Should trump fire mike pence?

Should trump fire mike pence?

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Mike Pence would be a better president than Zion Don

Looks like Pence knows it's a meme virus

we know you did 911, kike

God protects him.

this. chain of command fuckers. you think those peons have the same special access program clearance pence does? he knows it's a hoax and he's simply not playing along,

Should replace pence with flynn

Yeah that’s why 50,000 Americans just magically died. He’s signaling to retarded conspiracy tards like YOU that the trump administration still wants your vote. Idiot.

fake and gay. I can make up numbers too. you really trust the rothschild controlled CDC?

Nigger more americans die from being fat than from this stupid shit yet we are told to embrace fat culture.

These shill threads are getting sad.

Motherfuckin boss.


Reminder get your filter patriotard

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If everyone is wearing a mask, including the patient, and the hospital is following CDC cleaning guidelines, what exactly does Mike Pence have to worry about?

>Nigger more americans die from being fat than from this stupid shit yet we are told to embrace fat culture.

Nice false equivalence

>Mike Pence would be a better president than Zion Don

maybe we will get lucky and dejected donnie the fuckup will just resign

Mike Pence has already been vaccinated

People die everyday from diseases this isnt special you enormous retard.

mike pence is such a badass that woohoo flu wears a mask around him.

Honestly, for Pence I'll allow it. Ol' Silverback won't let the mask ruin his image, and the virus only kills normal mortals anyway.

Yea we have vaccines for those. You saying you would have been ok with the 1918 flu and Black Death killing millions?

>doesn't realize he's already vaccinated
damn normies are dumb
>t-there's no way they would just vaccinate themselves and not tell anyone

Wasn't it Pence who actually got Flynn fired? Trump should dump him for that.

Did they really need to circle all the masks and shit?

I love being treated like a retarded 5 year old, thanks master. I go watch football now and drink budweiser with my big mac dinner yum yum.

>the patient
That's just some dude the told to sit in a chair, that is not a hospital patient.
For fucks sake, it was so obviously a photo shoot that Pence could not be bothered with it.

Did you get your vaccine for obesity? Looks like you need it.

Yes, then send him straight to Australia to replace Scott Morrison.

>Wasn't it Pence who actually got Flynn fired

Kek. You're a special kind of retard.

kys normie faggot

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>believing the inflated numbers
Get a load of this faggot

Everyone's wearing a mask, according to Fauci he should be safe.


Those shitty masks don't prevent inhaling the disease. They only mitigate exhaling particles large enough for the mask to catch. They also do nothing against moisture, so in the offchance something moist (even if its smaller than the naked eye) with the disease on it touches your mask you're fucked anyway. The masks only serve as a way to make it more difficult for someone that's already sick to get you sick.
In Japan sick people wear masks so they don't spread the disease, while non-sick people don't.
Doctors/surgeons wear masks, not to prevent themself from contracting disease, but to prevent unnecessary transfer onto patients. If they were concerned with getting sick they will wear a full hazmat suit.

The only way to prevent yourself from getting the disease is to wear an actual gas mask and/or full suit. All other measures, including social distancing, are mitigating factors against people that are already sick. You have no way of knowing everything at every given moment, so you leave it to chance.

The three yellow event wristbands don't help either. It's safe to say everyone but pence has one.

50k americans die every week bitch

no, roger stone. liberals heads would implode

where do I apply for my vaccine to heart disease and diabetes?

Vaccines are not cures. If a vaccine fails, and there's no cure, then the person will die anyway.

Yeah but if he didn't then the media would have spun it that Pence was in on it

The point of wearing a mask is to not infect others, he is tested regularly.

Have Flynn replace Wray as FBI Director. Wray is as bad as Comey and Brennan.

I love Stone as VP.