>/pol still plays league of kikery
/pol still plays league of kikery
Right when I saw that. I was like of coarse she save a black guy and makes the white guys look stupid.
u know this is not going well for u? racemixing is everywhere. from video games to computer programming. nowhere to hide. maybe do solo fishing in Alaska.
video gayming fags don't belong in Yas Forums
go back to or .t CEO of Yas Forums
how much do (((They))) pay you toilet cleaner Nepal.
bout tree fiddy
bibeo gane
At least they have toilets to clean
rekt and based
Then Yas Forums should make a video game. What should it be called?
Spurdo Spärda
Why are indians such alphas
ok we got a name. Now what's the game's story about?
Journey of Yas Forumstards and some 4channers trying to find their way to Bagina from Benis.
They fight shitskins, poos, degenerates, Jews, chinks, gooks and niggers on the way but the real hardship begins as they face their hypocritical nature. (Like having yellow fever or being a NEET or a cuck or being secretly reddit spy posting stuff on /r/Yas Forums or having a glownigger among the members.)
I'd say make something like pic related but we can always take better ideas.
Spurdo is to be betrothed to a nobleman's daughter in an arranged marriage. But before the wedding, a powerful sorcerer magically steals her virginity for his own diabolical purposes. Lest he be branded as a "fuggen guck", Spurdo enlists the aid of his pal, Apu, and his cousin, Pepe, to gather a ragtag team of misfits to go on an epic mis-adventure to restore the virginity of his wife-to-be.
That's pretty good. We have a name, a story, and the characters. What kind of RPG? Like game-type. 3D or 2D? Turn based or first person? Could it be plat-former?
Video games are a way worse liberal propaganda than movies nowadays. Glad I don’t waste my time with any of it.
I play the man's game
RPG all the way. Pixel art, let’s make it like that one Epstein Island game an user was making a few months back.
based, fuck poolings, almost as bad as chinklings
Yas Forums has been overrun. This place is one of the only unpozzed places left
Of course. DOTA 2 was always the patrician choice.
The majority here can spot the shills, at least
we need this just to piss off sjws.
it will be lulzy.
Based. The lol tard seethes with frustration when his weak mind plays the true moba
Yas Forums is a Dota board
HoN or gtfo niggy