Are you awake yet user? I know it's been a long ride. Don't worry, the train is finally reaching its destination. The world's still the same. The same tricks, just with an AI algorithm controlling you. You wanna go meet girls, boom s sexually ad, and straight to the hub. All I see is a bunch of, hooked into the matrix wanna be neos. Eating all the fake redpills, and SITTING on your ass. Half of you reading this aren't even essential. Who knows if the Rona is 5G sickness, or some bioweapon boomer reducer. The MSM is so far Into disinformation, divide, and distract from all the power moves. Armies aren't training to fight other countries. They're training to fight small militias like you. Are we starting to see the picture.

Who controls the data run through the internet? Who controls the internet algorithms?
>Literally the matrix machine
>the internet control grid
>geoengineering through strategic aerosol injection
>nano tagging, and watching our every move.
>trying to link this world to higher dimensions so demonic entities can be unleashed
> data analysis that can predict and control behavior through tweaks in what sites, stories, ads, videos, ect come up to control your mood, and habits

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Other urls found in this thread: cloud chamber.html
> D-Wave's Approach to Quantum Computing: 1000-qubits and Counting!

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>The total operating budget of the LHC runs to about $1 billion per year. The Large Hadron Collider was first turned on in August of 2008, then stopped for repairs in September until November 2009. Taking all of those costs into consideration, the total cost of finding the Higgs boson ran about $13.25 billion.

Why do most political leaders support these mad scientist's. More important why do we citizens stand by while the biggest machine on earth is controlling the fabric of time, creating strategic aerosol sprays for geoengineering, and looking for the patterns in the grid to control reality.
> then the very conservative calculation for the total cost of the LHC project is $52.86 Billion.
>Studies suggest they may influence cloud cover either through the formation of new aerosols (tiny particles suspended in the air that can grow to form seeds for cloud droplets) or by directly affecting clouds themselves.
>Quadrant builds award-winning deep learning models to assign labels and generate data which enables us to train accurate, discriminative models for our customers using significantly less labeled data.
>Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it," said Sergio Bertolucci, who is Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN

The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. 2 When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss. 3 And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth

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OP is pic related

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Not a debate you absolute lowest of the Pharisees. Licking the boots of plebs. I bet you're a one post chump.

Let this be a fair warning to any shill. I will destroy with the great I AM.

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God bless you weary traveler there will be a seat by me at the Lord's table if you want it.

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indeed, we need to stop CERN, otherwise the world will be a dystopia by 2036
I too love that VN user, but you need to let go... maybe they'll make another game and therefore another season, but you're on the wrong board for that,

No. OP is not a faggot today. People have to understand the role of AI in mass totalitarian control and quantum research. Literally only dumb people fail to visualize the implications.

Shhhh the board must still be sleeping.

If this isn't enough information, I'll drop my load for ya.

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>If this isn't enough information
You haven't said anything meaningful. You like the implication that it will set off some biblical apocalypse like your video games.
We have happening threads every day. A comet was supposed to explode the Earth today.

Thank you incredibly logical user. Some people haven't heard Gordie say Dwave quantum super computers sound like a heart beat or worshiping an alter to an alien god. All Satan can do is imitate God.
Satan=Lucifer=Ai control web.
It's the only thing Satan will never get.. Gods omnipresents

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I warned you one post bot npc halfawit cog goyboy how about you stop looking for strawmen in a field of glowfags.

I've posted enough evidence to support my claims, but I digress... Sike ya know me.

The bottom of the rabbit hole, the key to the matrix, the final redpill, the tower to babel has many names, and it has been rebuilt in Geneva, and it's called CERN. There is the obvious things, (1)that it's built on genis pouilly the location for the bottomless pit in revelation, it's logo contains three 6's, (2)and they film stuff like symmetry, angels Vs demons, mock sacrifices, and games like (3)beyond 2 souls. People still don't see this as the modern day Tower of babel. It controls everything from the (4)air we breath to the (5)gentics. This is the (6)matrix machine mixed with (7)eagle eye in shias movie. Geordie rose, head of (8)D-wave's Quantum computers is now working on (9)kindred which is building AI for the coming alien (demon) entities, his words not mine. I believe these entities are the fallen angels who fell with Lucifer, and are right now trapped on Saturn in hell. (10)D-wave is using their super computers to crack the key to unlock the abyss bringing back these trapped beings. Now is the time to accept Jesus, and put on the armor of the lord. We are accelerating faster into the end game. If you watched the(11) Joe rogan, Alex Jones podcast you now know what (clock work elves) are. Even if they are both shills not mentioning they are trying to use Cern to bring demons back from the pit. (12)These demons have been influcing all of history, and technology to their will. Look at (13)Charles Darwin, and (14)Crowley so many famous people channel these demons for knowledge and power.

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>I found that the town that the LHC complex is situated-Saint Genis Pouilly-was in Roman times called Apolliacum, the town and a temple being dedicated to Apollyon.


(3)beyond 2 souls

(4) cloud chamber.html

>The CLOUD (Cosmics Leaving OUtdoor Droplets) experiment at CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research) investigates the nucleation and growth of aerosol particles under atmospheric conditions and their activation into cloud droplets.


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>The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) project is a global collaboration of more than 170 computing centres in 42 countries, linking up national and international grid infrastructures.


Jerry and Rachel are two strangers thrown together by a mysterious phone call from a woman they have never met. Threatening their lives and family, she pushes Jerry and Rachel into a series of increasingly dangerous situations, using the technology of everyday life to track and control their every move.


>D-Wave's literal accessing of multiple-thousands of parallel dimensions, and in the words of Co-Founder, Geordie Rose, "grabbing resources" from them, manifests as what I term "Quantum Pollution"…otherwise known as; "The Mandela Effect".

9)Geordie rose of Kindred AI presets super intelligent aliens are coming to earth.


>The model numbers of the D-Wave quantum computer is directly linked to the code that it was designed to crack. Publicly, the latest D-WAVE is a 2048 Qbit machince, but in reality there is a D-WAVE 4096, and this is the machine that will crack the code necessary to release the spirits of the fallen angels & nephilim contained there in.

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>I've posted enough evidence to support my claims
You haven't though. You like to post real articles, many of which aren't even about CERN, and then extrapolate goofy biblical doomsday fantasies.

(11)alex jones - aliens are inter dimensional | Joe rogan


Machine Elves 101, or Why Terence McKenna Matters
>The back and forth
motion, or crest and trough, of this wave is represented by critical moments in
history they callnovelty: the discovery of fire, the birth of
agriculture, the creation of theMona Lisa, the invention of the steam
engine, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and so on. "Time is
a topological manifold over which events must flow subject to the constraints
of the manifold


>plagiarism is correct, then the theory of evolution is Wallace’s, not Darwin’s. Darwin, who was practically an atheist, would not have been so open to outside manipulation of his thoughs, but Wallace was not an atheist; he was a spiritualist. He always thought that the evolutionary theory had come to him from his spirit guides. Suppose he was right! The theory of evolution is a deception from the devil.


>Be that as it may, at least one such "intelligence" was brought into physical manifestation via the Magickal Portal they created. (A portal in this context is a "magickally" created rent in the fabric of time and space.) The entity that came through is the one pictured above left. Crowley maintained the picture is actually a portrait and drawn from real life. This entity either called itself "Lam," or was named "Lam" by Crowley. Either way, he considered it to be of interdimensional origin, which was the term then for extraterrestrial. In communications with Lam, the symbolism of the egg featured prominently.

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Goddamn it's late. Anyone else getting tired yet? My eyes are so heav%}}

Now let's see if you understands the story, before you start acting like you know the plot. What did the bot agency have to call into a real live tech support, because the shill s weren't working?
Now as I said before y'all bots, paid shills, and glow fags better fuck off and let us grown men, with the help of Jesus research. Go enjoy a wank in some BBC cuck fetish thread. You clearly don't belong here this is an 18 and up site

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What if they have already had contact?

>What did the bot agency have to call into a real live tech support, because the shill s weren't working?
That's what flat earthers say when they lose a debate

One post bot is a one post bot. Gives me a chance to post another sick info graphic though. You should really check out.

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>post another sick info graphic
Your idea of info is a star wars reference? You honestly think the LHC will blow up Alderaan? Okay

Uhh nice strawman case you got there. Clearly you lost the link to the thread. Here I got you Bro.

Keep Bump.. Bumpin in up!

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You didn’t answer my question.

Coronachan is about technology. They're getting kids to do school at home and on computers, some jobs might become stay at home jobs permanently, even when things go back to "normal" people will be conditioned to be more isolated and sublimate socializing with media. It's about accelerating transhumanism.

Are they like centaurs?

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Hey schlomo, just because you understand I'm right, and don't see how that reference would help normies understand, doesn't change the fact you NPC all keep creating strawmen.
>Flat Earth
>My choice in infographics
>The time.
Fuck of and come against my theory clowns. I'm starting to think you all are schizo and need meds.

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>I'm starting to think you all are schizo and need meds.
Now we see your true colors

It’s that and solidifying control over businesses. Not many small businesses would survive a economic shut down.

Get a load of this shill. Why do you always get into these threads about AI and technology being used to control mankind? Can you actually type the word "God"?

No but they use to create them back in Babel times..
Fuck off with your distractions, and off topic bull shit. I can take on all the unintelligent scum on this bored. In done, fuck y'all self centered, egotistical, twats.

I can see how even some of the discipline s sat back while Jesus was being drug through the mud, tortured, and ridiculed.

Even anons who agree with me can't even support me, let alone a bump.

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>Can you actually type the word "God"?
God, Yahweh, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit
No problem