Fell for the prepper "its happening" meme

>fell for the prepper "its happening" meme

what the fuck do i do with over 100 cans of tuna i got thanks to you sons of bitches? I dont want to eat tuna or sardines for the rest of my life.

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in two weeks the deenz supply chain will break down and you'll be a lucky guy

Donate them to a food bank you dumb ho.

tuna tuesday op. once a week have a tuna sandwich.

All I see are

Two weeks

Give them to a local food bank. Others need it more than you

100 cans ? the rest of your life ? are you a midget ?

Protip: don't stock up on food you hate.

Tuna everyday, man I'd kill. Croque monsier

Depending on the way the meat supply chain goes over the next couple of weeks you might want to hold on to those for a while.

Get rid of them. Than in July you can come back and complain that you don't have any tuna to eat because you got rid of them thanks to us. Whoever here hasn't starved to death by then will mock you for being a mush-headed idiot that can't make his own decisions.

Dude that shit has a shelf life of like 4-5 years. Just eat one can every two weeks.

well thank god you didnt get tuna with oil. that did me in in 2 cans. Try adding honey and cashews into a bowl with the tuna. I did that and it was great.

Just dump a can in your underwear each day after you get dressed. Chicks dig it, thinking you’re half tranny and will just want to listen to their problems.

No one needs that many gains

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try making tuna sriracha paninis or etc

youll get through em


build tuna tower

this is why you only prep food you'd want to eat even if there wasn't a happening

>doesn't want to eat /DEENZ/ for the rest of his life

Lift motherfucker, LIFT

Might I suggest pic related.

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>30g protein/100g
Start bulking


before this nonsense, id have tuna sandwiches every weekday of a week like every month or two. particularly when i know it's gonna be a stressful and labor-intensive week.

Trump just signed an executive emergency order
to prevent supply chain collapse by giving the meat packers whatever they need to keep production running

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You dipshits better be careful of the mercury in that delicious gainz shit


>100 cans of tuna
>2 year expiration
>life is over because one can of tuna a week

Whats your SSN I'll come get them.

Still hard to say how things are gonna be, so just be glad you have what you have.

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i have boomers so god damn much. aspic and the like is so disgusting

I just mix in mayo and eat it with chips. It's a nice snack. Plus pretty cheap and calorie dense

Adopt a cat.

Easier to ration in a SHTF situation if u only have food you hate.
>picture of nigger tapping his head

Yeah I'm getting pretty sick of sardines/tuna/corned beef/pâté/reheated frozen toast/pasta with jarred sauce/white rice/peas/white beans in tomato sauce

Bruh, are you a fucking idiot? Read the fucking news. There's a very strong chance that meat shortages are coming down the pipeline because of factories shutting down as well as the mass culling of pork and poultry supplies because they can't get them to market. I'm going to make another run this week and top off my meat supply just to be safe.


Food shortages are coming man.

ive only got one can of corned beef hash left. thats my treat.

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pic related user?

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i ate all my tuna, all i've got left is lentils and flour.

>what the fuck do i do with over 100 cans of tuna
eat it


That's too funny. A hundred cans of tuna. Do you have a cat?

This, unironically.

We're not out of the woods yet, first of all, and secondly, it was not about apocalyptic prepping as much as anticipating the normie panic and the disruption it's still causing.

If you ran out and bought a bunch of shit you'd never normally buy/consume, yeah, you fell for the sucker interpretation of events. That's not the same as stocking up, the sane response of most people who kept informed by the then-sane cvg threads.

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>Read the fucking news

Hm, no. The news is owned by demoshits.

You bought into the larp.. sad

Eat a can a week.
Tuna has high levels of mercury so it needs to be spaced out.

Gyms closed, missing gains

Where? In the park? I'm not black

Tuna's better for cutting

1 can of tuna a day is safe. Been eating that daily for 2 years. 100 cans = 100 days.
Also OP is a fag

I have 3 or 4 left and 2 days ago I flushed half a can down the toilet because I couldn't take it anymore and Ieft it over night out of the fridge. Quite a mess
I swear the first thing I do on this May 11th is to hit the fucking food court at supermarket.

Release them back to the water

Nice may is in 2 days and the navy just released the ufo videos. We may be right on track.

>eating canned tuna
I wouldn't eat any seafood farmed in the industrial effluents of South East Asia. Especially not Tuna.

if so, tuck off. we don't take kindly to midges around here

I get that, but this is actually pretty good. I always liked the lime Jell-O with shredded carrots. Three kids and one income, you economized.

Add celery, still great. Green olives, now the ice is getting thin but okay - not bad at all, as it turns out.

Admittedly, the tuna was a real test of faith. But it works.

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>leaving out the literal word "inject"
fake news

That’s why dines are supreme

Put them in a bowl and add mayonnaise and stir, it's delicious.

You should throw them all away because America is back to normal. Dont bother reading about the food supply breaking down or stores closing. It's all fake news

>didn't bought salmon
why would you even ''prep'' stuff that you don't like? and lol' for sardine fags.

and still complaining about prepping when there is news about coming food shortages in US, quarantines and a fucking bgd depression

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Tuna has mercury in it so you can only safely consume 4 cans a week.

eat it. it's not like it hurts you to have some extra food around too.

Pro-tip: Don't stock up on tuna. It's got a bit too much mercury and it's unenjoyable to eat too much of it. It's not something that should be considered prime prepper food.

-Hot Tuna Macaroni casserole
-Mash with minced garlic and onions, stuff into mushroom caps, bake with cheese on top
-cold macaroni salad (tuna celery mayo)
-Sriracha Tuna tacos

I love tuna too

eat them over time, get creative