Do americans really..?

Do americans really..?

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Yes we all do this


I'm going in to a batman mug when I die.

Even the cat thinks it's stupid

That's like me going to Stockholm, scraping some grime out of the gutter, and asking 'Is this a Swede?' But yes, Americans really.
Imagine living your whole life and all anyone has to say about it is 'he liked Halo'.

What is the point of urns. It's pretty creepy to have your burnt relative near you. What if you drop it? Now you have to vacuum your relative.

Halo 3 is objectively one of the best video games ever made.

based, old pizza hut cup from the 90s here

I think it's silly, but it's always really tragic when a parent loses a child. Maybe he was just a huge Halo fan. Whatever, unironically RIP in peace, man

Isn't the only culture you people are legally allowed to have consoomer shit? I would bet money there are pictures of swedes doing shit like this.

put me in my 2008 vintage belladonna fleshlight, lads. make sure the roast beef is showing.

>Ten year old sees this
>"Whoa, cool"
>Tries to put it on
>Dust everywhere

Put my ashes into a molotov cocktail and throw it at a gay pride parade crowd in minecraft.

Just put my ashes in my fleshlight.

Are you retarded?


In most urns, there are no 'ashes', really. Anything with substance is thrown out, so all that's left is a fine dust, that probably is composed of several different people.

fucking reddit of course, his friend got baked like a kike after dying alone kek, no euphemistic video game references for that.

Dust to dust

based and checked, they love being “flaming queers” anyways right?

That’s pleb shit my ashes will be stored in this garlfield alarm clock

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>mark v
>not mark iv
fucking zoomers


Shit nigger, my family knows where my ashes will go.

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yes. don't you have some swedish meatballs to make or something?

I already have my Kylo Ren mask urn picked out

no different than the Asian porn star putting her ashes in a fleshlight

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I just want to be buried with my trap dakimakura.

yeah more like smashed bone fragments

imagine following the commands of ur opressors
good goyim behaving like jews

>Get raped faggot
>Nade spam
>100 bullets on sniper rifle
>Can't aim at banshee
>Gauss turret
>Static over microphone
>Allies quit

>ashes to ashes
>Not knowing how to understand a metaphor
Become ashes and return to being nothing.

>ashes have great substance
>ashes are the same as bone fragments
Ash "dust" is significantly finer than regular dust.

Holy fuck you two need re-education.

I'm planning to have mine stashed into a Puni Ana DX

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Yes, its tradition and I'd thank you to not belittle it.

The fact that Halo was shit is more upsetting that this is how the guy is remembered.

>not going as a genie lamp

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2 was better.

I would describe it more as pathetic.

It’s written in my will

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The Master chief is an important part of my culture you fucking bigot

Don't insult ever halo or I'll go get my niggas Muhammed and Ali to gang rape your wife again

>ashes have great substance
>ashes are the same as bone fragments
Anything with substance. That gross mat of hair that didn't burn, those blobs of lard that melt all over the place, bones and teeth, weird metal bits from surgeries, it all gets thrown, so yes, all that remains is a fine dust that isn't even 100% yours. But hey, you're a smart reddit-spacer, you know more than a guy who used to work with a funeral home.

His whole life was probably like 14 years