15000 in cash

>15000 in cash
>800 credit score
>no debt
>college dropout

Where’s a nice place to live?

Attached: AF17D7F4-466E-44AC-802E-94CFD60D94BF.jpg (4032x3024, 1.8M)

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Gary Indiana

My cornhole.



Queensland or Western Australia.

Chained up in my basement with my other toys

Honestly those are good numbers if you're young, but you get 800+ credit score with your first mortgage or second financed car. 15k in cash is, again, good if you're young. Not much if you're 30 and older.

>where's a nice place to live
Close to a good job where you can drop anchor, at least for a while

If you want to be somewhat independent some Midwest towns give away free arable land if you agree to move there

...in minecraft?


The southern states dude, settle there.

Attached: 1587776189423.gif (1024x614, 2.54M)

New Oreleans. Be a fisherman

Homes near me are around 600k

I don’t want to live in the south, though.
I might consider moving to Ohio. Cheap as fuck. The majority of my income comes from my stock investments at this point, my main 9-5 job is $16 an hour but I make about $300 a day from stocks.
Can’t pay the bills with stocks, though.

I thought Perth was pretty cool, especially the sand dunes.


In your parents basement


If you're a debtor, get killed by Corona...

Otherwise, the Ozarks or Smokies are great places.


>take 15000 in cash
>put into stocks
>1/4 blue chip
>3/4 aggressive growth petrol
you will have 30,000 in 2 months

Put 3.5% down for a nice house - just go to Hawaii

>imagine being this retarded

Yes, though most people end up giving the land back and moving away. These are small insular towns where newcomers have a difficult time fitting in. The towns know they're dying which is why they give away free land but they're also very set in their ways, which makes it hard for people who didn't grow up there to adjust.

Can I get an example of such a program?
If I’m working from home living in a backwater place wouldnt exactly be an issue.

National Socialist Germany before the war.

can i buy a house with the 21,000 i have in my account? i also have no debt and also 800 credit like OP. can we do it??

If you can find a house for sale for 21k, you probably don't want it

>Fat white coalburners
>Poor infrastructure
>Few big company headquarters
>Religious retards
Enjoy your Walmart job


Attached: ba5 (1).jpg (599x373, 30.86K)

either that, or its sold within a day