I Yas Forums, babyboomer here. I just fucked a 23 year old girl (and no, not an ugly one). Yes...

I Yas Forums, babyboomer here. I just fucked a 23 year old girl (and no, not an ugly one). Yes, I had to take viagra first because I'm hella old, but whatever.
I think the more important point is that that 23 year old girl wanted to fuck ME rather than you pansy ass zoomer faggots. She CHOSE me and my 69 year old viagra dick over you gay, fortnite playing, penis-loving, emo-dressing, socialist homos.
What does that say about you?
What does that say about me?
What does that say about baby boomers vs millennials and genz?
I could see by the look in her eye she's never had a real man before. That is, of course, until she had me. Then it was BOOMTIME.

That's when it occurred to me. You millennial and genz men are such weak ass pussy faggots, that now your WOMEN are turning to your GRANDPARENTS for The Good Dick. You're just too incapable.
And this girl isn't the first either. I've fucked many girls in their 20s while I'm in my 60s. Not paying for it. Not begging for it. I'm just guy that's kept fit and made my way in the world. Why can't YOU do it? You sit and whine about "muh socialism" hahahahaha. You faggot. I built my own house on an empty patch of land. Dug a well. Put in septic. Rebuilt my deck about 1000 times. Everything that needed to be built or fixed I DID IT MYSELF.
NOBODY GAVE IT TO US. You PANZIES expect everyone to GIVE IT TO YOU because you're weak.

Well, now its ME, Mr Big Bad Boomerdick, GIVING IT to your women.

I think that this trend of young girls banging boomers is going to grow. I think WE are going to have to breed YOUR women. The NEXT generation will be a mix of BOOMER and genZ. Hopefully that way we'll be able to reset the gene pool and the awful cosmic mistake that was millennials and zoomers. Keep whining about socialism, I'll keep fucking your girlfriends.

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You fucked a hooker, okay

>No pics
Into the trash it goes.

>still feeds into monkey tier ego trips
>thinks this is a good thing
Never change, humans.

How much did she cost?

Age gapped relationships are creepy and always involve damaged goods on both sides.

Might be creepy, but I'm 32 and my gf is 19. I feel kind of weird about it, but it's legal and hey, she wants to fuck me all the time. Works for me.

that’s ripped not jacked

This is the boomer equivalent of loser niggers spamming BBC threads lmao

>t. manchild beta loser who couldn't handle a woman in his age group so he got a little girl to actually feel like a man

BBC = Baby Boomer Cock.

Op kys you larping faggot


Dont feel weird about it I'm 36 married to a 26yo that i met at college when we were 30 and 20 yo. Dont let people hate or give you shit because you're not dating an older damaged woman that won't be able to give you lots of children. Much love to the both of you

No eggs detected


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Slow down pop.

In 2020 we call what you banged trannies.

Probably best to grab a quick shower, amirite, pop?

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shut up grandpa, you're drunk again

This is some funny larp shit, bump.

Yes, you are a degenerate boomer.

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Bitch, I'd skullfuck you.

>Then it was BOOMTIME.

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Do you REALLY want an agewar, young man?

Gave a man who is now 65 my life from the age of 22 until very recently. Best man ever great cock 10/10 would recommend. Still great friends will get married if I can't find a suitable millennial white boy to breed me.


"Ladies" still advertising on Craigslist OP "dates?"

zoomer men are mentally ill, low test, depressed/mentally ill, and feminine faggots this doesn't surprise me. and i'm a zoomer myself (1998)

I can buy a hooker too.
They're super cheap these days because they're all desperate for work.

Now that's some quality shitposting.

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All I take from this is that you can't build a deck worth half a shit

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