Should i get a job at McDonalds cause im a NEET right now who lost his job cause of COVID? I dont really want to work there but i might be out of options.
Should i get a job at McDonalds cause im a NEET right now who lost his job cause of COVID...
Imagine the smell
If you were in the US I'd say Amazon as they're paying $17/hr and hire you literally off the internet, but no idea what it's like to work in an EU facility
Could you not find a german mcdonalds pic with white women so you had to use a swedish one?
what about a night shift at a grocery store?
Why would you want an obligation to go out in public during a worldwide outbreak of lung herpes?
>a night shift at a grocery store?
lmao imagine thinking grocery stores here are allowed to be open at night. imagine being american and having this way of thinking. i couldnt imagine.
Get a job. Any job. As we progress through the year, jobs are going to get harder and harder to get. Get one now and worry about getting a better one later.
>Night shift at a grocery.
Why would a grocery store have a night shift haha
Why not. It's not as bad as they say
;_; s-stocking, guys.
For weirdos like me who buys snacks at 2am on a Friday night
How do you think they stock shelfs especially when its hard to stick them with hugh demand items being sold fast. You dumbass. Come on dude.
If you lost your job because of covid then why dont you have unemployment?
night shift at grocery and other retail is actually better because you don't have to deal with customers desu
These sperg know nothing about grocery stores and the OP is lying about needing a job
McDonalds really isn't so bad. Go for it.
There’s an early shift that begins at like 5-6 in the morning but there’s no fucking night shift in grocery stores, there’s night shifts at the central warehouses for the stores where everything gets shipped out but not at the stores, shit gets shelfed in the morning and during the day. Most of the world doesn’t function as retarded as america.
No working for this system is a waste of time and entirely. fraudulent.
Did somebody say buy Bitcoin a few weeks ago. Look at the price faggots when will my people realise they can free them selves from this economic slave master.
Needs diversity. Send one Indian male there and see all blondes hovering around him
it is pretty much illegal for companies to force workers to stock shelves at night retard. we have workers protection laws you know. all stores close at 10pm LATEST as well. not a single store here is open at night except for some fast food restaurants somewhere or gas stations. working at night isnt a thing here bud.
It's illegal to hire only women.
Money does not bring you women.
This is a meme created by the banking cartels to make men work for a system to support their power.
But ive been a poor man and now I am a rich man. Women want love not money.
Best thing I did was get hired at the railroad here. Benefits and pay are great. Also, we have one of the best retirement plans in the country. Idk if it’s as good in Germany, but the job itself is enjoyable.
Not sure about other countries but a lot of McDonald's (or Burger King/KFC/Subway/etc.) franchises here in France will get pretty fucked because of the restaurant ban. Some corporate-owned stores will also likely be considered to close I think. So getting job even in McDonald's after this shit sounds like a joke.
Look into working at your local State Farm office
>Why would you want an obligation to go out in public during a worldwide outbreak of lung herpes?
Probably because he wants money to pay for food or rent.
Nice sex fantasy pajeet, everyone knows you're natural autistic beta males
>Women want love not money.
I wanna be where you live, sounds like heaven.
White people working at McDonald’s?
Ive had women on the floor begging me to stay when I've had exactly -$0.54 in my bank account as a poor student and again when I am a NEET.
Gold diggers exist but only SIMPS play around with these sorts of women.
In fact you can't tell if a woman loves you or your money so just keep it a secret.
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