Ya’ll notice the wars have stopped?
Ya’ll notice the wars have stopped?
you noticed that people in hong kong are suddenly really happy with their chinese masters?
>21 million missing chinks
ha ha ha
The machine stopped
nobody bats an eye when I put ant poison in my front yard.
Nukes ended war. NO ONE not even the Jews want to end the planet because if we ever have a nuclear war humanity is DONE.
>America is the center of the universe
Maybe there's no war on your TV because the war has reached your shores.... better learn how to speak mexican soon
system is updating. it reboots into ww3
>better learn how to speak mexican soon
And you better learn how to speak Mandarin soon.
Lol, there is no worse shithole, those guys fell for the meme that their genes make them inmune to the virus
It's because the kikes are out in the street kvetching
how are you posting and filming your gf get fucked at the same time aus cuck?
>Trump declares war on Coronavirus
>the wars have stopped?
>2k20 or even most of 2k10 was about waging cyber wars or wars where countries are conquered by being brought. (China is winning and will even more as they snatch up discounted companies in the US, Europe and Africa).
They already own most of Australia.
>Ya’ll notice the wars have stopped?
No their still going on you just dont see it isreal has probably already wiped the Palestinian off the face of the planet
Yall are really bent out of shape about china lol.
you must be joking right?
t. ant
Im sorry i dont speak australian
>deleted for dramatization
>很想解释原因。我是一位反对新法律杰出领域法的抗议者。 2008年6月,我的女儿于2008年7月在黑龙江省被警察绑架。此后我再也没有见过她。 糞豪州人使我在这个国家安全。
How's bolivia doing? Based cokebrain aymaras.
MSM is just 100% focused on Covid19 coverage but pretty sure many wars are still on right now.
The mainstream meteor have turned their cameras away. The world no longer exists.
deleted for shitty grammar. excuse me while I curse google
>”War has stopped”
You mean
>”The media stopped talking about war so it seems as if it’s stopped”
Yemen, libya, afghanistan.
What a ridiculous animal its literally a penis clam, water even shoots out the end of it fucking ridiculous
V for Vendetta seems to be a foreboding timeline which sits upon the horizon.
I doubt it
Do you actually believe this?
All religions pray for an end of the world
For the end of the world is God's final promise
Everybody I like goes to heaven and everybody I don't like faces eternal suffering
It's the ultimate power fantasy and it is a fundamental part of all faith