Why is it even called 5th generation? Pentagon's decision not to fix supersonic speed issue with F-35C defeats jet's very purpose.

A US decision to limit the F-35C's supersonic flight capabilities instead of fixing an issue that increases the risk of tail damage
will put a strain on pilots and deal a huge blow to the fighter's combat power, analysts warn.
The F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) – a Pentagon agency responsible for developing and acquiring the F-35 fighter jets –
recently revealed that a specific construction issue could cause damage to the Navy F-35C jet's tail section if it flies at supersonic speed for a long time.
However, it said that this was "not worth fixing," mostly due to the high projected costs of a revamp.

Instead, the JPO said the jet's very ability to fly at such speeds would be reduced to short bursts.
The US media already noted that such changes would severely limit the F-35C's ability to intercept airborne targets – something for which a fighter jet is specifically designed.
In addition, it is also expected to negatively affect its maneuverability in the event that it needs to a avoid a missile or survive a dogfight.


Bwahahahahahahaha........ LMAO
And you fuckers making fun of Russia or China.
Look in the mirror.

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How many times are you gonna post the same exact thread faggot?

Evening edition, faggot.

>tfw the jade cuck is still not operational
kys chang

Are you ashamed of American technology or angry that your tax dollars being wasted left and right.
Maybe both.....lol

Btw, are you a jannie here?

how's the weather in China?

Isn't it just hilarious that Chinese/Russians make these threads?

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why are meme flags not banned?

>Pentagon's decision not to fix supersonic speed issue with F-35C defeats jet's very purpose.
the purpose was to line MIC pockets with taxpayer cash, it served it extremely well.

i knew this fighter was going to suck when they were still in competition with boeings jsf version. too many moving parts

who gives a shit lol
>also memeflag
saged and hidden

>why are meme flags not banned?
Hi newfag. Let me educate you, you brainless burger.
Read/Study this....

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>F-35 sux!!!
>Source: Russian state media

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Damn, the CGI wasn't half as good 40 years ago.

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>>Source: Russian state media
Here we have another brainless burger.
>The F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) – a Pentagon agency responsible for developing and acquiring the F-35 fighter jets –

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It's an overpriced decoy. It's meant to bleed money from military "allies" and to convince enemies to waste time developing similar prestige tech which is already entirely irrelevant.

You don't need a manned stealth fighter to kill muslims and it can't do anything a hypersonic drone couldn't do better.

That's what RT is, retard.

lol lurking for 3 years and never knew this

Nobody cares about your gay ass fucking thread whether it’s AM or PM.

Also I could give a fuck where my tax dollars go because they’re my tax dollars for a reason. I pay them, so it’s up to me whether or not I like where they go. It’s not up to some Russian SVR botnik to decide for me.

I believe this.

Via Lockheed and Pentagon corruption, this project is a money laundering scheme. It’s designed to fail forward. Majority of tax payer contract money goes in exec’s pockets the rest given to project.

Meanwhile in China. Lockheed had sold off/gifted stealth technology to communists. Deepstate killed all defense projects to allow China to rise in global power, with new aircraft carriers, stealth technology and AI.

Communism will be launched against the west. And the F-22 & F-35 will fail our pilots, by design. Hell, I would bet money the US military industrial complex gave China access to everything used to protect the country.

Armatard is that you? Show us you flag and then fuck off back to /k/ where you belong.

This makes me want to suicide.

>talking shit about the f-35
Hey armatard can you post any Russian or chinise elephant walks please? I can't seem to find any

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Nah we are fucked. America will lose against China and Russia. These little fuck ups with cost a catastrophe. It's all coming to an end. user is right. The world is ending and America has lost its edge. But why even use weapons of war? China invented Covid19.

Oops wrong picture

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Nice propaganda chang.

Here's the real truth:
>your entire army is 5" tall
>your navy's tonnage is 1/4 that of the USA
>you have no aircraft carriers
>your airforce is outdated and tiny compared to USA
>you have no real stealth, electronic warfare or battlefield co-ordination aircraft
>your drones are ripoffs
>your army is infantry heavy (this is a bad thing)
>your weapons are cheap and badly made
>your entire military have nearly zero veterancy and zero experience fighting a real war

On top of all this weakness
>you've pissed of the ENTIRE planet
>all of SE asia hates you
>America and the west hates you
>SEA + ANZ would probably beat you on it's own
>USA would crush you in a conventional war in a heartbeat
>USA would crush you in a nuclear war in a heartbeat
>USA would crush you in a space war in a heartbeat (LMAO GLONASS)

And the truth about the western forces
>The average western civilian is taller, larger and stronger than your soldiers
>The average western soldier would have at least a foot on average on top of your soliders
>Western Soldiers are hardened veterans from 20 years+ of constant modern warfare
>The West actually has force projection.

You're a joke chang, go rattle your sabre more you paper tiger turds. It's all COPE to deal with the fact that you've revealed to the world how much of a shitfight your overpopulated third world nation actually is. In spite of every bit of propaganda you've put out, some retarded gook in Wuhan eating bats and pangolins like a fucking medieval peasant who believes in magic has proved to the world you're still a bunch of ignorant fools just getting out of the dark ages.

Enjoy your financial collapse post coronavirus as the entire west reconsiders every deal it did with you over the last 10 years. Feel free to come attack too cunt, all of Asia is waiting to fuck your braindead nation to death.


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anything with a pilot in it is outdated and inferior. fuck off

there wasn't anything to discuss the first time. kill yourself.

maybe no one gives a shit or wants to deal with trolls?
maybe both.....lol

btw kill yourself.

study this: kill yourself

As an american i am really ashamed to see what this nation has become. The way we handle corona virus, the way we drop behind to every country in technology only proven that we are just a 3rd world country.

Just came here to laugh at /k/ucks seething

>and the west hates you
Except Canada, that's where all the chinese officers will run and hide.

Fun fact: Comey was an Exec. for Lockheed leaving his cush job to work for Hussein administration. Costliest project ever, and its single minded goal was targeting Russia missile defense systems. ...aka they really wanted to pick a fight, so their pet project didn't get "flushed".

F14 Tomcats were also shitcanned under obama, and nearly A10's as well.

Barry Hussein wanted to topple the military by feeding the porker projects.

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Neat theory, but no. The purpose of this was to be a cheaper F-22 with multi-role capabilities for all branches that use fixed wing fighter aircraft to save on production and maintenance costs. The technology for such an aircraft doesn't currently exist as they found out. So they ended up with several variations of the same aircraft for different roles rather than several different aircraft performing those same roles which is what we currently have. They banked on this aircraft's theorized ability to have a very low cross section on enemy radar, have similar maneuverability to the F-22, the ability to engage targets beyond visual range, and be cheaper to produce than the F-22 and eventually all other produced fighter type aircraft. None of this has panned out. Although the aircraft is stealth, modern enemy radar can still pick it up. Older radar can pick it up. Radar from back in the 70s could pick up the F-117. Stealth tech is over hyped and armies that actually know what they are doing have no trouble downing stealth aircraft. The F-35 has about the same maneuverability as an F-15 without the speed which is sad considering it was supposed to take on the role of an air superiority fighter. In an actual dog fight, the F-35 has sever blind spots. The pilot can see the enemy aircraft perfectly due to the state of the art camera system, but can he maneuver to engage the enemy like an F-22 pilot can? Absolutely not. The only way this fighter was intended to engage enemy aircraft is beyond visual range with missiles. These missiles are not reliable. The F-14 had a missile that could engage targets beyond visual range as well. The missile was better than what was currently used just up until recently. The Iranians are the only ones to ever down enemy aircraft with it. In fact, the only two we ever launched at targets were duds or missed entirely. Basically, you have a very expensive missile launcher that's a sitting duck once all those missiles are fired.

you're on overdrive tonight

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You build a product and show it off, not to use for your own purposes, but for other countries to purchase.
Usually that will be a huge upgrade to the purchaser's fleet.
You will now have a military advantage over an ally.

Your brain is for you to use, not abuse.

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