How to Redpill?

I'm having a hard time red pilling people around me. Why does everyone just immediately declare you a Nazi?
Any advice or support groups for people like me?

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>unironically trying to redpill lemmings

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You have to ease them into it, let them do the thinking so they think their conclusion is theirs alone.

You don't tell them statements. Start by asking them simple questions. Don't answer it right away, let them dwell on that question.

How do you boil a frog?

keep it to yourself unless they open a door. brainwashing/unbrainwashing isnt easy. see an opening, plant a seed and leave it the fuck alone until it needs water.

Drop hints but don't talk about it. Let the normies doing their thinking and research.

Just let them bluepill you, user. It's easier that way. You'll be much happier in life. This isn't your fight, it's just a stupid website filled with bitter incels. Don't let them drag you down to their level.

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What are some good examples of questions to lead off with?

Maybe you right

>Supporting delisions
You're disease and i'm cure

The chad doesn't waste his time trying to redpill people. His existence makes people question "what am I not doing that this guy is doing?" and when they ask you, you drop it on them

things like "Why is everyone so depressed nowadays?"
it's easiest to question things as though you don't already know the answer.

Good point, I shall live like the Chad

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Just throw a good counter argument back at them, it's called redpilling for a reason

Chad is fuckin bluepilled though. Beautiful people just go with whatever is the status quo because their lives are good so why should they want to change things?
Just look at this board, we all want societal change because we're upset with society. We aren't in an idyllic bubble.

Do you know of any group chats for J woke folks? IRC channels or Discord servers I could join?

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i'm not gonna call you a glownigger because i hate faggots that do that, but if you're an honest fella i would advise never joining any sort of group off of Yas Forums.

Chad isn't just a state of body, it's a state of mind
Not giving a fuck about what bluepilled retards do is a big part of it

Lol no putin dick, I only like one kind of trap my friend

Shut up kike. How does it feel to see more and more goyim knowing?
Op, never give up. Tell everybody you can

Hmmm probably good advice

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>thinks being Chad is “Chad and Stacy”
Chad is equivalent to just not giving a fuck about dissenting opinions.
Also we? Who’s we? You have a gay turtle in your pocket?

>bitter incels
These retards have no idea what sliding is all about, they come in and bump threads they want to slide, are they really this stupid?

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Why is that?

you're going to get honeydicked by the FBI

You can't redpill people. They can only redpill themselves. Your only purpose is point them in the right direction.

You are not going to be able to ’redpill’ them with le epic facts and logic. Most people have been programmed to think and react a certain way when they encounter these ideas. No matter what (((Ben Shapiro))) says about ”facts not caring about your feelings.” It is absoloutely pointless if my feelings don’t care about your facts. What you can do is begin to plant seeds of suspicion in their mind. Things that make them go ”Hang on a minute..” They will redpill themselves over a long time. I don’t know what your political journey has been like but I can’t really pinpoint a certain ’redpill moment’ for me, it developed over time. This also means that it doesn’t really matter if you ”win” the argument, this is often impossible for us in these kinds of situations anyway, it only matters that you plant the idea in their head.

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Rejoice in it OP. Human beings just live in fear, they can’t embrace truth that doesn’t align with their worldview.

I got called a Nazi for talking about scripture and the modern day Pharisee Church by some childhood friends. The fake Jews in the last days, connection to Satanism, NWO, gaslighting cultures for race wars etc. One of them took a Jewish history course and thought he was a fuckin expert, but I was able to refute everything with fact. I saw in their eyes they were so god damned confused, they couldn’t take the threat to their ego, so they in turn, called me a Nazi. Keep in mind though this was after a night of talking and drinking, when normies talk fake deep you can’t help but offer some insight before you start going off.