My uncle just died in the hospital from COVID-19...

My uncle just died in the hospital from COVID-19. My aunt is also in the hospital and she might not make it through the week. Both grandparents are starting to show symptoms too and if it really is COVID-19 I don't think they'll make it. That's four family members in one fell swoop.

I'm writing this because I used to be a denier, now that I've seen it firsthand I can no longer say it's a hoax. I urge anybody who is thinking of going outside or wants to protest that you deeply reconsider doing that. I know people have lost their jobs but those won't matter anymore if everyone around us is dying.

We're not losing our liberties, in fact, by quarantining ourselves we are gaining one of the most essential rights, the right to life

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>source: trust me bro

just a flu bro lol bro lol bro

- conservative inc

Gonna need a source on this one shill

nah, just kys faggot

I've seen this pasta posted multiple times over the past month shut the fuck up globo

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oh this is terrible. until i read this, i was thinking that the virus was a hoax!

They're old. They've already had children and grandchildren. They have had plenty of time to hand down their knowledge if they were ever going to. The only loss here is emotional.

what are the symptoms exactly, since none of these threads ever show any pics or videos

Hope they left you in the will

why do you keep posting this trash?

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>sees something that he disagrees with
"I need a source bro"

>sees something that confirms his bias
"fuck yeah fuck the jews man"

They don’t show pics or vids because in real life, nobody’s first thought after losing a family member is “I’m going to post on Yas Forums to disprove all those conspiracies”. These threads are always fabricated.

Also checked and all fields

I am not a nothingburgerer
I think covid is actually a real disease that is killing real people.
But this is the second time I’ve seen this exact post with this exact wording.
Really gets the noggin joggin

I wonder who could be behind this post?

>i've got 40 family members all on ventilators
seriously guise

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a former denier flew over my house

I don't give a fuck about your family.
Scared? Stay inside like the homo that you are.
I'll be outside living my life as if nothings changed.

Will they allow your family to retrieve the body for a burial?
I did see that Jewish people are getting that opportunity. See articles about the “just a bit too large” funeral this week in nyc. I doubt they’re just allowing Jews to do that, worth asking.

fake and gay. next

It's not fake but it is overblown a bit. I'd still wear a mask given how highly infectious it is. I don't want to spread it to family. I know 2 older people that are family friends that have died from it, 50s and 60s.

How fat are they

Thanks Bill Gates. By the way, we know your wife is a tranny

Me too user, I don’t now how we can get our fellow anons to take this seriously but we have to try. I’ve lost seven grandparents in just the past two weeks. I didn’t think it was real until it was just too real. If we don’t stay home and exclusively order from Amazon were literally going to be responsible for the deaths of our entire family.

i lost lol

Seen this thread thirteen times, Anons. Sage and move on.

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Spixas has no say in any matter. What a worthless fucking thread.

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fake and gay. for every one you know, I know two that also think you're a fag

>pretty much telling a terminally ill person to stay inside on his last days on earth because someone you know died, lol


You don't have to chose between outright denying viruses exist and locking everyone up in their homes indefinitely.
Yes Wuhan Flu exists and kills people, but a hard lockdown is never acceptable - under any circumstances.

I wish this was true, it would mean a whole family of pozzed NPC faggots would be right click deleted in one go

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Imagine dying from a flu.

>1 post by this ID

Remember everyone. Family is the most important thing you have in the world and on the right it is our duty to defend it unless the economy is hurting then it's time to kill gramps

>If we don’t stay home and exclusively order from Amazon
That's one thing that gets me. Fags yell at you for going to the grocery store but they're perfectly fine with touching something that's gone through multiple delivery drivers and warehouses?