Yas Forums & Virgins

How do You virgins feel knowing that you will never be able to own a ferrari in your life. It must suck.

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this is now a spiderman thread

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True land ownership has not existed for centuries.

If you don't have properties in Colombia or any latin american country, you are a simp.

Only reason anyone buys a ferrari is for the name. There's other high end vehicles with comparable performaance, but require a magnitude less maintenance.

I'm not a tasteless retard so i'm more upset that I won't own a rolls royce.

forgot the image

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See this is why you use a nigger flag. Someone with a brain would name Uruguay as country of choice in South America, with Brazil as close second.

SpiderMan is CRINGE
Batman is SOUL
Fuck Marvel.

No thanks. I am bikerfag

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I'd prefer a maybach a real car not that toy ferrari shit

Bikers = Incels in denial

Based and redpilled, but only if you're really good with it.

I am an American, from Texas. But ok...

You have neither, hahahhahahahahahha

Keep telling yourself to that

>Italian cars

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No, I Will not do that You faggot

too dangerous

any car that is not 100% controllable with the throttle all the way open is too dangerous for man to operate.

take the safety and driveability pill

This obviously includes ferarri. Don't drive these death traps. You will become tempted and possessed by demonic speed demons. please do not commit a sin.


Actually I could buy several. It's years I was living in a park. Sleeping on a bench and smoking crack.

Nowadays I'm loaded

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did someone underestimate you? are you underestimating us?

I'm talking to men, not nigger animals. I feel nothing when you die.

Thats retarted logic. Throttle is a tool, just like torque or grip

> ferrari
why would i want to own a car that a BMW that cost half the price could thrash? this is nigger-tier bait at most.

we need some motorcycle suit that save your ass from any kind of impact

You're already doing it. If you don't have something else to say, Twitter is on two blocks down

Edgy af.

What a stupid little cuckboy.

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Do you guys eat king crab everyday?
Owning a Ferrari would get old as fuck and fast.

There are so many other cars that would be much more satisfying for a fraction of the price.

This samefaggotry is astoundingly pathetic.

I Will not do what You request, u little unimportant piece of shit.

No, I prefer things with SOUL

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Dear, kek i may be evil but it is a nessecary evil in these dark times. Once this time has passed and we have restored what is right. I shall no longer be needed for I will have done my work.

You need to become a man and work

Toys only impress the simple minded.
Rent one drive it give it back.
Same with women.

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couldnt care less im way above your measly mentality of owning material wealth

>BLM flag says you need to be a slave and buy stupid expensive cars

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> throttle is a tool
this is why "american" cars are known around the world as garbage. they can only go well and fast in a straight line and even that is questionable. thankfully you keep most of your cancer inside of your shithole nation. anything more complex than a few degrees in curvature of the road and you fuckers are rolling down an embankment. when people buy a car, they don't want to die because some retard US engineer thought it would be great to save money by cutting as many corners as possible.

Prove it then Bitch, Show your flag.

I really don't see the appeal of luxury cars. I'm glad my generation is not into car culture. Like, what's the point? You arent going to race them, you cant go over the speed limit and you scratch it once and it loses all the value. You just sit in traffic and look cool? It honestly makes no sense to me. There's so many better things you could use that money for.

No. Your ride must not be more powerful than you can control under any circumstances. That's temptation that leads to death.

I own a living body, a heart that pumps blood through my veins, limbs that work, a mind that’s sane, and a family that I care deeply for. That alone is more than enough for me.

Bitcoin to the moon. I'll get my Ferrari.

So, exactly how do you fuck your car OP? In the front grill or the fuel socket, or do you just stick it up the exhaust?

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No, I don't obey fatcucks like u

Trying to hard

Don't care. I will die one way or another. But before that i will rather to enjoy that sweet wind on my body

I dont give a fuck about cars and I particularly hate paying a lot of money for repair

If you don't own a Ford you're a faggot.

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Anyway, I couldn't give a toss and I don't understand anyone who would.
>nooooo you can't just not care about cool cars!
>haha shit car go brrrr

Prove it bitch