>bro just sit in a cube for 45 years
Bro just sit in a cube for 45 years
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>Bro if you don't slave for me then you're a parasite. Stop looking for handouts and do what I tell you.
I would unironically be ok with a stable salaried cube job with benefits for me and my family
>thinking capitalism expects him to just sit in a cube. Bro, you're expected to move up. Sorry if you've been cucked into thinking that if you make all your marks and get another degree, THEN you will be considered for that position NEXT year.
Like, what is ur alternative? Parents? Inheritance? I am literally curious how the NEET survive and live with themselves.
I fucking hate it. I’m going to be a manager next year and be pulling a nice salary but it’s soul crushing. My goal is to pay off all of my Jewish debt owners and then open my own business. Fuck I want to escape this shitty life but I have to provide for my family. What do I do bros?
I lived the NEET life for two years and it was fantastic. My family is very wealthy and I had bourgeouis purposelessness.
I am a wagie now but would go back to it if I could. I don't understand this "live with yourself" mentality. Who actually wants to work? I have things I would rather be doing. What am I contributing to society writing useless software for a faceless entity? Even if I am helping why the fuck would I want to contribute the shithole of the USA? It's all a big joke.
Don't give up! Don't you give up! Why are you quitting there! Just try a little bit harder. No, no, no, don't give up. Think of all the people around you and the people cheering you on! You're almost there! Look at me, it's -10 degrees and I'm here harvesting Asiatic clams! You have to just try! You will surely accomplish your goal! That's why you should... NEVER GIVE UP!!
Why do that when you could do this?
antisemitic anarcho-primitivism gang
This. NEET lifestyle after 22 is the most pathetic feeling, I'd rather work and build something for myself then be a faggot wasting time at my parents.
buy goats
quit complaining and just suck it up
I'd love to have a job like that now.
Thanks to this fucking virus I've been laid off since April
>build something for myself
you won't do that wage slaving in a cubicle living paycheck to paycheck you fucking retard. but seems like you belong in this exact scenario since you're apparently normie tier IQ
Absolutely based. Posted that video in my exam group in uni and no one replied :,)
What cube?
What kind of job did you work that fired you? If you have 正社員 status it should basically be impossible for your company to fire you unless they’ve gone bankrupt.
I’ve done it, but do have about 50% travel involved. It’s horrible. Make 230k, great health insurance. 120% match to 401k. At a company that still does pensions and will get about 900k from that at retirement in 10 years. 401k with about 2.3mil. Checking normally has > 100k for misc. 5 weeks paid vacation a year. It really sucks. Would rather be getting government bux and hope for disability or social security. Oh yeah, forgot to add the few thousand a month SS I get forever at retirement too. Call me a wage slave bitch.
user how do I become an asiatic clam hunter? Does it pay well? I wouldn’t mind living on a boat and harvesting fish, it sounds fulfilling as long as I make enough to provide for my family.
>implying not working is any fun
i work because I tolerate my job. the money is an added benefit
How many people actually work in a cubical?
Cubes are dope
His son has to Match quite a big shoe
I want to live in the American southwest and be homeless
bro just follow your dreams and don't have kids social status is everything
Was this German humor?
Most cubicle jockeys are debtors. So, they can either sit in their cuck-icle and pay back their endless Hebrew loan amounts or they can go get offed by coronavirus.
I'm honestly losing my mind waging. My blood pressure has spiked recently because work and I have trouble sleeping. I wanted to quit in April but thanks to the chink flu I'm stuck. Suicide is the only way I see out
Can your family uproot and start clamming it up with you? If not steer clear
Everything I enjoy doing is either illegal, or requires so much documentation and controls and other shit that it's not worth it to get "legal".
And I refuse to give myself any more mental illnesses dealing with shitty people for a paycheck.
id pay 50 dollars american to sit in my cube tomorrow.
fuck this hoax
What ist humor? Nono Clowns have big shoes you know