German living in America. Went to the north expecting white ethnostate and to get away from the beaners in california where I used to live. Literal spics everywhere up north. Not even any hot ones, just short fat square body ones. Why can’t fatmericans do any hard labor? Why do fatmericans have to import ugly third worlders to do their work? America is lost.
Montana and Wyoming are filled with low class spics, America is done
Warum verspisst du dich auch du Verräter
Anyone could have told you that. I had to check an ID for a beaner couple who didn't speak a lick of English, and they both had Idaho IDs. Fucking Idaho. No English. Idaho.
>German living in America
Gonna have to revoke your h1b amigo. No one wants your gay German shit porn
>America is lost.
America was lost over 20 years ago and soon better countries will be lost because h'wite Americans refused to stop being retarded mutts.
Our generation will see white immigration from US back to Europe, analogous to fleeing from LA or Bay Area to Colorado and Texas. Texas is already about to flip.
What's next?
Idaho and Montana? Obviously not for the reasons you described.
I actually can’t wait to live in a 30% white America, some parts will take the initiative to protect themselves from demographic change. You‘ll be able to walk around LA & NYC like a god, instantly realised as superior by the 5 foot goblinos.
>Our generation will see white immigration from US back to Europe, analogous to fleeing from LA or Bay Area to Colorado and Texas. Texas is already about to flip.
That is very unlikely, perhaps the best or the richest of whitest americans can escape the dystopia of mulattomerica but the vast majority of white americans will not.
idk dude I like Oregon
t. (eastern) euro diaspora
I’ll find an old roastie online to marry for citizenship in exchange for sex.
>Why can’t fatmericans do any hard labor?
That's not the issue. The issue is that big agricultural companies want to save money by ONLY hiring illegals. And they control a lot of politicians, so they can get away with it.
If Europe would allow white repatriation froth USA? Why didn't they allow it from south Africa?
>Our generation will see white immigration from US back to Europe
There is no way people are going to voluntarily give up their first and second amendments, all of the land in America, and all of the history that comes with it. You already see Europeans moving or wanting to move to America for our freedom. If anything more of them will come and white (true) Americans will have higher birth rates and stay segregated from non whites
>There is no way people are going to voluntarily give up their first and second amendments
Spics will vote them away
Then there will be mass secession in every single state. Even in FUCKING OREGON of all goddamn places you have county sheriffs refusing to follow the quarantine laws because they say it is unconstitutional. They will not enforce gun laws either. They will probably be leading the revolution if anything
America will balkanize and the world will belong to Russia and China.
It hurts but you know it is true
>and white (true) Americans will have higher birth rates and stay segregated from non whites
OK Boomer. Ignore reality and indulge your fantasies, but...
It is much more likely than them leaving Europe. In order for white Americans to leave Europe.
a) the freedoms we possess will have to die without any fight being put up, because as of now, our laws are superior to any other country in the entire world
b) there will have to be a country encouraging Americans to move there. This is perhaps even more hard to believe
US have reached it´s peak. It´s only downhill from here. Its gonna get slightly worse every year.
The spics will eventually be the sheriffs, and compromise the majority of the military.
Nah were gonna do the following after a decade of Weimerica INFLATION
1. Kill the Jews, throw bankers off of their skyscrapers
2. Create a racial caste system with people of European origin at the top, Asians as near equal 2nd class, beaners as 3rd class, and niggers as untouchables
3. Will continue this way until further decay ala Byzantium
Who knows. Boomers cut each other’s throats because jobs were so easy back then and then somehow spics were suddenly allowed to enter our country without our army stopping them. Makes no sense to me.
honestly the thought of 10 years from now is what is making me really consider bringing up the idea of moving to Europe with my wife. I really don't want to raise a family in this nightmare realm we are in
They already gave that away, but the 2nd still makes money for one of the only industries that hasn't beat feet so they play hot potato with it to pump and dump.
There aren't the numbers to do any of this stuff you're talking about.
It's unreal. It's like the US is slowly turning completely INDIO.
How the fuck did white people even establish this country with so few people? WHERE are the actual white Americans?
is muh constitution not protecting you? is that peice of parchment not standing up and stopping spics and niggers from raping your women with a captain america shield?
aw, poor lil feller. maybe put your big boy pants on and shockabrah
In the country
You can't hide forever gringo!
The majority of nonwhites vote Democrat.
Once Texas and Florida go blue thanks to nonwhite mass immigration and birth rates, it’ll be mathematically impossible to elect another Republican president ever again. Whites will be politically disenfranchised while owning the majority of firearms in the country. There will be a backlash eventually.