/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3536

► Detected: 3,220,229 (+2,045) ► Died 228,223 (+193) ► Day: 112 (-20:50:00)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 4,098 strains have been sequenced —

[YouTube] [LIVE] Coronavirus Pandemic: Real Time Counter, World Map, News (embed)
[YouTube] youtube.com/watch?v=wTYLxCUOUGc

WARRING CANNIBAL RATS emerge in US cities as food production crashes from Covid-19 closures

Florida ordered coroners to stop releasing coronavirus death data: report

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

Study claims genetics explain 50% of difference in symptoms

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Coronavirus may lurk deep in lungs after patients recover, study suggests

Self-reported symptoms of covid-19 including symptoms most predictive of SARS-CoV-2 infection, are heritable

The long-term persistence of SARS-CoV-2 and its ability to maintain infectivity in aerosols for up to 16 hours

Virus binds to ACE2 like SARS, first route found

Type "A" blood more likely to catch virus than "O"

Several "mild cases" actually suffered permanent lung damage

Virus can go undetected while reproducing more than SARS

Remdesivir does not speed up recovery from COVID-19 compared with placebo

CCP notice to destroy or send them coronavirus sample vials

▶ 6 new cases and 2 new deaths in Australia
▶ 28 new cases in Guatemala
▶ 5 new cases and 2 new deaths in Yemen


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Other urls found in this thread:


>3220229 infected
>228223 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little pandemic won't cause an extinction level event

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>Recovered virus patients retest positive due to 'dead' virus fragments

>As of Tuesday, a total of 277 people who recovered from COVID-19 have retested positive here, according to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC).

>They said that apparent reinfection cases came because fragments of the virus remained in their bodies and showed up in test kits.

>The experts said this PCR test is so sensitive that it can still pick up parts of the small amount of RNA from a cell even after the person has recovered from COVID-19.

>"RNA fragments still can exist in a cell even if the virus is inactivated," they said in a press release. "It is more likely that those who tested positive again picked up virus RNA that has already been inactivated."

>The committee further said it is virtually impossible for the virus to be reactivated unless the COVID-19 virus causes chronic infections.

Source: archive.fo/Ub7xQ

>Dead: 228,681
lol, still only 228,681.
How many days has it been stuck at 228,681? Four days? Five days?

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Mass graves

/comfyhours/ are here.
Just a query to all you late night lads. Given the current developments and knowledge known both inside and outside of /cvg/, on a scale of 1-10 how fucked do you think the situation is both worldwide and in your own country? I'd particularly like to know the opinion of fellow Brits, I'm thinking Glasgow and Edinburgh are gonna get quarantined individually if we open back up.

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>>The committee further said it is virtually impossible for the virus to be reactivated unless the COVID-19 virus causes chronic infections.
So that hasn't been ruled out yet.

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Some shit everyone should look into. China - venezuela - iran connection during gorona chan:

How (((fake news))) and other world wide globalist jewry and glow niggers try to sabotage trump and prop up maduro, iranian government and help china.

Quarantine boredom is reach all time highs

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Reminder that banana republics will be the first where SHTF, despite having less Corona cases

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My neighbor might be infected.
Stupid bitch always chats with the deliveryman.


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Bo.op poster - Based or cringe? I'm starting to like the guy.

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Lads I got heavily sick around November/December along with my girlfriend. Not the worst I had ever been, once I had a 104.7 fever and almost had to go to the hospital.

However, ever since I got sick last winter I've had a phlegmy cough. In February it really flared up but it's been slowly going away, but it's not fully gone. No stuffy nose or anything, breathing is totally fine, but several times a day out of nowhere my throat is filled with mucus and I have to cough it up.

Really hoping that the intentially deployed bioweapon across all countries thing isn't true.

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8/10 for the world ,natural selection/10 for my country

World changing but not world ending if you know what I mean. Corona-chan is here to stay and given what is known and how limited the treatments options are at the moment things will change.
Large gatherings, sports stadiums filled with people, even shopping malls will not survive. Doing things outside will be fine but anything inside will have to be dealt with somehow unless a vaccine really does work or they can develop a good prophylaxis.
The economy on the other hand is broken. The damage was done long ago but Corona-chan the straw that prove the camels back, so to speak. How that is going to be fixed is beyond me.
Globalism needs to die but the kikes are going to try to put humpty dumpty back together and its going to get messy.

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>"Sweden is handling this pandemic so well guys!"
>have to dump chicken shit in the park just keep the Swedes inside

Might not be gorona but if you've had a phlegmy cough you might wanna check for lung cancer or TB or something.
I got really sick in February, took a few days off uni because I had no energy, tight chest etc. But it was only for 2 days and I was right back at uni. Was like a bad cold.

I think you need to stay in your containment thread.

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Sven predicted this.

Now that the pandemic is over where will anons be going to eat first? my first choice is KFC

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Theres 2 domanite starins of corona. ST4 and ST1. ST4 is the one that Europe is dealing with. Most cases in NYC came from Europe. So if that is true it'll mean that NYC has the ST4 strain. Is it safe to assume ST4/European strain is more lethal? After all California has ST1 but is not hit as hard as NY

So you know how I was sperging out about the contact tracing app last thread? Well, turns out the program is being used in connection with the Clinton foundation, who is hiring an "army" of contact tracers to find people who may be infected.


Most likely

Pretty high scores when compared to daytime hours, although that is prime shilling hours so I don't know what I really expected. What makes you score so highly?
I get what you mean, I'm in the same boat. Its going to kill a lot of people if it infects 80% of the population and I'm not sure social distancing will just be axed like that. I think the only country going full scorched earth style on that is the United States, I reckon you'll see the economy fully crumble after your numbers shoot right up.

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lmao they don't have cops



The absolute state of nothingburgerfags lol

>Now that the pandemic is over

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Funny thing is I always imagined the world would end up like this. With people wearing masks because they couldn't stand the air, earplugs because they couldn't stand the noise, and sunglasses because they wanted to see less of the world that they live in because it's the only thing they knew in their lives.
Just tht instead of social discomfort now it's just a mortal disease.

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Fitting that (((gary))) does this.
>muh zio don MIGA

Autistic niggers needed in the thread mentioned above.

>walpurgis night

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FUCK Dr. FUCKY!!!!!!!!!!

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The US is going to be a stress test on the power of illusion/propaganda.I am curious at what point will it the people finally break or if they will even break.
Everything is broken at a fundamental level but so many people want to play the old game and I wonder if they can just meme it.
I doubt it but it will be fin to watch

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Fuck you slave

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Yeah, but it would have no reason to mutate in cats as it does in bats. The bats have insane immune systems which is why it could theoretically mutate so much worse in bats.

It's a part of it.

Yeah, for now I'm going to focus on new information from the article about it seemingly being different strains in most countries and how ADE could fit into it, or rather, that's what I'm gonna talk about here, I'm still going to keep digging into the rest.

You're right. I wonder also if the new strains could potentially be less transmittable, which would explain why areas with less popoulation density even close to major outbreaks aren't hit as hard.

It's not the party in power, I'm saying that the people who had relatives in the nursing home, if they thought they were responsible for killing their own parents, and could've prevented it, as the world is looking now they would crash.

Just as an aside, the video says they will track, remove, and isolate those that have been infected or perceived to have been infected "in a safe and dignified manner"

The media has been lying about the virus since the start. They have to double down & attack those who want freedom

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I think every person has their specific point. For me and I imagine most people here it was quite early on. The week I got emailed from my uni saying it was closing until further notice I wasn't going in, nobody I knew was going in given what we were reading.
It will indeed be fun to watch, but fuck I have no idea how the US is going to look next year.

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6 for my country because there's a serious threat but it can be handled, 7 for the world because there's a very probable chance millions will die.

I love you guys

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>implying Musk is not a CIA asset
>implying the kikes are not playing both sides

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No you dont, no one loves me :D

>/comfyhours/ are here.
Comfy doesn't even begin for like three hours.
>on a scale of 1-10 how fucked do you think the situation is both worldwide and in your own country?
There's no way to stop mass deaths without the globohomo worldwide debt pyramid scheme collapsing, and its collapse will 100% lead to globohomo-orchestrated wars to reinstate it just as has happened many times in the last few centuries, so I'd say about 9. It's a pretty good happening so far, but it'll get even better.

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>you sound ridiculous

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Most of the human race is cucked by a combination of covid and personal debt


rundown on the japanon last thread something to do with hivemind?

>>The committee further said it is virtually impossible for the virus to be reactivated unless the COVID-19 virus causes chronic infections

About that

I think it's a 9/10 everywhere, 10 being an ELE.

We as human beings invested in a corrupted foundation for how we structured society since at least the creation of the federal reserve and the consolidation of power and therefore reach of government. Turning us into ants that cohesively work as a hive while being a k-selective species was a fatal flaw. All decisions made by humanity should be made very carefully with time and concrete solutions to all potential issues arising even 1000 years in the future. To have the divine spark and play god without being an immortal god is our curse and blessing, and the short lifespan of a human paired with grand intentions was our downfall.

Self-suffiency led isolated populations of humanity through multiple catastrophes, but forcing through power and technology the linking and dependency of humans across entire globe invites disaster.

Those who are able to be totally self sufficient will survive and inherit the earth, along with a few with enough ingenuity to make it through the coming famines and wars.

>What makes you score so highly?
For worldwide the whole economy is just in a fucking mess that's going to take decades to recover.
Locally, we've been dealing with constant inflation for the last fifteen years and the government intervention is likely to cause an economic disaster, riots, lootings, much like Venezuela and Lebanon. Prisoners are being let free while people who violate the quarantine go to jail, dollar costing 130, gibs that are taking longer each day, the state making it illegal for companies to fire people and regulating prices, normalfags memeing about looting. The powder is set, it just lacks a primer.

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>that jew immediately jumps in

I could see Canada still pulling through given their leadership. Don't agree with quite a lot of your countries policies, free speech and all, but at least you've not put your head in the sand.
Comfy has been at 4am for me for months lad, although I've got memeflags filtered so maybe I'm not seeing the low quality.
Interesting take though.

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George Washington was the first /cvg/

that or eternal lockdown

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Watching the speed of the threads drop as the American nothing burgers go to sleep is astounding.
Never before have I seen so many people desperate to convince themselves that everything is normal.
Well except for this guy that was blessed by Corona-chan

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>muh freedoms
they are taking away your fucking freedom because the average citizen is too retarded to follow the measures to make sure they don't get infected

Like Lebanon? Poor poor Lebanon user.

Hey /cvg/
so these two faggots have been shilled here hard
but have you guys done any real thinking about the agenda they're putting forth?
You know besides get back in your cage wagie? I've been thinking about it a lot. I'm thinking they're going to try to memory hole corona-chan once they reopen. It's actually the perfect virus to do so, same symptoms as a flu, they can go on denying that people are getting sick from it once they open things up.

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