This is why you are locked down

Corona virus is a big hoax that is being perpetrated on order for the masses to fully accept their elections getting fixed right before their eyes.

Attached: corona is a hoax.jpg (1444x1327, 357.03K)

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This is what michigAN Iis hiding


I'm sure that is one of the many interests in this.

Just need to decide which tabletop exercise would like what.

Event 201


Crimson Contagion 2019


I licked a hospital toiletseat last week. No symptoms. This thing was a nothingburger.


is this anything to do with the Q post, about trump and arizona on may 1st?

yeah, I'm sure the democrats just convinced the rest of the world to fake a virus, so they could fix our elections.
or maybe, just maybe, it's possible for two things to happen at once in the entire world.
and maybe jews and their pet leftists are really good at taking advantage of chaotic situations.
nah, I'm sure they involved millions if not billions of people in a globe spanning, intergovernmental fake out, just so they could mail you a fucking ballot.

Attached: 1588214597747.jpg (1024x1024, 135.61K)

Why does giving voters more information and easier access to voting ALWAYS harm Republicans? Really says alot about the state of the party right now

Why do Democrats want to make it easier to fix votes? I could literally copy this piece of paper and fill it out for my whole family if I wanted

the dems straight up got caught stuffing ballot boxes with mail ins in Georgia and Florida.
that's not a matter of debate, that's fact. they were in the cars of election volunteers.
one of the bitches involved is in line to be biden's VP pick.

This, shit was rigged to make Stacy Abrams look like she had a chance to win, in Georgia of all places. Yes the demographics are looking bad, but we're not even there yet. The Demonkikes then even had the gall to say that shit was Rigged for Brian Kemp and the bitch was even demanding a recount.


bump, this should make the normiesphere.

Also, bump, the Dems are doing this to ruin the country completely and ensure the country is always in their control. This is why they take away ID requisites for voting, all while bringing in more immigrants and bringing more gun control.

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the lockdown is to lock down people into homes to fill out the census, for the coming war/depopulation operation.

I had to explain this to my boomer parents why it was such a big deal to get this shit in the mail. Regardless if you're conservative or liberal, imagine you are taking care of someone that is elderly, sick, mentally handicap, etc, and hasn't paid attention to politics for the last 20 years. Someone could easily fill this shit out for them which would grant them the ability to permanently vote in their place for however long they can.

But Trump isn't a big enough threat to Globalism. He hasn't done what he campaigned on. Just delayed the inevitable

Can't find you a sauce on that right now but read this how they tried to smear Kemp.
This shit is being shill the hardest and being tailor made for the dems to commit more fraud.


hmm which zionist to vote for, I just cant quite decide? hmm so many jews to choose from! how exciting!

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>elections happen only in murrica

As a Michigander myself, I got a curious text from Center for Common Ground yesterday. Telling me I had to get my ballot in the mail. Very strange since I voted in person back on March 10th when it was held. Some fuckery afoot.

you know they already vote by mail in washington and oregun

Bump. Demand normal elections. Write to Trump and demand it.

The virus also exists outside of the U.S you absolute spastic. Imagine being arrogant enough to think it is all about you.

They really believe we would all shut down just to please some kikes in the U.S

It's what the masses deserve for being so easily manipulable.

You're right
But this memeflag is right too

Yes. And also to contact trace everyone for tracking potential rebels and their friends, quelling possibilities for a revolution