At what exact date and time did you lose your faith in him?

At what exact date and time did you lose your faith in him?

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When he became president. Candidate Trump and president Trump are two different people and while it was fun to meme him into the presidency, he was just another Zion shill like the rest all along.


I actually held on passed the initial Syria bombing. It was when he bailed on his promise to deport DACA recipients that I knew it was truly hopeless. But yeah, I guess I sort of stayed in denial for a long time afterwards anyway.

Honestly, I'm not even a conservative to begin with, though. I just figured if someone actually fixed the immigration problems that would be good, since immigration BS comes from corporate tyranny over our political system anyhow. It's all from the profit motive linked with capitalism

Things started going downhill mid-2019. That was when I started losing faith. But this year is when I stopped respecting him.

>implying I ever had faith in him

when it became apparent that he was another shill for Israel

Pretty much this. He immediately started filling his cabinet with the swamp and I knew it was over.

I never had faith in him or any president before him. 21 years old and I will never vote for any president in the USA and I've committed to do this for the rest of my life. Why should I care about a country that doesn't care about me and is an extension of israel?

After he became president. A total bait and switch tactic from this kike

I wish to play a round of golf with president trump. He seems like a pleasant man to hang around. honest

Nov 10 2016

But I didnt care the election was over he beat
that cunt Hitlery
That was enough, whatever he has done last 4 years is pretty irrelevant.

When he fucked the xfl.


opinion discarded

When he cucked for Kim Jong Un.

My Great Grandfather fought in both WWII and Korea, so for him to say "He's a good guy, we're very good friends" is an insult considering our past and current relationship with NK. His policy and actions towards North Korea changed my support to an extent.

MIGAtards will seethe at this, but fpbp

Jared Kushner is behind everything rotten in this administration

So we're better off with Trump nuking NK and starting a war with China so that you could fight in the trenches like your grandfather?

I haven’t.

For nufags and old boomer fags. Optimism is for chumps.

>implying he ever conned me

That's what you got from me saying that I disagree with him calling Kim Jong Un a good guy? By that standard it's either kiss Kim's fat ass or nuke North Korea. You're misconstruing what I'm saying.

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This, it was immediately apparent from his cabinet and other appointments that he was just returning or calling in favors for his buddies. Then when they didn't fall in line with his tantrums he swiftly replaced his appointments until they bent over and sucked his dick like good goys.

When he put the dirty Jew Kushner in charge of things

Do we have "faith" in President Trump? Of course. Yet perhaps it's more than that, it's something called trust. As in: "In God we trust."

When I saw Home Alone 2 as a kid... what a toxic Lysol douche that guy is.

Being surrounded by Jews. Letting them whisper in his ear.

When he fired Bannon and gave Kushner power

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sent bombs at Syria because of a false flag at the behest of Saudi Arabia.

Never had any to begin with. Wanna ask me who I’m voting for 2020?

When he literally suggested blowing sunshine up people's asses to prevent corona. At this point he needs to step down. He isn't capable of handling a crisis this large. We need leadership. We needed somebody to shut down travel before the news broke here. We need somebody to unfuck the food supply NOW.

>you scraping for anti-trump ad material?

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I gain faith everyday in this man

hell is coming
with all of its horrors
and all its glory

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Captain Faggot. That's my guess. Faggot.

you need to read this very carefully,

didn’t know you were running m8, no sadly I wouldn’t vote for a sodomite for anything other than first up on the helicopter

When his daughter got married

“Animal Assad gassed the babies”
I was done.