@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump Roundtable w/Ind Execs on Opening Up America Again 4/29/20
>Pres Trump meets w/LA Gov Edwards 4/29/20
>Women for Trump Empower Hour w/Kimberly Guilfoyle &MORE 4/29/20
>SoS Pompeo on F&F 4/29/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/29/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 4/29/20
>Jared on F&F 4/29/20
>PressSec Kayleigh on Dobbs 4/29/20
>FEDChair Powell News Conf on Mon Policy 4/29/20
>Trump2020CommsDir Murtaugh on FoxNews 4/29/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on FoxNews 4/29/20
>KAC on FoxNews 4/29/20
>StateDeptSpox Morgan on FoxNews 4/29/20
>DDID(CDC) Butler Private Sector Call: Corona-chan Response Update 4/29/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (Natl Guard Gens) 4/29/20
>StateDept Press Brief (SoS Pompeo) 4/29/20
>WHVideo: We Will Build It Again! 4/29/20
>TrumpTweet: Blue Angels &Thunderbirds NY/NJ/PA Flyover 4/28/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Miss me yet?

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>spamming to hit 300



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worst cake!

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MAGA and nn all

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delete this

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Just won Maine today



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this is what they took from us

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That looks delicious.

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Don Lemon is a massive faggot, he’s not wrong

What happened in Maine?

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we wuz mynerz n sheeeeit

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dawn lemawn is honestly retarded. like, short bus retarded. like count to potato retarded.

Watch tucker today. Their dem gov has indefinitely extended lockdown. State now has worst economic impact in the US. Will likely never recover fully

I wonder how many more acres it would take to farm older growing trees?

based and redpilled, Mr. President

He told Kathy Griffin she had nice tits on live tv.

>T-Trump is so d-done, g-guys
>B-Biden landslide in N-November

Watching hysterical, terrified leftists try to cope with the fact that all of their hopes and dreams currently rest squarely on Joe fucking Biden's shoulders literally never stops being funny.

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Same as the trees in the 1600s used to make those expensive violins. Wood was dense due to the mini ice age so it sounded better

Oof, I hope it was worth it to “own” trump. Fucking morons.

>Not being an artisan
cringe and nintendoDS-pilled

Consent to sex is consent to pregnancy, and if you disagree you should be rolled over by a car!

Attached: ConsentToSex.png (1536x864, 1.2M)

>those immigration numbers


Only 50 deaths statewide so far too. Her speech was tree worthy

I can see your face right now, your bearded neck, mouth agape as if waiting for cock, your beady eyes as wide as they can be behind your thick problem glasses, white globules like cum on the tips of your waxed and styled mustache from the drink of thick estrogen-filled milk you just drank

Wtf did Brian Williams do now? Trump keeps BTFOING him tonight.

I approve this message!

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Of course, his opponent is Joe Biden.

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>it's real

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he's what people used to call a, "special child" meaning a walking idiot.

When the fuck do the arrests start, there is more than enough evidence at this point

Biden is +6 now while Trump is at his most unlikeable, whereas there will be a crossover as time goes on because Biden's hand only decays with time.

He would have to +20 in order to not be behind come gameday, assuming something world shattering doesn't happen.

Attached: Plus 6 lol.png (1231x717, 93.18K)

Oh no no no we got too cocky Biden bros

> show up multiple times a day
> always follow same script
> one post featuring a specific brand
> a follow up post with the same picture
Imagine paying a firm to shill literal consumer goods on a multiracial white subpoena forum

Attached: miller bondi thicc.png (632x945, 1.14M)

you should try to fuck a white woman and have a familiy


looks like red cedar versus southern yellow pine. kind of stupid to compare two different species of wood.

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How do I argue against libs that Trump didnt fuck up coronavirus

>those immigration numbers


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Miller is a coomer

>nooooo, stop working, we need the economy to crash!

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you dont match your socks with your shoes. you match your socks with your pants. jfc

Fucking T H I C C

It unironically is not worth it, they live in their own version of reality that can't be broken or else their entire world view shatters

From Wikipedia.

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calm down, simp

>I-I know Trump said "No More Oreos"
>But l-look, w-we can meme
>We can be racist too!

Pathetic attempt at appeasement, Nabisco

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Memorize user's timeline

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he closed the country to china on january 29th. when dems were saying "stop being racist GO TO CHINATOWN" etc.

also, when pressed, CA governor gavin newsom and NY governor cuomo admitted they got everything they ask trump for. more than they asked for.

there's not a single governor who is saying they didn't get what they needed.

Fuck no, she belongs in the breeder barn.

Would paizuri.

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without the essential hospital workers, who will dance in the empty hospital halls and post it to tik tok?

Yeahhhhh.... I don’t trust polls.

Pleasant dreams, sweet prince!

so, italy?

>without the essential hospital workers, who will dance in the empty hospital halls and post it to tik tok?
the illigals-doing jobs Americans won't do

>low IQ individual

I've literally never heard this term used accept all the time on Yas Forums, and now in Trump's tweet.

Idiot In Chief

tell me there are fucking nudes holy shit

Moonraker = worst Bond movie

Trump has used it before.

It's used here because Trump has been using it since the 80s.

Trump is the dumbest man on the planet.

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Trump supporters believe that COVID-19 is a nothingburger despite the fact that Trump himself has admitted it's a deadly virus that could kill millions of Americans.

That's exactly how stupid Trump supporters are.

Thanks, unfortunately all I got is this (you), 'preciate it

but they are busy cleaning celebrity bathrooms, mowing lawns and picking crops

At least it has Space Shuttles that work though. Starship v2 needs to give up on the tailsitter landing and grow wings.

Attached: space pepe.jpg (320x320, 16.14K)

Photoshop a bat in that.

So when the last time Trump actually called out Joe murdering that girl that clearly? That seems like some serious shit.

>only 2% of Jews
>but 25% win these subjective prizes that are not awarded based on anything that can be measured
gee really spins my menorah

the virus disproportionately affects niggers from what I heard.

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>IQ is total bunk
>unless we need to explain why Jews have such a disproportionate amount of power without just saying "nepotism"
>but if you try to use IQ to explain anything else, you're a LITERAL NAZI

And this, lads, is how I became an anti-"intellectual."

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His net wealth (even before becoming prez) is oddly disproportionate to Fauci for being so stupid.

Fuck Bondi. She and her team of FL simps setup our man zimmy zam.

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For Your Eyes Only is substantially worse, stupid AND boring
At least moonraker is occasionally funny, either on purpose or just from how bad the effects are
Casino Royale is also worse but also so much better if only for the east german scenes

that's it, i'm voting for justin amash.

people talk about China but what about Mexico??

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Doesn't the reverse burn help slow descent and reduce the need for heavy shielding?

No. That's too overdone.

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Fauci and Dirx have been making contradictory claims about the inflation of coronavirus deaths.

Yes, but you can do reverse burns with wings. Then instead of a backflip you just pitch forward 90 degrees and glide.

Meh. I'd r8 4/8 nipples one up one down. Flabby tummy and meh face. Sharp elbows ftl

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And yet he keeps right on winning, and will be reelected.

What does that say about you?

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>For Your Eyes Only
seems like they only made that movie because they found that cliff and thought it'd be cool to climb it (it wasn't)