Is giving women the right to vote the single worst mistake in human history?

Is giving women the right to vote the single worst mistake in human history?

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I hate that in Red Dead 2 one of the missions forces you to simp for a wagon full of these whores. I cant tell you how many times I murdered that bitch in saint denis though

No. Giving people the right to vote at all was worse. Democracy is a failed experiment.


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Suffrage was a jewish movement.

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I agree. People say (and rightfully so) that communism sounds good on paper but when put into practice doesn't work, but it's the same thing with idiotic concepts like "freedom and liberty". Same thing, different flavor is all.

mega based

No. Murdering Jesus was.

No,women ware rather conservative back then.
If only men were allowed to vote the subvertion would simply target them more.
We would be in the same situation but with less feminists and more basedboys

Men become basedboys either due to being overpowered by women or so they can impress women.

most socialists and unionfags are men
fema > founded by a guy
soros > guy
most politicucks > guys
the problem is cucking
women follow men's moral authority and men are degenerate
anti-fa - sausage fest
White women voted Trump in 2016 despite a white woman running. They also voted Brexit. The issue is low IQ whites and non whites voting. Look at the data and don't trust Dem lies. It's cheerleader effect they go for.

black men got the vote despite low IQ but the women who paid taxes didn't? also higher IQ and an oath to God to treat her as their own flesh

for themselves and the Chinese, watch Origin of everything's latest vid, they caused the San Fran plague too

Emphatically, yes.

Based as fuck, thanks lads

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>Men become basedboys either due to being overpowered by women or so they can impress women.

it's closer to social proof that the media bathes the country in, in addition to the artificial hormones and hormone mimicking chemicals they put in the food and water supply.

These "$oy" boys have so much estrogen floating in their system when they are born, their brains develop more towards the female plan than the male plan, making them particularly suceptible to group pressure and social proof, and the media exploits this to create a faux-army of NPC's who parrot the medias talking points, because they want to conform to "the herd's decisions"

yes absolutely.

no, the elimination of the property requirement to vote was worse. there's a massive difference between a woman that has the intelligence and maturity to own property and understand wealth, and some vapid consumerist roastie that votes on ~feelings~.

If woman couldn't vote republicans would be the majority, so yes.

Letting the Jews into the country

Not sending the blacks back

I guess you could argue that, however, even these more "conservative" women wanted voting rights with none of the responsibility and after they got the right to vote government spending on social programs went through the roof and has been ever since.

IQ of 100 minimum.

remove welfare for all adults and see how quickly men complain

>If only men were allowed to vote the subvertion would simply target them more.
It doesn't work on men at the macroscopic level though because men need niches, while women don't.
All women are socially and sexually valid by default, while men are only so if they occupy a niche.
This acts as a natural limiter on the extent to which men can be conditioned into arbitrary groupthink, even in a post scarcity society.
Women have no such limiter, hence in a post scarcity society, those who control what is "cool" control the entire female vote by proxy.
This doesn't work with men, since most will always be excluded from what is "cool", and thus there will always be contrarianism resulting in natural decentralization, separation of powers and macroscopic introspection preventing massive groupthinking deathballs from centralizing political power in the hands of influencers.
>White women voted Trump in 2016
This is because our societies are falling apart, people are getting poorer, and we are undergoing the transition into hard times.
They didn't vote like this when times were good, because when times are good, their instincts compel them to flock to the socially dominant position, resulting in a defacto dictatorship of the influencers.
This behaviour is basically the great filter, and the entire reason traditional attitudes regarding gender exist in the first place is because this has happened before.
>If we could go back and tell our past selves how bad things would get
meme is silly because people from other societies that have suffered the same fate were already telling them this, and it was ignored.

That being said though, WW1 was the biggest mistake in our history.
All of the bullshit that has been pushed since, including that which led to WW2, has its root in the atrocity porn produced in the wake of WW1.
The past 100 years has been the century of
>We must be weak, for if we are not, we destroy the world

They complain as a means of signalling to women.

aren't Bernie bros well.... bros?
low IQ men shouldn't vote

No, if only women voted in the UK, the Tories would have won every election since WW2.
It's the mumsnet vote basically.
Look into it.
But Galton was right, end dysgenics.

>making them particularly suceptible to group pressure and social proof
There are likely other reasons for this part too.
Look at how multiculturalism has impacted social cohesion.
Now understand that in the absence of a unifying culture, all men are foreign with respect to all other men.
The long term result of sexual liberalism is effectively multiculturalism even without migration, since sex is inherently competitive, and internal competition undermines unifying culture.
Men in late stage sexually liberal societies see their own countrymen as foreign long before actual foreigners begin showing up, and when this does start occurring, it's almost always a means for some internally competing faction to gain an edge over some other internally competing faction.

Vibrants riot if we cut off the welfare, it's a bribe.

Yeah there’s no such thing as freedom or liberty if you want a functioning society.

probably not but, we had leftist radicals and shitty policies before women voted you know. Men did a lot of that revolutionary shit from the 16 to 19 hundreds.

r-selection, read Anonymous Conservative (blog or book), he explains

Marx ripped off equalism from the rapists of the Munster rebellion.