More proof women are fucking their dogs

In case you needed more evidence. March 17th was when many states officially announced lockdowns. 3-m&geo=US&q=can dog get me pregnant

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uh didn't know this? It's fairly common, especially if they grew up in a family that had a male dog. I knew 2 girls in college who were pretty open about fucking their dogs.

kinda hot

I mean I believed it but never ran across data in the wild supporting this theory. I can go in front of people now and point to a literal graph supporting my belief.

Sorry to be the one to tell you, but the leaf fell off your flag.

or you could just point them to one of many bestiality sites out there on the web.

Well answer the question, can they get you pregnant or not?

White girls fuck dogs.


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there is zero reason not to neuter your dog. if a female has a unneutered dog she is 100% fucking it.

Sorry to be the one to tell you, but all forms of bestiality are illegal in Canada.
The same can't be said for the states.

Girls who fuck dogs are girls who are too afraid to fuck a black guy. Fucking a pitbull is like a practice black guy to them.

It's just too much. It's all just too much.

The average person is just a dumb animal, nothing more than a chimpanzee with language. They don't care about right or wrong, they have no shame, they barely even think about staying clean or healthy. The only things they respond too are shame and violence. They're just chimpanzees with language. They can tell you they're hungry or angry but there's nothing going on in their heads.

Bestiality and interracial is the same

I'm really high right now but I think it'd be funny to spread these with that url on the bottom

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If only you knew how bad things really are

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I'm out of weed and that's hilarious

>The only things they respond too are shame and violence
That's why we're all in the shit right now. Things that have been degenerate for hundreds of years are the new normal now. Soon everyone will call us degenerates for being straight and having a family.

Cat ladies are going too far after the peak. Thinking they can actually have a litter of dogs since men are unable to seed their dried up wombs. Can't blame them it would be pretty cool to birth a litter of 5 lab puppers.

>Can't blame them it would be pretty cool to birth a litter of 5 lab puppers.

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>too afraid to fuck a black guy
or just would rather fuck a dog over a black guy

>DC: Well, that'd be bestiality
>guy in back of studio: GOD DAMN

>why are you visiting those sites user
>what's the matter with you you fucking pervert
its not very smart thing to do
kinda destroys the whole point

What? This is underaged white girls doing that kind of search not old hags.

Once young girls hit puberty they will purposely let a dog mount them. I have seen it first-hand back in the day.

>why are you visiting those sites user
for research purposes of course.

Fucking black guys shares the same root as bestiality in terms of fetish.


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WTF, absolute degeneracy. And we give the chinks a hard time for eating their dogs. While Americans are over here fucking their dogs.

>Chinks eat the dog
>White women fuck them

Every time I see a reddit post complaining about the chinese I think about this.

>Alison dog of war
how can they even compete?

>And we give the chinks a hard time for eating their dogs. While Americans are over here fucking their dogs.
One scenario brings the dog pain, the other brings it pleasure.

americans are true philanthropists