Canada to ban assault-style weapons

How convenient during quarantine

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this is the political equivalent of putting a bandage over a rotting limb

How do you fuck the handguard up that bad when you're drawing everything else in a decent perspective?

Not handing in shit

As if they weren't restricted enough
Have fun I guess

It’s a fagpul handguard

yeah you are pussy, you aren't going to do shit little man. you have no power. the government is going to take your firearms or they'll throw you in prison, and you can't stop them.

Hand in my guns? I’m sorry officer you must have me confused for a homosexual.

That’s fine if they throw me in prison. It’s called believing in something.

Snipers only. Neat hopefully it turns into Aleppo but it won't.

Don't project your weak will on to me you spineless coward.

You wanna know how I know you're a noguns.

you need to accept that you have no power, and stop LARPing

It's also drawn as half-assed as the carry handle.

When are we going to invade these faggots already, i hate canadians.

Me too every leaf deserves what they get. Cucked nation.

>you need to accept that you have no power
Why don't you just kill yourself then

Jokes on you
I only own Airsoft guns because as a white male I don't make enough money to buy a real firearm
I can't even afford a car

imagine being so new and desperate to prove you arent nogunz that u critisize anime. you are the desperate niggers that cry out "WHERES THE TRIGGER DISCIPLINE?" in every image to prove you are somehow in the know. just kill yourselves, nigger faggots.

sorry i insulted your waifu, nerd. you can cry about it into the body pillow of her you had made.

states absorb pissants like you for breakfast, and it will be like you never existed. if you want to affect real change, you first need to accept your reality: you have no power. your country's institutions are designed and function to disenfranchise people like you. you aren't going to change this reality by martyring yourself if you even have the willpower to do that. you don't stop a barreling freight train by jumping in front of it.

build a family. build relationships. build communities. be productive. ACT instead of LARP

Of course Canada is going to disarm everyone, its's the only way to keep everyone under house arrest for the decades even centuries required for the vaccine they want.

Idiotic , man uses illegal firearms to commit a massacre and the response is to ban more weapons. They never actually fix anything , poorly enforced laws dont require more laws.

Do we know what guns were used in NB? I heard he stole a cops gun. Maybe we should ban weak chicken necked lady pigs.

Public safety is not the goal, it's politician safety. The goal is to disarm you so they can do things you would shoot them for.

Some people get pissed and blow the side off a fed building, some marry a fat slut and have ugly children before drinking themselves to death. Your wife is fat.

impotent/disenfranchised people tend to lash out at society, yes

I know you're mad she's fat but it's because you're short and ugly.

What’s wrong with you, freak? All I said is that it was a fagpul(magpul) handguard, and then you go on a tirade. Get help psycho.

Remember if China want to invade America they will use Canada as a landing zone so it's being prepped.

>At least we'll still have the SKS.

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Jesus christ you leafs are retarded

he didn't even have a license. they were stolen just like every other shooting only this time it was a boomer dentist instead of a nigger.