ITT, post your flag with the ideology you support

ITT, post your flag with the ideology you support

Attached: 1565366390678.jpg (1200x800, 99.85K)

That is a shitty flag.


Attached: 4ECD9347-08FC-4262-93D6-D3FEB16868BB.jpg (550x446, 53.62K)


Attached: Hunting Club in Nazi Germany flag.png (1920x1147, 236.05K)

I like it now get off our titty

Oh damnchecked

Checked. Based neo tribalist.

Attached: 1583986175745.webm (1440x508, 1.75M)

is there a version of this with sound?

yes, our country will collapse soon

Attached: mmu9g494b0xx.png (1999x1333, 64.12K)

anal in the ass

Attached: 764576547654765476547.png (1920x960, 38.91K)

Gaullism is pretty based desu

Attached: KTR9873.png (1200x800, 2.65K)

Puerto Rican Fascism?

cool and also checked!

Attached: Come get some.jpg (900x600, 101.9K)

Attached: AUSNS.png (1200x720, 52.22K)

FYI I'm just ironically shitposting PST I'm not actually communist :^)
Don't arrest me please

Well I want a theocracy so... guess we're already there. The cross in the middle is a reference to Christianity AFAIK, the story goes that the flag was sent from God during a battle to bring us victory

Attached: Denmark.png (340x226, 1.19K)

Name a party that's even remotely close to fascism in this shithole.

Pro-tip: You can't


Attached: MsF9zFPr2rmVb-GFnGWFPhfeWoMLkWLD_6dr7K8A6IY.png (1000x667, 31.6K)

Attached: 51BAqybhUML._AC_[1].jpg (500x300, 27.01K)

>no blue
Get a load of this subhuman.

You are not helping us.

England literally just inverted our flag, give it back REEEEE

Why is distributism a dog with a torch? Corporatism with elements of distributism would be the best economic system.

we invented your flag, nice try cuckmark


Attached: images-1.png (535x275, 827)

There we go, that's what I'm talking about.

Based and Belloc-pilled.

Captain America begs to difer

Attached: 1567089594759.jpg (412x365, 29.74K)