assed it and got a mopar in 6 months lol

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Believing any stats coming out of a commie

And they only had to kill several million people to do it!

I agree actually. They still should’ve been left in Africa. The conditions of the time.

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I see threads like this almost every fucking day. Shut the fuck up kiddo, youve never suffered under communism. You will never know what it is to suffer under communism. You, like most americans for that matter, can't comprehend what it is to live in eastern europe. The gap in wealth is immense, corruption is rampant and governments unstable, and still, 30 years later, we are still suffering from the consequences of communism. That 99.999% literacy rate is completely made up. Most of the stats posted are completely made up. Free healthcare? Yeah, expect to wait 4 hours in a queue and to be greeted in a filthy hospital and rot away together with 10 other fags in a 20+ year old medical bed. You ask yourself why there are so many romanian whores around? Well its because its the only way to make enough money to survive if you cant make it to uni. You americans and western europeans truly disgust me. You take for granted all that you have and you support the same policies that brought our downfall. You are reaping the benefits of capitalism while you fall for century old propaganda created by authoritarian regimes to prevent their own populations from revolting. You think that you support a righteous cause in the fight against """global capitalism""" while you yourselves are the ones to empower multi-billion dollar corporations. Honestly kill yourself.
Sage and report this so I dont have to post shit like this ever again

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like the christcuck

meet the COMMIEKEK

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>Shut the fuck up kiddo, youve never suffered under communism. You will never know what it is to suffer under communism. You, like most americans for that matter, can't comprehend what it is to live in eastern europe. The gap in wealth is immense, corruption is rampant and governments unstable, and still, 30 years later, we are still suffering from the consequences of communism. That 99.999% literacy rate is completely made up. Most of the stats posted are completely made up. Free healthcare? Yeah, expect to wait 4 hours in a queue and to be greeted in a filthy hospital and rot away together with 10 other fags in a 20+ year old medical bed. You ask yourself why there are so many romanian whores around? Well its because its the only way to make enough money to survive if you cant make it to uni. You americans and western europeans truly disgust me. You take for granted all that you have and you support the same policies that brought our downfall. You are reaping the benefits of capitalism while you fall for century old propaganda created by authoritarian regimes to prevent their own populations from revolting. You think that you support a righteous cause in the fight against """global capitalism""" while you yourselves are the ones to empower multi-billion dollar corporations.
One at a time, please. Dont sperg our so hard.

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Private industries and farms produced much more.
The rapid industrialization led to modern environmental problem which poison Russia still today.
Millions suffered because of forced relocation with the purpose of artificial urbanization.
Russia was a notoriously backwater country with tons of resources meaning that this growth isn't surprising at all.
>tractors and harvesters
The population didn't posses equipment, at all. It was very behind. 500.000 trucks in all the Soviet union is very little actually.
Same can be applied to before. Schools being built by the state isn't only present in socialism, it also happened in Prussia. Therefore, attributing it to socialism when it would've happened under capitalism but better is stupid.
>Income, employment, grain
Same as up. Could've and would've happened better under capitalism.
>Agricultural growth
You're forgetting the most productive farms were privates (so the anti-thesis of socialism), which is why tractors were mostly distributed to them.
Same as before, caused by industrialization which was inevitable under capitalism.
Shit thread, SAGE

Not to mention that Soviet "industrial production" was so absolute shit the only thing they could export was weapons.
Only compares a backwards country to itself. Compare it to Japan, another nation that had just come out of Feudalism in the 19th century and a whole different picture emerges.

Actually the Asian experience is interesting. North Korea and South Korea developed basically on par until the Kim dynasty went batshit in around the 1970s if I recall correctly. It should be noted that the USA was funnelling money into South Korea as well, as it always does - like with Japan. Although the Soviets did the same it was to a lesser extent. As always the problem with "socialism" isn't socialism, it's that it only occurs in dictatorial post-revolution countries that have shitty governments.

That flat line there is when the autocracy begins to strangle technocracy. And even then North Korea didn't REALLY fall off the cliff until the USSR collapsed and stopped propping it up.

This is why open, accountable democratic governments are so effective at improving the lives of their citizens - generally, technocrats rule.

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Exactly. Most production was used either for war communism (whilst under Lenin), meaning that the population didn't benefit, or was for the war effort, under Stalin.
Either way, Soviet citizens suffered.

>your choices are approve or get in the hole
sounds like quality of life

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>It should be noted that the USA was funnelling money into South Korea as well, as it always does - like with Japan
Is it really cheating to have a stance of foreign policy that gets you rewarded?

How much of it can be attributed to slave labour?

However also in tsarism there was slave labour

No but it's yet another reason why you can't treat history like a science experiment.

Dragging any country out of violent revolution directly into the first world with any system is hard verging on impossible. It is the work of successive generations. How many centuries did it take the French? How many times did the revolutionaries fail? Should they have given up in the 1700s? "FREEDOM HAS ALREADY BEEN TRIED?"

The point isn't yay communism, the point is just that times change and what didn't work yesterday might work today, or might not have worked for different reasons than its inherent characteristics. Ideas should be judged on their merits, not on a lazy surface-level analysis of pop history. Historical examples are evidence in an argument which supports a critique of theory, not an argument in and of themselves.

Industry growth was up 908% because everyone with hands and feet were FORCED to work for nothing but the promise of food and housing. The food was scarce and the housing provided was terrible.

Wages of workers post revolution never reached the purchasing power they had before it.

The USSRs industry was built by american invstors, and the reason they never developed was because the jews at the top stole so much of the countrys production they were all billionaires in the 1920s dollar value.

>source: russia/soviet union
top lel

>USSR Information (i.e. Propaganda) Bureau
>Speeches by Stalin
>Erich Strauss
>USSR Statistical Committee