Coronavirus has 0.1% death rate or even less.

Previous thread:

--- RESEARCH ---

>Death rate 28-55 times LOWER than previously thought

>Infection rate 50x higher; making CFR much, much lower

>ALL Human coronaviruses are seasonal
>Common cold is a Coronavirus

>Iceland CFR between 0.01 and 0.19%; Smaller population = Ability to test everyone = Real CFR revealed

--- VIDEOS ---
>Doctor destroys Coronavirus narrative [REMOVED BY YOUTUBE]


>Corona BTFO by USC

>Illinois gov. confirms that ANYONE who dies while infected is considered a COVID death

--- REMINDER ---

Sweden: No lockdown, No collapse!

>208K Dead from Coronavirus after 5 months
>The world is ending!!! Society will collapse!!! We can't sustain this!!! Panic!!!

Friendly reminder:
• 151,600 people die every day
• 50,900,000 people die every year
• 360,000 people born every day
• 130,000,000 people born every year

>but muhh exponential broooo
Been growing linearly for what, 22 days now?

>noooooo but that's only because we locked ourselves inside!!!
We did nothing for months to stop the virus which spreads faster than the Flu, can spread undetected in its incubation and has a multitude of transmission vectors, yet it was only the recent lockdowns which saved us from those millions dead that was raved about? I highly doubt it.

Pastebin: pastebin.com/WDyxECJi

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inb4 pirate shows up.

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>more false positives
>more fake deaths
Who would have thunk?

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you know what's interesting to me? the original nothingburger posters, like back in January, they had a point. and they were right. Their point was that they were so jaded by fake happenings that it actually brought clarity. that nothing ever actually really happens. and nothing ever actually changes the status quo, for us, anymore. it's just this dull trudge to the grave from the second you're born, because the jews won. the point was that even though it's something, it could be the mother of all something's, but because they programmed the goyim so well, it would still be nothing.
but now? you guys bought the full fucking psy op, hook line and sinker. you proved the original nothingburgers right, by bringing it to fruition, while simultaneously posting the exact opposite of what they were saying, using the same phrase, unironically, and yet completing the picture on some of the finest irony I've seen in years.
fucking amazing work, truly.

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My state is “reopening” tomorrow. “Reopening” apparently means only the upper half of my state and no bars, no gyms, no theaters anywhere, college online only and who knows what else? To top it off, all restaurants were recommended to opperate at only 50% capacity by the “experts”. Meanwhile, the government offhand decides 25% capacity only just for fun. There are paper shortages, cleaning product shortages and in a week, there will be no more meats. The reaction is worse than the disease and has become a no holds barred powergrab.

At this point it's just corporations killing what ever is left of small businesses

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Thank you tik toc dance choreographers

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Nevermind the only ones making any money or power out of CORONAMERICA, is the jews.

You mean the jews (corporatists) killing goyim (small) business

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Its all a sick joke.

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Sure jews are no angles, but don't let them live in your head (rent free pun intended). There's other scum like armenian, eternal anglo, crypto irish etc.

At this point it’s pretty obvious by now that the real happening is the totalitarian crackdown and reshaping of our societies into a "new normal" soviet globohomo faggot monstrosity? None of it makes sense. The disease seems puny according to all proper estimates, the societal reactions encouraged by the literally WHO meaningless. Whoever heard about a half-quarantine? Either you have a fucking quarantine or you don't.

If it was about this new media invention of "flattening the curve" you'd see our states jump to it and fucking put up some factories to make respirators and hospital gear, some field hospitals etc. to get this bullshit peak over with as soon as possible. Nothing is happening though, just all political puppet fags talking about how we have to drag this out for months on end and ruin the economy to... what? Save some 85 year old diabetics that will be dead in two years anyways? Is that something to ruin every single small time business owner and spend billions of tax breaks to kike banks and corporations over?

And then you have the shilling here. Every day happeningfags under the CIA nigger thumb spergs out in threads with their unsubstantiated rumors and bullshit that attempts to justify the globalist reaction to these sniffles. If you ask them for sources or even just some basic reason they sperg out and go instantly into ad hominem and derail mode.

tldr. it's a fucking CIA nigger shitshow.

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Oh, I hate the irish and other catholics too. I hate abraham and all his lying bastard children.

anglo’s maybe jews are way worse than Irish lol


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Fucking this. The only happening is the silent subversion and adoption of a twisted dystopian future.

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what's the latest results in antibody testing?

Everybody's positive

Virologist working in the breakout hotspot of Germany didn't find any living virus on surfaces even in sick households


Only white people are afraid of coronavirus.

The virus can't stand up to some simple bleach and UV rays.

>hoax confirmed

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Thank you. When I asked in January if they would go on right to next happening when it becomes clear this is another nothing and they fell for it, I didn't receive many answers

Men, it has been well said, think in herds;
it will be seen that they go mad in herds,
while they only recover their senses slowly,
and one by one

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das rite goyim, panic and sell all your stocks over nothing, and then we scoop them up for pennies during the recession we caused.

Its just another way to consolidate more wealth and control over the economy in the end, so we can get closer to the Chinese model.

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Niggers be like "Yo Coronavirus ain't nuthin!", then week later when they're on the verge of death, the virus was genetically engineered by crackers.

>and then we scoop them up for pennies during the recession we caused.
They scooped them up with money they printed

Sweden didn't close. But "muh social distancing". This is the only thing they have ever gotten right.

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Shut up chink faggot

>There's other scum like armenian, eternal anglo, crypto irish etc.
There's a saying where my family is from.
Trust a snake before a Jew, but NEVER trust an Armenian.