Which one will you play?

Which one will you play?

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>get paid to make threads
>make this

Trump has slowed down. Either he is being slowly poisoned or the pressure has aged him 8 years in only 4. He is for sure slower and less assured.

Biden on the other hand seems totally gone. When you had Hillary Clinton rumoured to be sick back in 2016 it wasn't something which gained traction amongst independents, left and right.. but with Biden it's so apparent that everyone is commenting.

I feel it's going to be damn close. But if Biden is the next President I can see him stepping down after a year and his VP (Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton) will be forced to take over.


Sorry your god king is a rapist, user. Luckily he wont be in office very much longer.

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To be perfectly frank, if I was an American, I would vote for Trump. Your country's already in the middle of probably the worst artificial partisan conflict ever, and flipflopping yet again is just going to lead to a colossal breakdown and yet another decade of "blame the last guy".

Only a bigot cares about color

They're both puppets regardless bro.

Dumbest analysis I've seen of american politics in 5 years bravo

The Democratic party is such a bag of collosal fuckups. How the fuck do you put someone as out of it as Biden as your nominee?

You mean like a group of organisations funding/supporting their political candidate so they can dictate from the shadows?

And so I imagine that Trump's puppet masters would be Israel?

That's okay, we all know this is just an aftershock from the Obama administration.

>video game reference
fucking christ another betaboy leftist meme

kys centrist!

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I want to unlock the corn pop character.

You would be wrong then. Its far more some shadowy group of kikes would support neocon biden for 4 more years of what they got under obama.

If i was american i would just don't vote, i never understand the point where is one or another. Just don't vote for ziocon, and why you don't have a nationalist third party ?

>spam literally the same image with no variation
>it's not even funny, it's just a ripoff of stale wojack/pepe memes from 2016

Pictured: OP at his workstation

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You're pretty spot on, I don't know what that faggot was talking about.

This is, however, Trump is best choice now and was in 2016.

Lol and why is that? If they're both rapists, why not vote for the one that's already in office? I thought you were saying we shouldn't or should vote third party or some other gay shit like that?

I may not agree with all of red jew's policies, like when he made it illegal to criticize Israel or the holocaust in schools, but what blue jews want to do is so much worse. I'll be damned if I vote for blue jews in 2020. I'm voting red jew stay mad discord trannies.

Trump. Lefties easily forgot what Congress was like before him because the media has given them a big target to focus their ire on. It was a gridlocked mess that existed to suck its own cock with an approval rating lower than herpes. It still is, and the only approval rating boost it received are Trump centric--how much you love or hate him. Not much has changed. Trump was punishment for that.
Dems still need punishment. The choice is obvious. Fuck them.

This is some boomer retard tier levels of shitposting

Whichever one gives the least money to Israel

I don't believe Trump has any puppet masters based on his relationship with the mainstream media and how his image is projected.. unless he is simply playing his part.. but that requires more assumptions so I tend to lean towards that being unlikely.

Just don't vote, i don't understand why americans all still play that game.

you don't have even a micro nationalist party ?

I really hope you get paid to post. If not, you're just retarded, and that's sad.

Both. I just want that feeling back. That shit was awesome as a kid.

I'll wait for yellow since it will inlcude all the pizza gates in one game. Or whatever pokemon analogy makes sense. Anal ogy, nailed it.

Yeah letting moshe and tyrone make all the decisions will show them whos boss.

Really miss it bro. Miss those time. Shits changed so much since being a kid the internet went from shit alow to fast and usiful to stupid shit with click bait since internet was mad accessible to normies via smartphones

>flipflopping will lead to a colossal breakdown
Yeah, I'm sure switching to Biden from trump would be a "colossal breakdown" you moron. Us politics isnt a video game you sperg.

>wtf no I need any justification to vote for my colored team that I can get
Migapedes, ladies and gentlemen

You cold be a real gamer and wait for Yellow version to come out.

Why wouldn't anyone want to be that. I just play games. Its not my life lol