This is so unbelievably sad. EVROPA is in danger.
This is so unbelievably sad. EVROPA is in danger
To be fair ireland is really gae
well if people stopped feeling white guilt and being brainwashed by kikes and nigger culture then we wouldn't be in this predicament.
Either way who gives a fuck.
How is she allowed to say that? You can’t talk shit about niggers, Jews or another shit group, but you just can openly express how you want a race to cease existing
Good riddance.
>the only ginger in the picture is a cardboard cutout
It's already over
lol irish people arent white
The language is Irish AKA Gaeilge, you don't fucking call it by its fucking language family.
And yes it'll be gone soon. Partially because the natives here don't give a damn about it.
They don't want it to you retard
Memeflags aren't white
Shut the fuck up you autistic communist cunt.
Didn't she have a mental breakdown or something?
culturally speaking, you haven't been a distinct people for centuries.
Do you want to know how I can tell you're low IQ?
Good riddance.
Actually don't pay too much attention to the flag I'm actually Greek.
They’re already the niggers of Europe so what will change?
@!255638371#san dimas high school football rules!
I'm smarter than anyone in your Dublin anti evil offices you pinko 5öyboy faggot.
Calcium, it's in your skeleton, and it's MINE Schala.
Good God when the FUCK is someone going to DO SOMETHING??????
Like fucking clockwork. Nothing better than bashing fat wogs. Go back to your country
lmao unless you are an aboriginal stfu
Genetically culturally and factually false.
The Irish are worse than niggers. Fuck you.
You reap what you sow you damn EU loving progressives.
I blame the brits for this, you’d think a nation of Celtic Vikings would have the balls to mob out bad immigrants. I’d expect the inbred Brits to pussy out but not Scotland or Ireland. Where the fuck is the IRA?
>natives lost their culture when whites came
>Haha fuck those savages whites are the best
>next wave of immigrants comes and erodes whites culture
>no not the languagino not the culturino
Just fight back to protect your culture and language, make sure that everyone has it as their mother tongue and keep promoting your culture
>but the authority
Then you have no one to blame but yourself
literally who cares, this is called evolution.
the kids wont cares like you dont care about Greek Gods
No you faggot. Australians built named and founded Australia, mostly by Irishmen as indentured slaves against their own accord. This sandnigger is an invasive species voluntarily coming to an island he has no business in. There's just a thin thread of civility keeping his ugly wog HEAD having an appointment with the gravel.
>1 classroom of black people is the real problem in Ireland
>not the British who literally spent 1000 years trying to destroy Irish culture
> Don't make enough babies
> Retire at 58, die at 88
> Expect pensions for 30 years after working for 30 years
> Now need to import foreigners to keep the hamster wheel running
Shocking. Who could have seen this coming
Polite reminder that any population with a fertility rate below 2.2 is mathematically bound to go extinct.
>Celtic vikings
American education
You won't care if we kill all the 70IQ Africans then right? It's simply evolution- our genes cutting off their genes. Who cares?
Ireland has the highest birthrates in Europe
Why are you trying to sow division between white people? What is your agenda on this board? Are you a college student doing extra credit, an IDF conscript or just a non-white outright faggot bitch?
Irish and British culture are vertically identical
Oh so that loony bitch is back to pretending to be a white-nationalist again after the college tour with BakedA* F A G G O T * and Jared Holt warning students about scary right-wing extremism fell through?
The Irish deserve to go extinct. The kike has never has a better goy.
Yeah because obviously the brits weren't successful and the niggers will be. faggot
Bro, division between white people has existed for literally thousands of years
As soon as Europe divided into different countries they started fighting each other
your race is weak because the niggers are beating you bye bye loser
evolve or die
Absolutely bullshit
You literally declared war on Germany you stupid bitch. Stop projecting
Man I see all that text but when I try to read it, I get this image in my head where you sniff petrol and sleep on the road because you're genuinely this unimpressive to have an interaction with. Are you really Australian? Is this the shitposting nightmare Americans were afraid about?
We can have a national culture or we can have globalist one world culture.
To have both isn't possible and right now globalist is winning by dint of importing people to boost their citizen army.
90iq post
Racism and kicking niggers out IS evolution, you small brained idiot. Traitor evolutionary strategies are the least genetically competitive in all Stochastic models. You're the one who's going to die out not the Irish you fucking Chinkblood pissant.
This isn't about one classroom. It isn't just one classroom. This is becoming every classroom in the west. It is becoming every street, neighbourhood, city. The difference between the Brit and the Irish is nothing compared to human and shit skin.
Let me put this in Cannuck terms. I, as an Anglo Canadian, rather be ruled by Quebec, learn French, convert to Catholicism and put aside our centuries of bickering, than accept a single nigger or goat fucker. Now apply that to the Irish and the Brits.
It's 1.81. That's still far below replacement level. I can also bet all my money that this rate is propped up by muslims. Real white birth rate would be even lower.
You can close all your borders, shut down all immigration, and you'll still go extinct because you idiots aren't making enough babies
I'm 180 but go on
5 foot wog pussies are unimpressive by nature
you cant win by killing a race and being a racist prick, not anymore. you need to change or die fag
Save yourself and stop talking abbo. Everyone's noticing your two digit iq and I'm honestly getting second hand embarrassment
Guy, why are you trying to exacerbate tensions in a time when we are faced with external enemies like Jews, who are self evidently responsible for the ills that befall us? You think you're a big brained centrist because you read an article on the 30 years war?
>Celtic Vikings
>Brits but not Scotland
>Muh IRA
Never before have I personally seen such a fitting combination of post and flag.
Nigger lovers get the rope first
>You can close all your borders, shut down all immigration, and you'll still go extinct because you idiots aren't making enough babies
This is no excuse to fill the country with foreigners.
No it isn't. Ireland especially in the rural regions is strongly Catholic and had a birth rate of ~3 until recently. Sorry NO you CANT victimblame the Irish people and not the aggressive cultural Marxist elements within the Irish and British establishments. Fuck off navelgazer
this post is so retarded I'm wheezing with laughter
The celts descended from Vikings tribes, Brits came from Franks and Moors. Jesus I gotta spell it out for you?
>whites can’t win by exterminating the subhuman inferiors
Galec was created by white people and therefore opressive and wrong.
Should I tell them?
Leaf, I empathize with the Irish. They've been on that little island for countless centuries. They can claim it's their native land through sheer weight of history.
But Canada? You fuckers were an empty barren land until 200 years ago. That's a blink of an eye in historical terms
As far as I'm concerned, you have no right to claim Canada as your native land. There is no true native Canadian culture (you genocided those people anyway).
The browning of Canada is inevitable
Vikings are Nords and speak a Germanic language . Celts are celts and speak a Celtic language. Totally unrelated peoples
Then tell your grandpa to drop dead and stop drawing pensions
>Celts descended from viking tribes
>Brits came from Franks and Moors
Embarrassingly wrong
Stop posting mutt, this is becoming cringe.
try, and see what happends.
they tend to mistake a country for another over there
I went to Ireland a couple of times in 2011 and 2013, I saw one non white person outside of Dublin. It felt like a miracle after living in California. Wtf are you guys doing?
The fuck it matters if some tiny portion of a tiny island has a high birh rate? The official fertility rate is 1.81.
Your anecdotal evidence is 80 IQ.
Can't expect any better from a Chink.
That's dumb. It's only inevitable because the political leadership all kowtow to international Jews. The only thing necessary to stop and reverse the browning is for people to learn to say 'no' to Jews.
Fuckoff paki.
He worked his whole life for a pension.
Didn't just turn up here with a suitcase and demand everything free.
The kiked tried to vandalize her many times.
She looks ready as ever to battle them down.
This is exactly how it looks like in Colorado. I don't know where all the blacks suddenly come from.
Yes you literally can you little insect. It's the single dominant form of human evolution. It's the absurd nonsense you push, mass immigration and ethnic Replacement, that is antithetical to human nature and will not functionally work. Your little daddy Soros has literally published papers about requiring fucking surveillance police states to keep your mentally retarded nihilistic multiculti society from falling apart that's how fucking fragile it is. We will win you will lose and I personally will take great pleasure when we finally HANG you traitorous narcopath faggots from the trees.
All whites have to do to exterminate the shitskins is to stop handing them free money. If shitskins ever overtake whites to the point of seriously disrupting the economy the nigger problem will solve itself. Once the collapse occurs, whites are smart enough to survive on the fringes while the apes massacre each other over scraps. Niggers literally can’t win.