Been curious for a good while now.
How many anons posting under this flag here are actually Japanese? Not english teachers, expats, or VPNfags but ethnic Japanese.
Been curious for a good while now
Japan uses 2chan every single flag here is a tourist
None. All of the Japs and probably most of the gooks are all expats or proxyfags. The only posters that are 100% their flag's nationality, is China. It's impossible to fake having a Chinese flag on here.
Yeah I'm wary of this flag. It's mostly weebs and degenerate sexpats.
That's bullshit because countries like Germany, Russia and Brazil have their own imageboards yet the faggots still come here to shitpost anyway.
>It's impossible to fake having a Chinese flag on here
None. Nips hate gaijin sites. Asians use their own internet with their parallel internet culture.
Those countries are all humans.
Asian and African are not human, they require special needs boards
i’m ethnic japanese but american through and through
im a jap grill posting from a vpn :3
This scares the japanese away
post weabenis, with timestamps and background katana.
>ethnic japanese national
>speaks english
pick one
i hope someday to travel to your great country
>i’m ethnic japanese but american through and through
Incorrect. How well do you speak the language? Would a real Japan Jap accept you as a real Jap? It's impossible to be both "american through and through" and ethnically Japanese. They are two irreconcilable identities.
t. one of your kind
natives always drop nuclear red pills
at least mines oc, taken by one of my assets in the region.
Practically none since the language barrier is too high and Japs have their own Internet spaces. There's no good reason for them to come here since they can get practically everything it offers better elsewhere.
Japan has next to no conversational English speakers.
The few that exist are too busy with real life to post in a dump like this.
What is this? A story for huffpost? Fuck outta here with your data mining chang-goldman
Pretty much all the young ones speak english. We had a couple of jap exchange students at my college.
2chan blanket bans ISPs (even major ones) so not everyone can get on there
Plus the experience here is pretty different
Germany doesn't have free speech, so if we want to call out (((them))) or niggers or mudslims or chinks or nips or russkies or .... we have to come here or else gsg9 breaks down our doors
vanishingly few. I've seen maybe two or three who have the proper syntax to be a non-native english speaker/japanese. It's all military fags and english teacher fags with some other sundry expats
Not true.
That's what they told me.
Why is it that Japan has their own side of the internet and never leaves it? Meanwhile just about every other country posts here, like all the Euros.
Because white people flock together. Asians have their own things going on. They don't even like other Asians.
This shit blows my mind, stay strong bro. I’m going to have to watch what do when traveling.
none. literally, NONE
there are like 3 japs in the Yas Forums thread who come to learn english, but other than that, NO ONE
Language barrier + population. Japan has 120 million people with high levels of Internet access especially amongst young people. That's enough to create a self-sustaining ecosystem. Same shit in China but times ten. If you're fucking Croatia or whatever with only 4 million then it's pretty hard to keep the communities active enough.
bad foreign language skills, general aversion to stuff not from their own country, except for a superficial liking to food or dumb things like kpop
>comes to Yas Forums to tell Amis to GO HOME because he can't do it on an imageboard hosted in Germany
It's an abstract kind of lel
>muh white people
Africans don't even have imageboards they have web 1.0-style forums like Nairaland.
It's more like that places like Weibo/2ch/Korean equivalent read like /r/hapas with salty ass asian incels crying because English teacher gets more pussy in a year than they do in their entire lives, while simultaneously refusing to talk to Asian women because "they are all whores desu". So it's basically like Yas Forums but for yellow people.
One of japs here.
Most japs on Yas Forums just for ROM Yas Forums or /gif/ or /e/…and fap.
And never post on Yas Forums.
Because here seems to very scary side of internet.
I'm posting this with old psp through lawson's wifi in case of be hacked by anonymous.
That seems odd. Do Japanese frequent other websites like le leddit or 9fags?
like others said,the language barrier is too high for actual nips to be posting here
everytime you see a nip flag shitposting or "dropping redpills" is just a amerifat english teacher married to a 2/10 japanese woman