Is Germany India of Europe?

Is Germany India of Europe?
>They call themselves Aryans
>They are obsessed with poop
>They lost all the wars
>They were colonized by Muslims
>Their women are too easy for foreign cocks
>They are the biggest ZOG puppets

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>Is Germany India of Europe?
can confirm

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And France is Pakistan of Europe.

first 3 memeflags ITT are actual streetshitters

first 3 memeflags ITT are actual streetshitters

Germans don't shit on streets. They are different.

>Germans don't shit on streets. They are different
G*mans are the world largest scat porn obsessed subhumans though

They don't call themselves Aryans anymore. It has been discouraged for some time.

t. Ranjeet Sukdeep

>They call themselves Aryans
No mutt, we are a Supreme Dravido-Aryan United Society
>They are obsessed with poop
Nope you are obsessed with poop that's why you selectively move the spotlight to a Cringe place in the most populated Shitty region called Mumbai(check Bald and Bankrupts vlogs outside Mumbai)
>They lost all wars
Hahaha I don't think we lost any war except 1962 With the Chinese. And that also was like a back stab. In 1967 we defeated em.
Defeated Pakistan in
(They wanted to take Kashmir right from 1947)
(Lol actually Kashmir being a muslim majority area must rightfully be in Pakistan.LoL. but our Army was too damned trained to let em do shit.
>Colonized by Muslims
Persia was colonized by Muslims
Constantinople was colonized by Muslims
India was too. Who survived? Did Constantinople survive? Persia survive? Only supreme Hindu Aryan Cocks fuckinh raped Muslim cunts all the way uptil British did the shit fuckery.
Fuck off Mutt.. your country is based on the region your founder supposedly thought was India. Now you can hell sure project us as shit streeters usinh third grade footage from Mumbai or somethin..
But remember.. We already have Google Microsoft Adobe IBM heck.. even the National Science Some shit head of Muttmerica is also an Indian.

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I am all for critizising germany but comparing them to india is a bit far off. There are extreme cultural, religious and ethnic differences you knowingly overlook for some half assed insult.

Go suck a nigger dick, it fits your flag.

>that watermark

Nope. Pajeets are Aryans while Germans are not. If Hitler had seen an Indian he would have immediately changed his framework on what the master race truly is.

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Its an indogerman speciality.

Shut the fuck up. 99,9% of you people don't look like this.

No, the curry powder (which is shit) came from Britain during and after the war. We don't say nutmeg is Indonesian either and we got it straight from there.

Based brother. Exterminate all the muslims subhummans and make your coutry great.
I like India, they are an old civilization that are fallen. I would like non-white to have great countries too so they wouldn't invade our home.
Sad that different races are used as pawns by the jews to create a global mutt.

But curry is indian and wurst is german.

>black hair
>brown eyes
>dark skin

I have serious trouble to differentiate between what kind of mutt this is. Indian? Arab? Some kind of Murican Mutt? South American? Looks all the same to me.
It's not a black or an asian, this is clear.
As a side note, what is it with muricans feminizing men to such a degree? We call men without hair on their chest women over here.

then Bangladesh is Poland and Russia is China.

About my country, well, either Sri Lanka or Burma.
I prefer Burma

Yeah by proxy. What we know as curry isn't what Indians call curry anyway.

Sri Lanka is way better and better than almost all of India.

I don't know where this stereotype comes from especially the older generations are not degenerates when it comes to porn

Bru, the stereotype is real. Most scat porn is from germany.
Don't even pretend for a second german porn isn't the most disgusting on the planet.

You're a bit behind. You're right when you're talking about 80+ but 60 year olds can definitely be perverted as fuck.

The weirdest part is when they start speaking German. German dirty talk freaks me out.

We need more people like you.

i know most indians love/even worship germany but i don't know why

>t. your typical self-hating hans

>German dirty talk freaks me out.


Japan is UK, South Korea is France, China is Russia, Hong Kong is Switzerland, Singapore is Monaco, Taiwan is Belgium, Vietnam is Poland, Thailand is Portugal, India is Germany.

look at curry man, so inspirational

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A lot of Indians are fascinated with Germany because the image of Germans is that they are an orderly people with an extreme amount of determination and predisposition to hard work. But their collective conformative nature means thay they are capable of as much good as they are of evil. Indian soldiers who were sent by England to fight against Germany in World Wars were impressed by German battalions. When they came back after the war, it was seen as a symbol of pride, "Our soldiers have put down the Germans! What a great achievement!". A lot of this turned into race-based politics which lead to Indian and Pakistani overconfidence, especially amongst Pashtun, Punjabi and Sikh soldiers that we were the only warrior races of Asia, leading to strategic failures in post-independent India underestimating the Chinese, for example. The 1962 Indian loss against China, and the 1971 loss of Pakistan against India did turn down that massive ego though.


Lol... exactly what I meant... you seem quite talented. Ever thought about a career as a screenwriter?