Israel or Palestine?
Israel or Palestine?
Why does everyone give such a shit about a literal pile of sand? Why don’t jews just move to Madagascar or something? Nice and tropical there.
I recognize the guy on the right, but who's the person on the left?
Why not both?
You lack bombs or something?
Israel. But only if they do it alone. If Israel didn't control the west then Israel would be pretty comfy. A militarized state in the middle east that is hated by all around it and which aims to expand its borders. Would make for some fun history.
>Israel or Palestine?
Why not nuke both
Jews have their claims and Palestinians are the natives.
When the British Empire took control over Palestine before it was called Israel, the Jews where offered a bunch of lands to stay because they where kicked out of Europian countries.
And so they chose Palestine because of Jerusalem and other shit.
At least that's what I was taught in school, I don't know if there's another side to that story.
Kingdom of Jerusalem
genital mutilation is insane.
>Kingdom of Jerusalem
Isn't it part of the Roman Empire?
It is, but we have to take things one step at a time.
What about Westerners too?
They do some god awful shit as well..
The only reason you have anything at all is westerners. Biggest mistake of the west.
I didn't know Mesopotamia was in the West, neither did I know that Ancient Egypt was a western country, or even the Abbassid and Umayyad Empires.
Jordan takes over everything. Gives Jews and fake Palestine Mandate country their own semi-autonomous territories in Jordan.
No one cares about that stagnant meme. No one should care. For thousands of years, there was about zero advancement what-so-ever in that area. Any idiot can stack stones together. It doesn't mean anything. It's still that way today other than the free shit it's gotten from the combination of British, American, Russian, French, etc.. It wasn't until the 15th/16th centuries in Europe that there was ever any real consistent technological advancement and the utilization of that technological advancement.
>For thousands of years, there was about zero advancement what-so-ever in that area. Any idiot can stack stones together. It doesn't mean anything.
I thought the oil your murica was stealing was helping your advancements since the 2000s.
>It's still that way today other than the free shit it's gotten from the combination of British, American, Russian, French, etc.. It wasn't until the 15th/16th centuries in Europe that there was ever any real consistent technological advancement and the utilization of that technological advancement.
What do you think lead these technological advancements?
I can count down many of the things western civilizations has borrowed from Mesopotamia.
Music, Maths, Boats, etc...
And Mesopotamia was also a great place for science in the Abbassid Empire around the early 1100s I think.
The Muslims built the house of wisdom where each Scholar/Scientist/Polymath would go study in there, for it to be later on destroyed by the Mongols.
Just saying... can't get influence from middle easterners and call them worthless years later.
Based. lol
How about neither.
Basically all of those things were just taken from China and India. I think the American is a retard for saying nothing came out of the middle east but I do have to be honest and say the Islamic Golden age is largely a meme.
I don't care
neither, kys