Hates Jews

>hates Jews
>worship a jewish god whose son was a literal rabbi

Why do christcucks do this?

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shill thread is obvious bait

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Go read the apocryphon of John. The Jews worship a retarded demon and Jesus was sent by the actual most high God. This was widely understood until the Catholic Church fucked everything up.

And Jews worship a Zoroastrian god, moron. Learn to history.

Synagogue of Satan

We invented god. All christcuck books are basically fan fiction.

Anyone who believes in the Jew Carpenter myth is already borderline-retarded. Therefore, you cannot expect to find internal consistency within their ideologies.

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Christians are degenerate monkeys.


Google the quote. I dare you.

>low IQ goyim worshiping a jewish god
your success depends on this charade

>The story goes that many of the tin miners in Britain at the time of Jesus’s alleged advent were Jewish, which is sensible since British tin-mining was evidently highly valued by the Jews’ Phoenician predecessors and cousins. One such miner was purportedly Jesus’s “uncle” Joseph of Arimathea, who, along with Jesus, allegedly founded the first Christian church at Glastonbury.

>The Druidic inhabitants of “Glastonbury Lake Village” were highly skilled woodworkers and carpenters; hence, their god was a woodworker and carpenter named Yesu/Esus/Hesus, long prior the Christian era. When one understands the brotherhood and its priestcraft, it is not surprising that Judeans who purportedly lived in the very heart of Druidism–the fabled Avalon itself–and who would know about the future Druid savior and other doctrines, would return from Palestine with tales that “the” Messiah by that very name had been born in Judea.

>The Levites were originally Irish Druids, not "Jews" as we know them.
-Michael Tsarion /The Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume 2

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>christian identity
how did you get parole so early? Made a deal with the FEDs?

It's afraid.

Also Bertrand Comparet ftw

> biblical and secular proof disproves CI
Ci is the truth, prove me wrong nigger

Tldr: The Irish are kikes.

They are descendants of the Biblical Tribe of Dan

Professor Max Duncker, in The History Of Antiquity (I:456-466), gave fascinating details of a two-fold land/sea Exodus as told in an ancient Egyptian account:
>[Hecataeus says,] “Once, when a pestilence had broken out in Egypt, the cause of the visitation was generally ascribed to the anger of the gods. [Editor’s Note: The Ten Plagues are called a “pestilence” in Exodus 9:14-15, and were indeed caused by YEHOVAH God!] As many strangers dwelt in Egypt, and observed different customs in religion and sacrifice, it came to pass that the hereditary worship of the gods was being given up in Egypt. The Egyptians, therefore, were of opinion that they would obtain no alleviation of the evil unless they removed the people of foreign extraction. [Note: This “removal” is the Egyptian appellation for the Exodus of Scripture.] When they were driven out, the noblest and bravest part of them, as some say, under noble and renowned leaders, Danaus and Cadmus, came to Hellas [Greece]; but the great bulk of them migrated into the land, not far removed from Egypt, which is now called Judea. These emigrants were led by Moses, who was the most distinguished among them for wisdom and bravery.”

>“Even among the ancients some considered that the [DANAAN] settlers who arrived [in Greece] from Egypt were at any rate not of Egyptian descent, but adventurers of SEMITIC race, who, having been expelled from Egypt, had some of them turned towards GREECE” (Antiquities Of Greece, p. 12).

> An Irish Historian, Thomas Moore, stated that the Tuatha de Danaan (i.e. Tribe of Dana), "after sojourning for some time in GREECE... proceeded from thence to DANMARK and NORWAY".

sage in all fields

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>We invented god. All christcuck books are basically fan fiction.
hmm not sure he sees it that way

I wouldn't waste my time, your ideology only attracts the least common denominator.

> I-I can't goyim
kek get rekt kike

Centuries worth of indoctrination will have legendary ramifications on the offsprings of European nations. Most people lack critical thinking skills so they will grow up believing a myth and spread that myth to their children continuing the cycle until an enlightened skeptic breaks it.


...jews dont believe in the new testament

Jesus would never say bad things about the Jews as a whole like that. In context, he’s talking about Jews that turned away from the original teaching.

You lost it when you degenerates kept sacrificing your baby's to baal and worshipping other Gods. Then you killed his only son. He has broken it with you, and now you worship the teachings of the rabbis, than the teaching of God. You are also subverting Christian nations into degeneracy. God have mercy on you because you have the whole worlds blood on your nations hands.

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>jews pretending they don't hate christ

>claims to hate jews
>cuts off the tip of his cock because a Jewish demon told him to

Nice pulpil, cryptokike

Was written by a kvetching jew who got expelled from Rome for subversion.

>Hates Jews
>Aesir is Norse pantheon
>Aesir derived from the word Ashkenazi
why do pagans do this?

Lmao literally all early Christian literature was explicitly against circumcision. Only retarded modern Israel first heretics cut their dicks. Unfortunately for the average mouth breather the Catholic church declared early Christianity as heretical and said everyone had to start worshipping the Jew god

Jesus himself was circumcised. Paul goes back and forth about being pro and anti-, but most anti-circumcision writings are from Paul

Shlomo get in the noose.

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You both too get in the noose. But you commie get in the heli

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Too bad the Catholics declared Marcion's copies of Paul's Epistles as heresy and had them all destroyed. Apparently they were quite different from what survived with the kid fucker proto zog church.