Only countries richer than America may post in this thread

Only countries richer than America may post in this thread

Attached: GDPpercapita2021-1.png (447x586, 38.56K)

wtf? i feel as poor as a polack now

Aren’t you only up there because you’re a tax haven for American corporations?

Rich based on what? Paper money? That's worthless. They don't have as much in terms of assets and things that actually matter.
Even if they all teamed up they could not win in a war against us.

here in Ireland we have a word for germans, we call them "niggers"

>Having more zogbots ready to die for Israel is the thing that matters

Yeah see this is where mine and yous' opinion differ burgerboy

Basically all of them are either tax havens or have oil money. Iceland is the only one I'm not sure about.

>earning money legally

might as well burn it now because that's what govt and their hobos are gonna do with it later

>(((IMF))) estimates, lol.

>they could not win in a war against us.

Every other country knows they can't beat USA with military strength. So instead of shoot the enemy like you do, we use bioweapons.

And as we all know America does not have attractive tax rates nor oil, gas and fracking reserves.

Lmao you must be so proud of your zog army full of mongrel goblins ready to die for their jewish masters in a instant.

When has your shithole country actually won a war? You got beat by Japan so bad you had to ragequit with a nuke built by Germans to save face.


Even with the same size armies we'd still kick your asses potatonigg

nobody wants shitty nokias these days pekka

>tax rates
ok you got me there
>oil, gas, fracking reserves
excuse me sir what the fuck

Brits couldn't beat us with an army 100x the size of us and they somewhat understand our nation, so I'd like to see you try Pablo

Really tho do you think you could out compete the U.S economically even if all those countries teamed up?
You're delusional if you think so

Because we have nowhere near the population
We're like a handful of elves against millions of American orcs

is this a chinese aussie?

Rich coming from a people, who couldnt liberate an area smaller than bavaria from Kaiser gibs.

Cringe. Most of your faggot population is gay chavs and expats. Youre one sorry excuse for a country. Do you even have trains?


Attached: download (9).jpg (637x358, 31.07K)

Only countries richer than the poorest US state may post in this thread.

Attached: dispincome2.png (693x1254, 303.62K)


Based bongjew

Including America which is both a tax haven and has oil

You aren't rich only because 50 multinationals have their European registered office in Ireland. Your real GDP is more like half.

>Brits couldn't beat us
That's a bold claim. Do you think we could have beaten you if we'd actually tried to? Let's imagine that we actually retaliated with force, rather than sending the forces in to protect you retards from yourselves. You know, let's say we got the RAF in on it and retaliated with bombs of our own. Do you think we might have beaten you then? What do you think?

That's the reality of it, yeah we're really "wealthy"
>pays 30% income tax
>goes to store, buys item, pays 15% goods & services tax
>buy smokes 95%ish tax
>buy booze 80 something percent tax
>average house is $600,000
tldr GDP is bullshit for jews

Tax havens distort per capita GDP data greatly.

I can tell you from experience that Mississippi is really bad. It definitely is not better than Italy.

Lmao you mutts couldn't even beat a bunch of japs when you were white. What chance to you have in your modern muttified state?

The only reason JewSA "wins" is their total disregard for honor. Europeans had it. Mutts with their jews pulling the strings do not.

Stop taking pride in your jew army and go make your country white again.