Expose capitalism for the zoomers, MIGA boomers, Nazis/Fascists fine with class collaboration, and libertarians. Remember Yas Forums is a socialist board.
Capitalism hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Capitalists don't care about you
Your politics and "democracy" is not real
America is not a real country
old news. and it's all big box stores and burger joints ect
And remember, globalization is an invention of the capitalists and they come as a package. If you're in favor of capitalism, you're in favor of globalization.
Free trade is the biggest heist in history
>Look at this problem caused by government
>This is proof we need more government
Kill yourself faster tranny.
Corporate welfare and crony capitalism are Socialism wearing a shitty, ill-fitting mask with capitalism scrawled on it in half eaten green crayon.
Private citizens without proper regulation in the marketplace caused this
>Corporate welfare and crony capitalism are Socialism
Go back
and with internet it gets worst
if I want to rent a datacenter in the first world it costs me gold, but the same requirements are bitch cheap in the third world, and without taxes nor legislation there
hope corona kills all those filthyskins
Capitalism is an empirical, well-established economic model. It works as is evidenced by the extraordinary amount of wealth in the western nations of the world.
Communists despise capitalism because they are weak at playing by its rules, and there are no communist societies which are successful.
So it really doesn't matter what is said about Bezos, because at the end of the day capitalism works. Communism doesn't.
But this post is complaining about corporatism and not capitalism. The only reason he's able to 'offload his payroll costs onto taxpayers' as Tucker puts it is because those socialist policies exist.
Why is he hating on Jeff Bezos and not some other globalist trillionare?!
>muh richest man
Tucker Carlson is a mong. Please commit suicide.
Tucker for Furher
he will lead us to the 4th reich
Yes and those are the only two possible options, good goy.
nah hes based and fash
>nordic model: exists
>Rothchilds are worth $2 trillion
The very source it uses (investopedia) retracted that figure saying it was horseshit investopedia.com
if bezos worker CAN get welfare its not capitalism
Corporatism vs capitalism is a distinction without a difference.
>go back
Projection. Stop shilling you’re crap here. It’s painfully obvious to everyone.
>yes, let us TAX you. That’s the ONLY way to be happy.
>wellfare state
Daily reminder communism is simply Talmudism:
Messianic Talmudism
>the state owns everything
>Jews are the state
>every Jew has 2,800 goy slaves
>the state owns everything
>Jews are the state
>Jews control millions of worker slaves
The Old Bolsheviks and NKVD being 85% Jewish isn't a mistake. Communism was an attempt by Jews to create a Messianic Talmudic state. The Romanovs were killed in a Jewish ritual by NKVD Jews. The communist agitators in Spain, Poland, and Germany were also all Jews. The nuclear spies in America were all Jews. The communist party leaders in America were Jews. Marx was a Jew. Lenin was a Jew. Trotsky was a Jew. The reason why every communist country ends up with an ultra-rich elite cabal at the top is because communism was designed to put Jews at the top and fulfill the Talmudic prophesy of "all the world's property being in the hands of the Jews". Neo-communists try to hand-wave this undeniable fact by shrieking "THAT'S NOT REAL COMMUNISM!", refusing, in their ignorance, to ever believe that they'd simply been deceived about the true nature of their political religion.
If you are a communist you are a puppet. You are a shabbos. You are a slave. And you don't even know it.
Capitalism isn't bad, it's unfettered greed that is bad. You can be a capitalist and do good. Or do good even by playing by capitalist rules in a capitalist society.
Basically George Cadbury was a Quaker and was concerned with living and working conditions for workers back in the day so he moved operations to the countryside where it was cleaner and healthier. He bought land and planned and built with his own money a model village that grew to several hundred homes, many populated by his workers. He paid relatively high wages for the time. Gave all his workers full medical, etc.
He still made a fuck ton of money and his family has been rich for generations now.
Okay. We should implement a labour backed currency wherein 1 hour of work nets you 1 dollar. That way Jeff Bezos would need to put in hundreds of billions of hours of work rather than just collect money without doing anything.
Pic related
Yes, a NATIONAL socialist board. Funny how you missed that small, but extremely important word. I'm sure it was just a coincidence.