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Brit/pol/- Emergency Morning Edition
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>MFW the Brit/k/ thread has lasted over 24hrs
Why do the yanks think we cant have SMLEs etc? It comes up over and over. Also
Ngl i got a bit of a chub
Watching old Thunderbirds episodes and getting sad seeing how they thought the 21st century would be back in the 60s
But arent you into hanguns pube? Go on post you airsoft problem solver again lmao
Love gerry anderson stuff. UFO, captain scarlet and joe90 ftw.
I remember back in the day blue peter buried a time capsule to be dug up in 2000, show the people living in jetsons world what life in the 70s was like ffs.
Likely because it isn't in the Infographic desu.
Well yeah but its obv just examples of whats available under each section. Youd have to be a retard to think the section literally just covers those firearms. Or that nuggets would be fine but not LEs.
Is it a running gag that the guy on the left speaks gibberish except for the last words in It Ain't Half Hot Mum?
Can you cunts get the queen to make a royal decree asking all whites in the commonwealth to kick out all the fucking darkies?
They didn't factor in multicult in the 60s.
>no supersonic jet airlines
>no space travel
>no high-tech houses on pacific islands
>just hordes of filthy third-world shitskins, overcrowding, digital zombies and coalburning women
I want off this ride
what is this cringe
You posting some shitty airsoft but wouldnt do a presscheck to prove it wasnt shitty airsoft. I 'member, you larper.
They can try, but the sooner they realise they need us to help them get rid of pakis and all muzzies the better. Apart from Trevor Phillips, we can criticise whoever we like and get away with it. Back in the 90s and early 2000s blacks detested pakis. Fucking wanted them dead, always fighting them when I was growing up. You think that fore goes away? No. There are sleeper movements all over, whenever the based anglos want to team up and drive muzzies out of the country let us know please. We are itching to get rid of their little terrorist bin bag communites. But neither of us can do it alone without causing a revolt.
what is this cringe larp
You're the biggest LARP here nuggethead
what is this cringe larp
can someone fill me in on wtf is happening with woes?
He's a simpleton, no one cares
Great to hear the prime minister's gf gave birth to a beautiful black baby
A smarter way to do it is to offer a one off lump sum for them to renounce their citizenship.
Those who only came for money will take it and fuck off.
If they don't have citizenship
(on Visa or PR),
then just cancel it and deport.
Sadly the public will to do this probably won't manifest until its too late.
Too many NPCs that believe they're "the source of our strength"
>A Canadian helicopter has gone missing over the Ionian Sea off Greece, officials say.
fucking hell this sounds like the beginning of a WW3 plot
I was told to post this by the NEET that calls me a lid.
Flights got cancelled, Please help me Raab
>a leaf crashed his heli
No one's gonna care
That would be hilarious.
Leaked pics confirm.
What a beautiful baby
Based plaguie.
wews has been a naughty boy, noncing young lasses and sending unwanted dick pics, so he has been kicked out of PA
>still trusting scientists
You haven't been paying attention have you
Some guy plays dress up, police want to speak to him.
Wtf happened here over the last 20 years?