My bf is retarded libertarian who values GDP over nation and cultural achievements. I can't even listen to him, cringe every time. He is uncapable of recognising basic arguments on chinks inferiority. HELP. How can I make him believe that culture and nation are more valuable than temporary economical peak of China.
How can I redpill my bf on China
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Fuck his brains out and then after he busts up in your larping ass you mention pro white family ideas
Sounds like a relatively easy task. Inside every libertarian is a natsoc trying to get out.
He values individual freedoms, small government, and free trade. Non-whites are all overwhelming against these values.
Point out everything that China does and the totalitarian nature of their society. Fundamentally, he is supporting a regime which destroys personal liberty to achieve that economic growth, which is the antithesis of what a libertarian believes in.
China was and is a great nation still, however, Communism and the totalitarian CCP has turned China into a slave nation.
Get a boyfriend that's already redpilled on China, there are plenty out there and that cuck isn't worth your time.
I thought faggots weren't allowed in poland. Redpill him on how you both are ruining your country and then move to San Francisco.
Can't be too picky if you're a tranny
Not a tranny, just hetero girl
Well, maybe I would, but this came out too late, so I already fallen for him and I want to make him a better person in terms of politics
Nice proxy, faggot.
Even better, fuck his brains out and pull out and slap his dick while screaming CHINA right before he busts.
This. I realize that China is humanity's last stand against the post-WW2 world order. Date me ;^)
just kidding you'd just turn our kids into tranny fucktoys for refugees LMAO
Show tits or GTFO, yes I know.
get a new boyfriend
Tits or GTFO (or OP is a fag)
>Not a tranny, just hetero girl
You know the rules and so do I.
show areolas or GTFO
Show him ur tits
Then tell him chinks are faggots and if he doesnt agree tell him he will never see ur tits again.
Then show us ur tits
you! bean flicking, monthly bleeding, gash having, attention seeking, resource swallowing, back stabbing, divorce raping, lower iq threshold having, cunt!
What the fuck
Time stamp them tits
You feeding like a whole batalian of kids?
gross. you've got pancake areolas which make your boobs look like a rotten banana peel or some south american tribal woman's breasts.
Tell him a TRUE libertarian would not accept china violating thr NAP and that hes a statist pig
Literally the opposite of libertarian motherfucker
Dump his ass
She has fat chick tits. The tits of a fat chick
>supports China
>Nigger tits
Into the trash it goes.
libertarians are retarded.
Anyone with that many inconsistencies in their political philosophy is
Well they're not mine. The rule is to post tits, you didn't say they're have to be mine.
The problem is, he would do anything to weaken the west (Poland is not the west for him) and doesn't see a problem with violating any international agreements or an ethical stances if they are not fitting chinks agenda, which he sees as the ultimate enemy of the evil west.
based lol