When will the housing bubble burst?

When will the housing bubble burst?

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Go fuck yourself ausfreak

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x153, 28.24K)

When boomers die? But by that point they’ve invited so many foreigners the prices never go down, chinese will keep buying them for astronomical prices.

No really, eat shit

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when niggers poop

What do you mean when?

I had a California Real Estate Licence.
I practiced Morgage Banking years 1990-1994.
I did 700 loans.

Either we 1/2 all home values or go hyperinflation and sell to China, then in a few years crash the housing market.


There is a point when people can't afford a $400,000 home. They can afford a $50,000 home, not 400K. It's called housing to income ratio. We're in unique times with zero interest rates. I was an expert in this, now the world is doing what the world does in times of war, the intelligence agencies are launching all their global projects simultaneously and we're in the biggest cold war ever!


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slit your throat

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Hang yourself

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March 15 2020

Jump off a cliff

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slit your throat

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-07-05 at 9.45.24 PM.png (331x63, 14.11K)

Jump off a cliff

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it wont, boomers are currently in the process of getting the laws changed so Chinese nationals can buy up their over priced real estate with printed monopoly money

slit your throat

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-08-13 at 5.53.31 PM.png (649x102, 24.91K)

Hang yourself

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Get shot

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Jump off a cliff

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Housing prices are propped up by the government paying section 8 and HUD benefits to shitskin subhumans. Banks know they can’t lose because the government pays the bills for subhumans to rent and will also step in to bail the industry out if the prices come down significantly. It won’t pop until the DOTR. The government will be literally throwing whites into camps to toil as slaves to pay for shitskin rents before they let housing plummet again


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slit your throat

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Hang yourself

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Get shot

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Attached: Screen Shot 2013-08-26 at 11.50.33 PM.png (924x140, 21.06K)

>banks get free money from the gubbermint for 0% interest
>right now mortgage rates are 3.5% for perfect FICO scores
>CDs are sub 2%
>savings rates are sub 1%
>housing rates are double since 2001
Something fishy is going on. I did read where most applications are tied up because of the glut of refinance applications.


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Attached: Screen Shot 2013-09-20 at 10.39.25 PM.png (793x142, 33.44K)

When every nigger gets housing assistance from the government the banks can charge whatever they want. How will they not be able to pay when the government is the one actually paying? Your taxes are paying for niggers to rent. This is why the banks are fighting tooth and nail to import more niggers.

slit your throat

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-09-20 at 11.09.10 PM.png (804x186, 41.42K)

Hang yourself

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Get shot

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someone broke this leaf-bot.

Dude, fuck off. You've bumped this thread to the top multiple times.