MEME parties in your country

I don't think you can beat Poland.
We have Korwin/Konfederacja and used to have a successful Beer Lovers Party.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Our meme partys are dead, killed by social democrats

>blue square
>red square and not green

The Polish Beer-Lovers' Party (PPPP; Polish: Polska Partia Przyjaciół Piwa) was a satirical Polish political party that was founded in 1990 by satirist Janusz Rewiński. Originally, the party's goal was to promote cultural beer-drinking in English-style pubs instead of vodka and thus fight alcoholism.
The humorous name and disillusionment with Poland's political transformation led some Poles to vote for the party. The nature of the party's appeal to its supporters was reflected in frequently-heard remarks that maybe with the PPPP at the helm "it wouldn't be better but for sure it would be funnier".

In the 1991 parliamentary elections the PPPP won 16 seats in the Sejm.

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we have 8 different animal protection parties

every German party is a meme party, user

The party soon split into Large Beer and Small Beer factions, despite Rewiński's claims that "beer is neither light nor dark, it is tasty".

>The party soon split into Large Beer and Small Beer factions

>we have 8 different animal protection parties

Krautanon, this is so you...

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they'd probably have a seat or two too if they united but they all hate each other.

Vote for any party that will make you stay in your shithole and stop moving over here

Lewica is literally painting her tits green.

Mega nanny is hot but unironically being with the libertarian spaz who exactly understands and promotes my own ideals is too good to pass up, even though she's not my type physically. I think this means I've reached full maturity.

Paleolibertarian Monarchist to be precise.
Careful though, her more libertarian half has developed a complex morality system where NTR and all degeneracy is immoral only if you get caught/don't hide it.

our most redpilled party (ĽS Naše Slovensko) was originally called the party of the friends of wine before being taken over by red pilled nationalists
our cultural marxist party memes: 5 grams of white (its former party leader was a drug addict and dealer (?)), one of their MPs in the previous parliament (really an independent because the party never actually got to parliament) photographing himself eating wafers and showing his socks there while having a sleepover with other of his party colleagues (also independents) and the best one: 6,96% (the party was in a coalition and needed 7% of the vote
a party named Vlasť (also pretty redpilled): the way its leader talks
a party named Smer-SD (social democrats): the fact that the party i and needed 926 votes for it)s full of mafia and one of their MPs is a full blown communist, some memes about him too
a party named Za Ľudí which should mean for the people, the unofficially official name of the party (and kind of a meme) is now Žaludi which means acorns
the former(?) Slovak National Party leader is a total meme by himself (the best one being Captain because he was for no reason promoted from soldier or smth to captain by the minister of defence from his party afaik)

Quality post
>our most redpilled party (ĽS Naše Slovensko) was originally called the party of the friends of wine before being taken over by red pilled nationalists
I'm kind of jealous. It pains me to say it but wine is much better for you than beer. We should have change vodka to wine, not beer.

umg the post got fucked up

Fuck, I'm even more in love. If your language wasn't so fucking hard to learn I'd love to move there (and I learned moonrunes!)

Jokes aside, Korwin with his autistic contrarian spazms sometimes is genuinely brilliant
< He kept lowering the number and posting it on his blog to measure when will he get punished. Got bored after a month or two.

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>Just to begin, I present my thesis that it is not true: no more than 5.999.999 were killed.

This is absolutely glorious.

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Anyway, the Kétfarkú Kutya Párt or Two-tailed Dog Party. They are more of a collective of pranksters than a party though.

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Why that AK variation has no sight. It's triggering my autism unless it's a shotgun

>the flag
"The difference between Europe and USA is that in USA they keep the Reds in reservations, and we in parliaments."

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Where we're heading, we don't need sights

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Not sure if cringe is caused by the sun or the furfag.


Being a libertarian in Poland sounds fuckin' rad

Yes and no.
It is pretty amazing that they finally entered the real politics. Nobody expected that.
On the other hand it's insanely difficult terrain. Older generation don't understand limited gov. parties. They don't hate them, it just doesn't exist in the post-real-socialism mind. At all.
Korwin may be an edgy self-sabotaging wacko, but he single handedly memed polish libertarianism into existence on a barren soil.

His problem is, that he is a meme
He's been a meme for 30 years now.
I preferred him in the EU parliament desu

Nigga pls

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I'll admit one thing.
Spanish feminists are the most viral.

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Is VOX similiar to falangism? Isn’t the francoist boomer right?