This was back in February. How come it didn't work to stop coronavirus if your "God" is real?
This was back in February. How come it didn't work to stop coronavirus if your "God" is real?
Let’s see, we we hearing 20% deaths. Lockdown or die, millions dead.
Looks like the scenario improved to people trying to maintain hysteria over a flu equivalent.
Because God isn't a fucking dog that does tricks when you trigger him with a prayer. We pray to Him because we better fucking do it. Maybe he'll help, maybe he's fuck our world up if we don't because we turned our backs on him.
Let God’s will be done
Bruh. If I give you a Gold would you GTFO outta here?
I don't believe in a Individual like God but I do respect what the homies believe.
Friendly reminder that God has a command for all those who wish to follow him.
> please, god, give us more power and everyone's money
> shut it down, they know!
Praying for victims isn't the same as praying the virus stops you utter fucking faggot
This is why Jesus said not to pray in public.