It’s time we take these lands back from the invading niggers. They belong to us!
/NAG/ Native American General /NAG/
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We are all one race the human race
Shut the fuck up you fur trading bitch!
Fuck off my land Cletus
I'm 1/8th Cherokee may I join in. live few miles from reservation
You look like one of those alcoholic Sioux niggers. East coast pride ooowaaa oooooowaaaaa oooooowaaaaaaaaaaaa
im 12.5% native does that count?
can i scalp the white man even though the rest of me is white.
Here I was thinking we were brothers! Meet me on the night of the highest moon ad the black mountain river. I will bring honor to my peoples. Come prepared.
Welcome to my tribe, brother user.
I've only known one actual Native American IRL. All of the rest of them just claim to be native while being 1/6th at most. They generally look like any other white person. I feel bad for natives because this is one occasion that Yas Forums was actually right. They've quite literally been racemixed out of existence in most of North America (barring areas south of the border).
I accept your challenge old nigger feather. I shall bring the knife my Cherokee great grandma stole and used to stab a guy with. It is honored in our family
Haha look guys the wildlife learned our language
Cherokee girls kinda hot desu I would dirty up my DNA for her. Pic related
>prairieniggers can't stop scalping each other for long enough to team up and take down the white man
Second verse, same as the first
I hate wasichus, theyre loud as fuck, they smell shit, and they blare country music at two in the morning
The French and British traded furs, you nigger.
Now you know why we say race mixing is bad.
Honestly Europeans and Indians mixed. So desu the land is ours either way. Our ancestors on both sides fought each other and fucked each other and had us so idk why these cuckavists say give us back our land it's ours oooowaowaowaowaowa when it's fucking ours as well u dumb ass u just have a little bit more than us. They have European in them aswell so what tf they gonna do? Cut the French out of them?
ah it feels good to inherent the roots of my ancestral family
From here on out my name is no longer European from here on out you will all know me as MATOHOTA or for you filthy non natives
>Grizzly Bear
Mi'kmaq if you fuckers must know.
That's Mongolian throat singing, its.
Fuck yeah this land belongs to us native Americans! FUCK THESE FOREIGNERS
Ive seen alot of full indians that can pass as white
It’s 100% dependent on how much time they spend outside in sunlight.
During the winter I can 100% pass as a “white” Spaniard or italian.
But when spring rolls around my skin is already like the picture I posted
They aren't full Indians, user.
Top one is my shit.
Bullshit, fag.
I'm 25% native american, but it's all from my moms side and they are straight up cuckoo. My mom left my state(CO) to stop paying child support when i was 10, and i've only talked to her a few times in the last 20 years.
my grandma and grandpa both had native blood i think, but grandma is a crazy cat lady and grandpa killed himself before i was even born and for sure had alcohol problems. I've never cared enough for free handouts so i rarely tell people i am native but I would really love to know more about my history because most people just call me jose when I 100% do not have any family from mexico
Your people are scattered ,broken and diluted. Their is no hope of you retaking the Americas because you never controlled them in the first place you were just on the land. I feel bad for you
They're not, faggot. You can still see full blooded natives in Central and South America and they look like Asiatic people but they're usually dark skinned due to how much time they spent in the sun.
Is correct.
You know absolutely nothing.
i’m a nigger, can i be in the tribe
Your fight is against mexicans now. Good luck, you'll need it.
>They're not, faggot.
No you're right, no one in my family is full blood.
Even though that doesn't matter much.
>Central and South America
Not native Americans.
Stop with this meme.
Jackson was truly the greatest American President of all time.
Why can't we go back to that time and kick out all the other nonhumans?
What group has a larger birthrate than whites?
Face it, as white as I am it's funny seeing white American get the same treatment as natives.
Its like history does repeat itself.
>/general/ thread for a dead race
>Not native Americans.
>Stop with this meme.
Can you mothercuckers confirm if Nagoshi are real? Asking for /x/.
>It’s time we take these lands back from the invading niggers. They belong to us!
But unironically
man how fucked would this general be with a 1 drop rule. thats like what, 2 of you.
I know more than you think , I've lived and worked around your reservations my whole life and I know you well. My first wife was Navajo and they are they only true natives left in America except some smaller tribes that keep traditions.