Is incest more common among black people

Is incest more common among black people

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darker skins, yes

No, it's more common among Jews.

did any of them get poop on their dicks?


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A very friendly reminder to you all that nonwhites cannot be empathetic

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Its a country thing

impossible to say,
poop and nigger are hard to differentiate.

everything that is bad is more common with non-whites
they're not called subhumans for no reason

Very. Watch 'Precious.' Very eye opening movie, especially if you didn't grow up around nogs.

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Blacks have no notion of human life so view their female relatives like they view any random nigress

I was raped as a kid but im White.

that movie is top depressioncore. everyone who watches it feels like total shit.

What is with American nogs and raping their family members and shit. Saw a study that says 60% of American nog females have been molested or raped by male relatives

Yes. It’s the most prominent in middle eastern countries.

I was told by this mixed guy at my work that rape, incest, and homosexuality are common but not discussed in the black community. Apparently it's common for young black men to sleep with older female cousins. I heard this from a black guy I went to school with and I've heard it repeated by others. But as usual with the anti-white media, we're the retarded inbreds.

the look on a nigger's face when you tell him that you know he sleeps with a family member, always priceless
>ohno I've been found out!
goddamn right niggers, we know

I actually think it would be higher.
It's literally normal behavior in the ghetto.

>mfw I type search maury and her name and the youtube video comes up
>mfw when the video is even worse then the meme

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niggers didnt get so fuckin stupid and ugly by mere fate. I refuse to believe god could be so cruel. God gave them free will and they have devolved into literal apes by their choices. Erectus does indeed walk amongst us and it fuckin sucks

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oh gosh you were right this video is absolutely awful

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Except for the chicken bucket scene, of course

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yeah probably.

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who else is gonna fuck a nigger? Duh

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>be groids
>live for thousands of years secluded in little villages across Africa
>have at best like 50 families in mud hut village
>be inbred for thousands of years
>come to America
>learn about the white man
>learn that they are the most industrious people, expanding their lands and reach
>ay yo Nigga dem white pepo be inbred, day honkey at my community college, professor goldenstein said so!
I hate the “muh inbred White People” shit pushed by kikes, how the hell would Europeans be more inbred than Niggers or Spics? I get maybe Asians since there’s so damn many of them.

what even is this

also this

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unironically the answer is yes, there have been studies

Yes. So much fucking going on. I've met the seperate black dudes who were acquainted with their own fathers and the dads never told them until years later. Imagine the Shakespearean incest scenarios going on when everyone high fives and ducks each other like dogs in the street and yet no one knows who's dad is whose. Just imagine it, desu. The struggle is real.

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We're not your personal search engine fagget.

Hawt. Bloodypoopdick and Yeastslimedick. The next big thing after this cock lock thing blows over.

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Yeah, that's not true. Everyone here has seen those, "What Would You Do?" videos.

Yes, absolutely. I used to work in Atlanta in a warehouse and all my employees were black. There was some R. Kelly documentary that came out last year that they all watched and they were discussing it, and I guess R. Kelly committed incest or something. Anyway my employees were talking about how it was a huge unspoken issue in their community and they pretty much all knew someone who partook in it.

ITT Dude trust me

Fuckin animals, man.

It's most common in ethno nationalist.

White person here, after a family member died I was informed he was apparently a pedophile and molested his own daughter for years. It was kept a secret and never discussed until after he died of old age. It happens in white families too, I’m not sure if its as often but I think it’s more of a father to daughter or uncle to little girl thing . I don’t get why nobody reports this shit to the police , black or white. These families keep it a secret from those who would actually do something about it.


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Niggers rape and the sun is hot.

>snarky Achtuallly post about how the sun isn't hot

I remember that one taxi cab show where people tell secrets, Mexican chick was raped by her dad, she took her anger out on other children in a bdsm fashion, grew to be a dominatrix. One day she brings up her rape during a family event confronting her father. Everyone knew what he did but she was the one to get tossed out the family.

Poopie gets cold when dropped on the ground.

incest, child sex abuse is rampant. even when their own children are being raped, they won't go to the police or discourage anyone from saying anything about it.
> more common
it's the same level of secrecy to protect their own from going to jail.