When will our politicians move us beyond meat?

The meat supply chain is crashing and burning right when Americans need it most. It's simply unreliable. When will politicians make a real effort to ween the public off meat? It'd be good for our health and good for the environment.

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>politicians crashed the industry
>wHeN WiLl pOliTicIanS FiX tHe iNdUsTry???
When they fuck off. And you too, fucking statist.

Just eat bugs, brah.

Nah, just release a virus and kill 80% of the population.

I'd sooner see the kidneys of my elected representatives in a skillet than resort to eating moth burgers. I'd rather make a fried big-brain sandwich than a millipede hotdog!

Why so many Americans have brown eyes?

You Dumbfucks need to choose eating meat or mass depopulation, because as the population grows we cant keep cutting down forests for fucking cows to shit on.

That shit is unsustainable as fuck, millions will starve because of lack of supply and malnutrition (humans need to eat meat else become malnourished).
It would be just a matter of time before they would be forced to put ground human in the mix.

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Its expensive and compilcated to make , is less nutritious and will probably give you more heart attacks than a real burger

Untrue you can get all your nutrients from plant based died, but you will need to take some vitamins so you don't become deficient like B12. But its not like fat fuck Americans who drink Mountain Dew everyday even know or are educated about this stuff. I did a plant based diet for 12 months I switched to a meat based diet during the pandemic and I feel like shit ever since I started eating meat again.

mass depop please. kill china and india and we all eat like kings

>you can get all your nutrients from plant based died
>but you will need to take some vitamins

Just fuck off, fuck off you dumb cunt. Why bother arguing against my point if you are going to support it in the first damn sentence.
Where do you think those vitamins come from?

Anybody who switches to a Vegetarian diet and only eats meat substitutes is a retard, the only way to maintain a Vegetarian diet is to learn how to cook and stay away from meat substitutes.

You need to run and hide... 'cause I'm coming for your hide, mate! The world can depopulate all it wants while I'm dining on a stew made from your own buttocks. I'll even dip Vegemite laden Melba Toast into it! Post pics of the ordeal on my Fagbook timeline!

this face....

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You can buy vegan based vitamins retard.

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>capitalizes 'vegetarian'
>knows something about 'meat substitutes'

I want your prime rib, mate. I'll dress it up with a garnish made from smoked kangaroo balls and maple syrup.

The very fact you need vitamins means it is inherently a insufficient diet.

B12, Iron (which stupid cunts always go one about) are just a couple of dozens of essentials that a vegan diet falls short on because the fact is we have a digestive system that demands omnivorous diet.

By the way, vegans are stupid, depressed and/or in other states of mental illness because the diet is low in tryptophan and phenylalanine, which comes from meat.

I bought some vegan pasta by mistake a few days ago. Still unaware of this I cooked and ate it and found it taste fucking disgusting, so I looked at the package and lo and behold - VEGAN.

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I fucking hate that when it happens, gulten free is the other one that catches you out.

Supply chain meat worries sure sounds like a city fuck problem.
If the supply chain is so dangerously unstable just wait, and the issue will resolve itself.

>Where do you think those vitamins come from?
Bacterial fermentation.

>but you will need to take some vitamins

fucking retard, stop taking pills, just eat meat.

Truth is most people are largely insufficient and don't even know it. How many people take a blood test every 6 months ? will the world be healthier if people did regular tests adjusted their diet or vitamin intake based on those tests ? yes. tryptophan and phenylalanine are found in plant based sources.

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Fellow Berserktard user??

Exactly, might as well eat a ruminant instead of trying to become one.

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You are retarded and know next to nothing about nutrition. You can eat iron but that does not mean you will ingest and then metabolize it. It is the same for many "plant-based" proteins and vitamins. Subsisting solely on a plant based diet is a good way to become a sickly emiciated twig. Not to mention it would fuck up the development of children.

Make your own pasta. It requires 2 eggs, 1 pound of flour and a hand crank machine that is like 20 bucks us (you can get an electric one but more expensive), which you only have to buy once if you take care of it. I'm sure there are other recipes, but it is easy as fuck.

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Gotta admit, Not my proudet fap.

Mine either.

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Elemental iron is not as efficiently absorbed as heme, but it is absorbed. Those iron fishes they hand out in the third world really work.

Only matters for the cunt bleeders any way.


Is there a psychological explanation to this expression?

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I'm not a middle aged woman. I'm not buying a pasta maker.

and Africa and south america

Suit yourself, vegan pasta.

>Those iron fishes they hand out in the third world
Oh for fuck sake, why do they do that stupid shit!

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Fucking soibois, when will they learn?


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The explanation is physiological/gastronomical. It's SÖY IN THE FOOD.

Can you be my wife though? Then you can make all the pasta you want for me and I will bring you my paycheck to squander on homemaking shit.

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Ngl beyond burgers are good.

Still like my strip tho

My room mate is a skeletal. He has iron deficiency. Strict veganism is a harmful ideology to promote. I do not doubt a non-trivial portion of females are adversely affected. Both of sisters are doing a vegetarian diet and are both iron deficient. It is fucking mental.

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