Does marijuana make people autistic?

Does marijuana make people autistic?

Surely rewiring their brain so much cannot be good for a person.

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No, but it fucks with their Anandamide receptors similar to what porn/videogames does with dopamine.
Most heavy marijuana users become extremely anxious and depressed when they aren't high.
Many have major anxiety attacks and some commit suicide.


Probably empirical but can also corroborate

If you're condemned to die soon wouldn't you smoke a little green ? Gtfo with this christcuck tier shit

if you take some old man who never smoked and give him weed does he turn into a fedora atheist and start ranting about the man,
or is it just people who started smoking when they were dumb teenagers who it makes dumb?

>drugs r bad mkay
wow, hot take there user

If autism is being cognitively high-strung, compulsive, overly orderly, thinking rigidly, etc., smoking weed makes you LESS autistic as it "loosens up" everything in your cognition by relaxing you and making your thinking and feeling more dynamic

>Does marijuana make people autistic?

No, it makes them obnoxious. And the entire "weed isn't addictive" point all potheads try to make is fucking bullshit of the highest magnitude. We asked a friend of ours not to get high because we were going to a get-together at someone's house and little kids would be there and the parents didn't want that shit around them and he almost had a full-blown fucking metldown, worse than any alcoholic withdrawal I've ever seen and I've seen a few.

And isn't it amazing how every pothead has a steady 6 figure income and a condo in the Caymans? Every pothead who argues in favor of this shit on the internet is living proof that marijuana in no way inhibits one's ability to achieve great things. Hell, you'd think there'd be AT LEAST one fucking loser in the bunch .... but nope, they're all high power executives, apparently.

In moderation it's arguably better than most controlled substances. Abused it causes a huge range of health problems. I have over 20 years with that monkey on my back. When I do smoke I don't even get high it's a mild head change with some pain management. What it does cause is brain fog and slowly increasing aggression. I take breaks to help with it but there's no reset button for cannibinoid receptors. Even though I smoked more than any person should I can still get shit done. Anyone who drank the equivalent alcohol to my hobby would be dead or on deaths door right now.

It made me autistic but it was for the better.

>Reefer madness bullshit in 2020

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shut up faggot

It’s an escape from reality; which means, some people can’t deal with reality so they rely on substance abuse in the hopes that reality will fix itself, which it won’t. It really makes people stupid and unreliable after awhile. There’s no such thing as a functioning stoner.

2nd one. Proof being weed is effectively legal and there are many new old smokers.

Replasticizes the brain, and since I know you faggots don't even bother to look up words you don't know the fucking meaning to before replying to it. Plasticizing in this context means it makes the affected area younger in that it is no longer as rigid in the connections involved and made.
inb4 reefermadness faggots with their anecdotal, hurr durr the people I know who smoke pot are X and so Y and my experience has to be your experience too hurr durr
NPCs gonna NPC

Typical potfag rebuttal. No substance, just anguished lashing.

You're experiencing the heightened aggression of years of blown out cannibinoid receptors and being extremely dopamine deficient. That's the other bitch over time is your body produces less dopamine from the constant spikes from smoking. The only way to heal is up to a year of abstinence or more. Coming from someone who had periods where I was smoking close to a half a week all I can say is ignore them and let them find out later they missed out. They can deal with the introspection the next time they get a buzz for 15 minutes.

As someone getting off that shit right now, all I can say is that is creates a real fog for day to day cognitive function.

It makes you so complacent. Days meld into the same and you end up just doing stupid shit like watching movies and playing games all night.

Does it make people autistic? No. Don't be a fucking idiot.

Weed doesn't cause autism, vaccines do.

I just quit 4 days ago and have no symptoms. You're retarded.

No definitive source, just a theory that combines some proven facts about anandamide, heavy marijuana use, anatomical knowledge, and anecdotal evidence from heavy users.

Yes, but temporarily. Weed makes autistic people "normal" but temporary. I don't know why.

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Constantly smoking duuuuuude weeeeeed lmao cant be good. Same with drinking constantly. Or dropping acid every day or drinking five gallons of coffee a day.









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Some people react differently. I get dependent on it quick, and if I daily smoke, even for a week, then I get withdrawals for around 3-4 days. It's not that bad as far as addictions go but it's still a shit 4 days.

It has made me feel autistic. Makes you feel all awkward and shit at big gatherings. Even when I was younger and loved it I could not smoke before school, everything down to how my classmates acted looked like a shitty high school movie.

what you should be doing is
>play sports
>listening/playing music
while doing cannabis. you have to do something specific, and hopefully something physical that requires quick-thinking, improvisational skills. i just don't get tried when i play sports or music and i'm 30+

Smoking marijuana after I went to the gym every day had me solidify 6 day routine for nearly a year with maybe one extra day I took off for some extraneous reason. Only reason I stopped is because my gym shut down. It can be a powerful tool when handled appropriately given it is relatively harmless (NOT NON ADDICTIVE OR COMPLETELY HARMLESS) compared to essentially any other drug with equal levels of intensity.

Weird how some things are good for a certain group of people and not for another. It's like everyone is different or something.

Anyone who has issues from using weed either has an extremely low anxiety threshold or issues with impulsive behavior. It's maybe 10-15% of those that smoke multiple times every day, which is already a small subset. Very few people will have a negative experience if they decide to dude weed

Lol, I only know rich pot smokers.

Im an everyday user (not heavy but i keep the habit) and i only get anxious when i get high.